PACKAGE NAME: angband-3.2.0-i586-1vl70.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./games PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1794 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4820 K PACKAGE MD5: 2e6c8ab0528dee5b262753d3440cd3f8 ./games/angband-3.2.0-i586-1vl70.txz PACKAGE REQUIRED: SDL >= 1.2.14,atk >= 1.32.0,cairo >= 1.10.2,cxxlibs >= 6.0.14 | gcc-g++ >= 4.5.2,directfb >= 1.4.3,expat >= 2.0.1,fontconfig >= 2.8.0,freetype >= 2.4.4,gdk-pixbuf2 >= 2.22.1,glib2 >= 2.28.1,glibc-solibs >= 2.13,gtk+2 >= 2.24.1,libX11 >= 1.4.2,libXau >= 1.0.6,libXcomposite >= 0.4.3,libXcursor >= 1.1.11,libXdamage >= 1.1.3,libXdmcp >= 1.1.0,libXext >= 1.2.0,libXfixes >= 4.0.5,libXi >= 1.4.1,libXinerama >= 1.1.1,libXrandr >= 1.3.1,libXrender >= 0.9.6,libglade >= 2.6.4,libpng >= 1.4.5,libxcb >= 1.7,libxml2 >= 2.7.8,ncurses >= 5.7,pango >= 1.28.3,pixman >= 0.20.2,svgalib >= 1.9.25,zlib >= 1.2.5 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: angband: A roguelike dungeon exploration game based on the writings of JRR To angband: lkien angband: angband: angband: angband: angband: angband: License: GPL2 angband: Authors: angband: Website: