Begin3 Title: ksermon Version: 0.3.1 Entered-date: 31-DEC-1998 Description: ksermon is an system-utility to watch the activities on a given serial port. The current state of the TX,RX,CTS,RTS, DTR,DSR,DCD and RI lines are shown by some kind of LEDs. Furthermore, the current TX/RX transfer rates are visualisized using bars and within an osziloscope (this is nice to analyse the transfer characteristics). Additionaly, the count of received and transmitted data since program start is displayed. Keywords: graphical serial line monitor, Qt, KDE, serialmon Author: (Bernhard Kuhn) Maintained-by: (Bernhard Kuhn) Primary-site: ~100k ksermon-0.3.1.tgz Alternate-site: ~100k ksermon-0.3.1.tgz Platforms: Linux 2.0.36 or Linux 2.2.0-pre1 with GCC-, Qt-1.40, KDE-1.0 and serialmon-0.23 Copying-policy: GPL End