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Find the correct model in the list when a wrong model or "Raw printer" is highlighted. DrakBackup Daemon Report DrakBackup Report Details FTP connection problem: It was not possible to send your backup files by FTP. - Burn to CD - Daemon, %s via: - Delete hard drive tar files after backup. - Options: - Other Files: - Save on Hard drive on path: %s - Save to Tape on device: %s - Save via %s on host: %s - System Files: - User Files: Also printers configured with the PPD files provided by their manufacturers or with native CUPS drivers cannot be transferred. Backup Sources: Drakbackup activities via %s: Drakbackup activities via CD: Drakbackup activities via tape: If you have an ISA card, the values on the next screen should be right. If you have a PCMCIA card, you have to know the "irq" and "io" of your card. Mark the printers which you want to transfer and click "Transfer". Please check all options that you need. The "%s" and "%s" commands also allow to modify the option settings for a particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command line, e. g. "%s ". The "%s" command also allows to modify the option settings for a particular printing job. Simply add the desired settings to the command line, e. g. "%s ". There are %d unknown printers directly connected to your system There is one unknown printer directly connected to your system This special Bootstrap partition is for dual-booting your system. Warning Please read carefully the terms below. If you disagree with any portion, you are not allowed to install the next CD media. Press 'Refuse' to continue the installation without using these media. Some components contained in the next CD media are not governed by the GPL License or similar agreements. Each such component is then governed by the terms and conditions of its own specific license. Please read carefully and comply with such specific licenses before you use or redistribute the said components. Such licenses will in general prevent the transfer, duplication (except for backup purposes), redistribution, reverse engineering, de-assembly, de-compilation or modification of the component. Any breach of agreement will immediately terminate your rights under the specific license. Unless the specific license terms grant you such rights, you usually cannot install the programs on more than one system, or adapt it to be used on a network. In doubt, please contact directly the distributor or editor of the component. Transfer to third parties or copying of such components including the documentation is usually forbidden. All rights to the components of the next CD media belong to their respective authors and are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software programs. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard allows you to install local or remote printers to be used from this machine and also from other machines in the network. It asks you for all necessary information to set up the printer and gives you access to all available printer drivers, driver options, and printer connection types. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer or connected directly to the network. If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also your network printer(s) must be connected and turned on. Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the auto-detection of network printers when you don't need it. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer, connected directly to the network or to a remote Windows machine. Please plug in and turn on all printers connected to this machine so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also your network printer(s) and your Windows machines must be connected and turned on. Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the auto-detection of network and/or Windows-hosted printers when you don't need it. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer. If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer. Please plug in and turn on all printers connected to this machine so that it/they can be auto-detected. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome. The parameters of the auto-install are available in the sections on the left All of your selected data have been Successfuly Restored on %s Restore Configuration / between elements | selects | next screen (Default) (Make sure that all your printers are connected and turned on). (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., 1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...). Erase Now Error while sending mail. If the desired printer was auto-detected, simply choose it from the list and then add user name, password, and/or workgroup if needed. enter `void' for void entry on LPD server "%s", printer "%s" on Novell server "%s", printer "%s" on SMB/Windows server "%s", share "%s" on device: %s"Menu" key%d comma separated numbers%d comma separated strings%d minutes%d packages%d seconds%s BootSplash (%s) preview%s formatting of %s failed%s is not in the scanner database, configure it manually?%s is not installed Click "Next" to install or "Cancel" to quit%s not responding((This) DHCP Server IP(already added %s)(module %s)(on %s)(on this machine)), , %s sectors, TCP/IP host "%s", port %s, USB printer #%s, host "%s", port %s, multi-function device, multi-function device on HP JetDirect, multi-function device on USB, network printer "%s", port %s, printer "%s" on SMB/Windows server "%s", printer "%s" on server "%s", printing to %s, using command %s- pci devices: this gives the PCI slot, device and function of this card - eide devices: the device is either a slave or a master device - scsi devices: the scsi bus and the scsi device ids/File/-/File/Save _As/File/_New/File/_Open/File/_Quit/File/_Save/Help/_About.../Options/Test/_About.../_Delete/_Expert mode/_File/_Help/_Options/_Quit/_Refresh/_Report Bug/dev/fd0/dev/hda/dev/hdb1 MB1 button1 minute16 MB16 million colors (24 bits)2 MB2 buttons256 colors (8 bits)256 kB3 buttons32 MB32 thousand colors (15 bits)4 MB4 billion colors (32 bits)512 kB64 MB or more65 thousand colors (16 bits)8 MB<-- Del User<-- Delete<-- Edit ClientNOQS=> Notice, a label changed: %s=> There are many things to choose from (%s). A graphical environment with user-friendly set of applications and desktop toolsA library which defends against buffer overflow and format string attacks.A printer named "%s" already exists under %s. Click "Transfer" to overwrite it. You can also type a new name or skip this printer.A problem occured while restarting the network: %sA tool to monitor your logsA valid URI must be entered!ADSL connectionALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %sAbiwordAbortAbout HarddrakeAcceptAccept userAccount Login (user name)Account PasswordAcross NetworkActivates/Deactivates all network interfaces configured to start at boot time.Adapter %s: %sAddAdd Client -->Add User -->Add a moduleAdd a new printerAdd a new rule at the endAdd a userAdd an itemAdd this printer to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPAdd to LVMAdd to RAIDAdd userAdd/Del ClientsAdd/Del UsersAdding printer to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPAdvancedAdvanced ConfigurationAdvanced preferencesAfghanistanAfter changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lostAfter formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lostAfter resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lostAfter this is done, we recommend that you restart your X environment to avoid any hostname-related problems.AlbaniaAlbanianAlcatel speedtouch usbAlgeriaAllAll data on this partition should be backed-upAll languagesAll primary partitions are usedAllow all usersAlt and Shift keys simultaneouslyAlternative driversAlternative test page (A4)Alternative test page (Letter)American SamoaAmusement programs: arcade, boards, strategy, etcAn error occurredAn error occurred - no valid devices were found on which to create new filesystems. Please check your hardware for the cause of this problemAn error occurred, but I don't know how to handle it nicely. Continue at your own risk.Anacron is a periodic command scheduler.AndorraAngolaAnguillaAnother oneAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaApache World Wide Web ServerApache is a World Wide Web server. It is used to serve HTML files and CGI.Apache, Pro-ftpdAppendApplication:ApplyApply filterAprilArabicAre you sure that you want to set up printing on this machine? Area:ArgentinaArmeniaArmenian (old)Armenian (phonetic)Armenian (typewriter)ArubaAugustAustraliaAustralian Optus cable TVAustriaAuthenticationAuthentication LDAPAuthentication NISAuthentication Windows DomainAuthors: Auto InstallAuto Install ConfiguratorAuto allocateAuto-detectAuto-detect printers connected directly to the local networkAuto-detect printers connected to machines running Microsoft WindowsAuto-detect printers connected to this machineAuto-detectedAutologinAutomatedAutomatic Steps ConfigurationAutomatic detection and configuration of hardware at boot.Automatic reconfigurationAutomatic regeneration of kernel header in /boot for /usr/include/linux/{autoconf,version}.hAutomatic time synchronization (using NTP)Automatically switch on numlock key locker under console and XFree at boot.AutoprobeAvailable printersAzerbaidjani (latin)AzerbaijanBackup NowBackup Now from configuration fileBackup Other files...Backup SystemBackup User files...Backup UsersBackup files are corruptedBackup files not found at %s.Backup other filesBackup system filesBackup system files...Backup user filesBackup your System files. (/etc directory)Bad backup fileBad choice, try again Bad packageBad password on %sBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBasicBe careful: this operation is dangerous.Be sure a media is present for the device %sBecause you are doing a network installation, your network is already configured. Click on Ok to keep your configuration, or cancel to reconfigure your Internet & Network connection. Before installing any fonts, be sure that you have the right to use and install them on your system. -You can install the fonts the normal way. In rare cases, bogus fonts may hang up your X Server.BelarusBelgianBelgiumBelizeBengaliBeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaBooks and Howto's on Linux and Free SoftwareBootBoot FloppyBoot ISOBoot ProtocolBoot Style ConfigurationBoot deviceBoot disk creationBootloaderBootloader installationBootloader main optionsBootloader to useBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnianBoth Shift keys simultaneouslyBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBrazilian (ABNT-2)Bringing down the networkBringing up the networkBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrowseBrunei DarussalamBuild All Kernels -->Build BackupBuild Single NIC -->Build Whole Kernel -->BulgariaBulgarian (BDS)Bulgarian (phonetic)Burkina FasoBurundiBusBus identificationButton 2 EmulationButton 3 EmulationButton `%s': %sButtons emulationC and C++ development libraries, programs and include filesCD in place - continue.CD-R / DVD-RCHAPCUPSCUPS - Common Unix Printing SystemCUPS configurationCUPS does not support printers on Novell servers or printers sending the data into a free-formed command. Cable connectionCalendarCambodiaCameroonCan't access kernel modules corresponding to your kernel (file %s is missing), this generally means your boot floppy in not in sync with the Installation medium (please create a newer boot floppy)Can't add a partition to _formatted_ RAID md%dCan't create catalog!Can't find %s on %sCan't login using username %s (bad password?)Can't make screenshots before partitioningCan't unset mount point as this partition is used for loop back. Remove the loopback firstCan't use broadcast with no NIS domainCanadaCanada (cable)Canadian (Quebec)CancelCape VerdeCapsLock keyCard IOCard IO_0Card IO_1Card IRQCard mem (DMA)Card model:Cayman IslandsCd-Rom labeled "%s"Central African RepublicChadChange partition typeChange the printing systemChange typeChange your Cd-Rom! Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled "%s" in your drive and press Ok when done. If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom.ChannelCheck bad blocks?Checking %sChecking installed software...Checking your system...ChileChinaChina (Hong Kong)China (broadcast)Choose a fileChoose a mirror from which to get the packagesChoose a monitorChoose a partitionChoose actionChoose an existing LVM to add toChoose an existing RAID to add toChoose another partitionChoose colorChoose fileChoose one of the auto-detected printers from the list or enter the hostname or IP and the optional port number (default is 9100) in the input fields.Choose packages to installChoose the applications that will support the fonts:Choose the connection you want to configureChoose the default user:Choose the mount pointsChoose the network interfaceChoose the new sizeChoose the packages you want to installChoose the partitions you want to formatChoose the resolution and the color depthChoose the sizesChoose the window manager to run:Choose which services should be automatically started at boot timeChoose your filesystem encryption keyChoose your keyboardChristmas IslandChunk size %s Circular mounts %s Clean /tmp at each bootClear allClients for different protocols including sshCloseCocos (Keeling) IslandsCollapse TreeColombiaColor depth: %s ComorosComputing FAT filesystem boundsConfigurationConfiguration WizardsConfigureConfigure Local Area Network...Configure XConfigure all heads independentlyConfigure bootsplash pictureConfigure hostname...Configure moduleConfigure mouseConfigure networkingConfigure only card "%s"%sConfigure servicesConfigure the network nowConfigured on other machinesConfiguring IDEConfiguring PCMCIA cards...Configuring applications...Configuring printer "%s"...Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers...Configuring...Congratulations!Connect to the InternetConnect your printer to a Linux server and let your Windows machine(s) connect to it as a client. Do you really want to continue setting up this printer as you are doing now?Connect...ConnectedConnection ConfigurationConnection nameConnection speedConnection timeout (in sec)Connection type: Console ToolsContacting Mandrakelinux web site to get the list of available mirrors...Contacting the mirror to get the list of available packages...Content of the fileContinueContinue anyway?Control and Shift keys simultaneouslyCook IslandsCopy fonts on your systemCopying %sCosta RicaCote d'IvoireCouldn't access the floppy!Country / RegionCreateCreate a new partitionCreate new themeCreating and formatting file %sCreating auto install floppyCreating auto install floppy...CroatiaCroatianCtrl and Alt keys simultaneouslyCubaCurrent configuration of `%s': Network: %s IP address: %s IP attribution: %s Driver: %sCurrent interface configurationCurrent userCustomCustom RestoreCustom disk partitioningCylinder %d to %d CyprusCzech (QWERTY)Czech (QWERTZ)Czech RepublicDHCPDHCP clientDNS server address should be in format drive letter: %s (just a guess) DVDDVD-ROMDanishDatabaseDatabase ServerDayDecemberDefaultDefault OS?Default desktopDefault printerDefault userDelay before booting default imageDeleteDelete All NBIsDelete Hard Drive tar files after backup to other media.Delete selected ruleDenmarkDescriptionDescription of the fields: Detailed informationDetailsDetected %sDetected hardwareDetected model: %s %sDetecting devices...Detection in progressDevelopmentDevice: Dialing modeDid it work properly?Directory %s already contains data (%s)Directory (or module) to put the backup on this host.Disable ServerDisabling servers...Disconnect...Display logo on ConsoleDisplay theme under consoleDjiboutiDo it!Do new backup before restore (only for incremental backups.)Do not include critical files (passwd, group, fstab)Do not include the browser cacheDo not print any test pageDo not transfer printersDo you have an ISA sound card?Do you have another one?Do you have any %s interfaces?Do you really want to remove the printer "%s"?Do you want the BackSpace to return Delete in console?Do you want to click on this button?Do you want to enable printing on printers in the local network? Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above or on printers in the local network? Do you want to enable printing on the printers mentioned above? Do you want to save /etc/fstab modificationsDo you want to set this printer ("%s") as the default printer?Do you want to start the connection at boot?Do you want to test the configuration?Do you want to try to connect to the Internet now?Do you want to use aboot?DocumentationDoes not appear to be recordable media!DomainDomain Admin PasswordDomain Admin User NameDomain Authentication RequiredDomain Name ResolverDomain Name ServerDomain nameDominicaDominican RepublicDon't rewind tape after backupDoneDownDrakSec Basic OptionsDrakbackupDrakbackup ConfigurationDriverDriver:Duplicate mount point %sDutchDvorakDvorak (Norwegian)Dvorak (Swedish)Dvorak (US)EIDE/SCSI channelEast EuropeEast TimorEcuadorEdit current ruleEdit selected hostEditors, shells, file tools, terminalsEgyptEither the server name or the server's IP must be given!El SalvadorEmptyEmpty label not allowedEmulate third button?Enable ACPIEnable CD Boot?Enable OF Boot?Enable ServerEnable multiple profilesEnabling servers...Encryption keyEncryption key (again)Enter a printer device URIEnter a user %sEnter the directory to save to:Entering step `%s' Entries you'll have to fill: %sEquatorial GuineaErase entire diskErase tape before backupEritreaErrorError installing aboot, try to force installation even if that destroys the first partition?Error opening %s for writing: %sError reading file %sError writing to file %sError!Error: The "%s" driver for your sound card is unlistedEstimatingEstoniaEstonianEtherboot Floppy/ISOEtherboot ISO image is %sEthernetcardEthiopiaEuropean protocol (EDSS1)Every printer needs a name (for example "printer"). The Description and Location fields do not need to be filled in. They are comments for the users.Everything (no firewall)ExecuteExitExit installExpand TreeExpert ModeExt2Extended partition not supported on this platformExternal ISDN modemFAT resizing failed: %sFTP proxyFTP serverFailed to add the printer "%s" to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.Failed to check filesystem %s. Do you want to repair the errors? (beware, you can lose data)Failed to remove the printer "%s" from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.Falkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe IslandsFebruaryFijiFile SelectionFile already exists. Use it?File sharingFiles Restored...Filesystem encryption keyFilesystem type: Filesystem types:Finding packages to upgrade...FinishFinlandFinnishFirewallFirewall/RouterFirewalling configuration detected!First DNS Server (optional)First Time WizardFirst sector of boot partitionFirst sector of drive (MBR)First sector of the root partitionFloppy can be removed nowFloppy formatFont ListFonts copyFor most modern TV cards, the bttv module of the GNU/Linux kernel just auto-detect the rights parameters. If your card is misdetected, you can force the right tuner and card types here. Just select your tv card parameters if needed.For security reasons, it will be disconnected now.FormatFormat partitionsFormatted Formatting partition %sFound %s %s interfacesFranceFrance [SECAM]FrenchFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFridayFtp ServerGBGMT - DrakClockGNOME WorkstationGPM adds mouse support to text-based Linux applications such the Midnight Commander. It also allows mouse-based console cut-and-paste operations, and includes support for pop-up menus on the console.GabonGambiaGame stationGatewayGateway (e.g. %s)Gateway address should be in format deviceGateway:GeneralGenerate auto install floppyGenerating preview ...GenericGeneric 2 Button MouseGeneric 3 Button MouseGeneric 3 Button Mouse with Wheel emulationGeneric PS2 Wheel MouseGeneric PrintersGenius NetMouseGenius NetScrollGeometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors GeorgiaGeorgian ("Latin" layout)Georgian ("Russian" layout)GermanGerman (no dead keys)GermanyGhanaGhostscriptGibraltarGive a file nameGive the ram size in MBGlidePointGo on anyway?Go on without configuring the networkGraphic CardGraphical EnvironmentGraphical interfaceGraphical interface at startupGraphics card: %sGraphics card: %s Graphics memory: %s kB GreeceGreekGreenlandGrenadaGrubGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHFSHTTP proxyHaitiHard Disk Backup Progress...Hard Disk Backup files...Hard drive detectionHard drive informationHardDrakeHardDrake runs a hardware probe, and optionally configures new/changed hardware.HardDrive / NFSHarddrake helpHarddrake2 version %sHardwareHardware clock set to GMTHave a nice day!HelpHere are the entries on your boot menu so far. You can create additional entries or change the existing ones.Here is a list of the available printing options for the current printer: Here is the full list of available countriesHere is the full list of keyboards availableHere you can choose the key or key combination that will allow switching between the different keyboard layouts (eg: latin and non latin)Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your sound card (%s).Hide filesHighHigherHondurasHorizontal refresh rateHost "%s", port %sHost %sHost NameHost Path or ModuleHost nameHostname requiredHostname: HourHow is the printer connected?HungarianHungaryI can keep your current configuration and assume you already set up a DHCP server; in that case please verify I correctly read the Network that you use for your local network; I will not reconfigure it and I will not touch your DHCP server configuration. The default DNS entry is the Caching Nameserver configured on the firewall. You can replace that with your ISP DNS IP, for example. Otherwise, I can reconfigure your interface and (re)configure a DHCP server for you. I can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.I can setup your computer to automatically start the graphical interface (XFree) upon booting. Would you like XFree to start when you reboot?I can't add any more partitionsI can't find any room for installingI can't find needed image file `%s'.I don't knowI don't know how to format %s in type %sIDEIP addressIP address should be in format / PCMCIAISDN ConfigurationISDN connectionIcelandIcelandicIcewm, Window Maker, Enlightenment, Fvwm, etcIconIf you have all the CDs in the list below, click Ok. If you have none of those CDs, click Cancel. If only some CDs are missing, unselect them, then click Ok.If you plan to use aboot, be careful to leave a free space (2048 sectors is enough) at the beginning of the diskIf your printer is not listed, choose a compatible (see printer manual) or a similar one.ImageIn addition, queues not created with this program or "foomatic-configure" cannot be transferred.In some cases, the %s driver needs to have extra information to work properly, although it normally works fine without them. Would you like to specify extra options for it or allow the driver to probe your machine for the information it needs? Occasionally, probing will hang a computer, but it should not cause any damage.IndiaIndividual package selectionIndonesiaInfoInfo: InformationInit MessageInitial testsInitrdInitrd-sizeInsert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %sInsert a blank floppy in drive %sInsert a floppy containing package selectionInsert a floppy in drive All data on this floppy will be lostInsert floppyInsert the CD with volume label %s in the CD drive under mount point /mnt/cdromInsert the tape with volume label %s in the tape drive device %sInstallInstall & convert FontsInstall bootloaderInstall systemInstall themesInstall updatesInstallation of %s failed. The following error occured:Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occured:InstallingInstalling %s ...Installing Foomatic...Installing HPOJ package...Installing a printing system in the %s security levelInstalling bootloaderInstalling driver for %s card %sInstalling package %sInstalling package %s %d%%Installing packages...InterfaceInterface "%s"Interface %sInterface %s (using module %s)Interface:Internal ISDN cardInternetInternet Connection ConfigurationInternet Connection SharingInternet Connection Sharing currently disabledInternet Connection Sharing currently enabledInternet Connection Sharing is now disabled.Internet Connection Sharing is now enabled.Internet accessInternet connectionInternet connection configurationInternet gatewayInternet stationIranianIraqIrelandIs this an install or an upgrade?Is this correct?Is this the correct setting?Is your hardware clock set to GMT?IsraelIsraeliIsraeli (Phonetic)ItalianItalyJamaicaJanuaryJapanJapan (broadcast)Japan (cable)Japanese 106 keysJordanJournalised FSJulyJuneKBKDE WorkstationKazakhstanKeep the changes? The current configuration is: %sKensington Thinking MouseKenyaKernel Boot TimeoutKernel:KeyboardKeyboard layout: %s KiribatiKoreaKorean keyboardKuwaitKyrgyzstanLAN ConfigurationLAN configurationLAN connectionLDAPLDAP Base dnLDAP ServerLILO with graphical menuLILO with text menuLILO/grub InstallationLPDLPD - Line Printer DaemonLPD and LPRng do not support IPP printers. LPD server "%s", printer "%s"LPRngLPRng - LPR New GenerationLSBLVM name?LVM-disks %s LabelLanguageLaosLaotianLatin AmericanLatviaLatvianLaunch packet filtering for Linux kernel 2.2 series, to set up a firewall to protect your machine from network attacks.Launch the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound systemLaunch the graphical environment when your system startsLaunch the sound system on your machineLaunch userdrakeLebanonLeft "Windows" keyLesothoLet me pick any driverLevel %s Lexmark inkjet configurationLiberiaLicenseLicense agreementLiechtensteinLinuxLinux Standard Base. Third party applications supportLinux Virtual Server, used to build a high-performance and highly available server.Linuxconf will sometimes arrange to perform various tasks at boot-time to maintain the system configuration.List of data corrupted: List of data to restore: Listed here are the existing Linux partitions detected on your hard drive. You can keep the choices made by the wizard, since they are good for most common installations. If you make any changes, you must at least define a root partition ("/"). Do not choose too small a partition or you will not be able to install enough software. If you want to store your data on a separate partition, you will also need to create a "/home" partition (only possible if you have more than one Linux partition available). Each partition is listed as follows: "Name", "Capacity". "Name" is structured: "hard drive type", "hard drive number", "partition number" (for example, "hda1"). "Hard drive type" is "hd" if your hard drive is an IDE hard drive and "sd" if it is a SCSI hard drive. "Hard drive number" is always a letter after "hd" or "sd". For IDE hard drives: * "a" means "master hard drive on the primary IDE controller"; * "b" means "slave hard drive on the primary IDE controller"; * "c" means "master hard drive on the secondary IDE controller"; * "d" means "slave hard drive on the secondary IDE controller". With SCSI hard drives, an "a" means "lowest SCSI ID", a "b" means "second lowest SCSI ID", etc.LithuaniaLithuanian "number row" QWERTYLithuanian "phonetic" QWERTYLithuanian AZERTY (new)Lithuanian AZERTY (old)Load from floppyLoad the drivers for your usb devices.Load/Save on floppyLoading from floppyLoading module %s failed. Do you want to try again with other parameters?Local Network adressLocal PrinterLocal PrintersLocal filesLocal network(s)Local printerLocationLocation on the busLogin IDLogitech CC SeriesLogitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)Logitech MouseManLogitech MouseMan+Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+Looking at packages already installed...Looking for available packages and rebuilding rpm database...Looking for available packages...LoopbackLoopback file name: Loopback file name: %sLoopback file(s): %s LuxembourgMBMM HitTabletMM SeriesMOVE YOUR WHEEL!MacedoniaMacedonianMadagascarMail ServerMail alertMail alert configurationMake kernel message quiet by defaultMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMaltese (UK)Maltese (US)Mandatory package %s is missingMandrake Bug Report ToolMandrake Control CenterMandrake OnlineMandrakelinux Installation %sMandrakelinux can support multiple languages. Select the languages you would like to install. They will be available when your installation is complete and you restart your system.Manual configurationMarchMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMatchingMauritaniaMauritiusMayMayotteMedia classMenudrakeMexicoMicronesiaMicrosoft ExplorerMicrosoft IntelliMouseMinimal installMinuteModelModel steppingModifyModify RAIDModify printer configurationModuleModule configurationModule nameModule options:MoldovaMonacoMondayMongoliaMongolian (cyrillic)MonitorMonitor HorizSync: %s Monitor VertRefresh: %s Monitor: %s MonthMontserratMoreMore OptionsMoroccoMountMount optionsMount pointMount point: Mount points must begin with a leading /Mounted Mounts and unmounts all Network File System (NFS), SMB (Lan Manager/Windows), and NCP (NetWare) mount points.MouseMouse PortMouse SystemsMouse device: %s Mouse type: %s MoveMove files to the new partitionMovingMoving files to the new partitionMoving partition...MozambiqueMsecMulti-function device on HP JetDirectMulti-head configurationMultimedia stationMultisession CDMyanmarMyanmar (Burmese)NCP queue name missing!NCP server name missing!NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP networks. This service provides NFS file locking functionality.NFS is a popular protocol for file sharing across TCP/IP networks. This service provides NFS server functionality, which is configured via the /etc/exports file.NFS server, SMB server, Proxy server, ssh serverNISNIS DomainNIS ServerNOTE: Depending on the printer model and the printing system up to %d MB of additional software will be installed.NTP ServerNameName of printerName of printer should contain only letters, numbers and the underscoreName:Name: NamibiaNauruNeed hostname, username and password!Need to create /etc/dhcpd.conf first!NepalNet Boot ImagesNet Method:NetWare Printer OptionsNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNetmaskNetmask:NetworkNetwork & Internet ConfigurationNetwork Computer (client)Network Computer serverNetwork ConfigurationNetwork OptionsNetwork configuration (%d adapters)Network functionality not configuredNetwork interfaceNetwork interface already configuredNetwork printer "%s", port %sNetwork printer (TCP/Socket)NewNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNew devfs deviceNew printer nameNew size in MB: NewzealandNextNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNoNo CD device defined!No CD-R/DVD-R in drive!No NIC selected!No Sound Card detected!No Sound Card has been detected on your machine. Please verify that a Linux-supported Sound Card is correctly plugged in. You can visit our hardware database at: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/hardware.php3No TV Card detected!No TV Card has been detected on your machine. Please verify that a Linux-supported Video/TV Card is correctly plugged in. You can visit our hardware database at: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/hardware.php3No additional information about this service, sorry.No alternative driverNo browser available! Please install oneNo changes to backup!No configuration file found please click Wizard or Advanced.No configuration, please click Wizard or Advanced. No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. I cannot set up this connection type.No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the hardware configuration tool.No floppy drive availableNo floppy drive available!No free space for 1MB bootstrap! Install will continue, but to boot your system, you'll need to create the bootstrap partition in DiskDrakeNo hard drives foundNo kernel selected!No known driverNo local printer found! To manually install a printer enter a device name/file name in the input line (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., 1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...).No mouseNo net boot images created!No network adapter on your system!No network cardNo open source driverNo partition availableNo passwordNo password prompt on %s at port %sNo printerNo printer found!No sharingNo sound card detected. Try "harddrake" after installationNo tape in %s!No test pagesNo, I don't want autologinNoVideoNorfolk IslandNormal ModeNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNorwegianNot connectedNot enough free space for auto-allocatingNot enough free space to allocate new partitionsNot enough partitions for RAID level %d Not enough swap space to fulfill installation, please add someNot erasable media!Not formatted Not installedNot the correct CD label. Disk is labelled %s.Not the correct tape label. Tape is labelled %s.Nothing to doNoticeNovemberNow, you can run xawtv (under X Window!) ! Number of buttonsNumber of capture buffers:OKOK to restore the other files.OKI winprinter configurationOctoberOffice WorkstationOffice programs: wordprocessors (kword, abiword), spreadsheets (kspread, gnumeric), pdf viewers, etcOkOld device fileOmanOn CD-ROn CUPS server "%s"On FloppyOn Tape DeviceOn bootOpen Firmware DelayOption %s must be a number!Option %s must be an integer number!Option %s out of range!Option ``Restrict command line options'' is of no use without a passwordOptionsOptions: %sOtherOther Graphical DesktopsOther MediaOther OS (MacOS...)Other OS (SunOS...)Other OS (windows...)Other placeOther portsPAPPCIPCMCIAPCMCIA support is usually to support things like ethernet and modems in laptops. It won't get started unless configured so it is safe to have it installed on machines that don't need it.PDQPDQ - Print, Don't QueuePDQ only supports local printers, remote LPD printers, and Socket/TCP printers. PLL setting:POP and IMAP ServerPackage Group SelectionPackage selectionPackage: PakistanPalauPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayParametersParanoidPartition booted by default (for MS-DOS boot, not for lilo) Partition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!Partition table type: %s PartitioningPartitioning failed: %sPasswordPassword (again)Password requiredPasswords are now enabled, but use as a networked computer is still not recommended.PathPath or Module requiredPath selectionPeriodic ChecksPermission denied transferring %s to %sPermission problem accessing CD.PermissionsPeruPhilippinesPhone numberPhoto test pagePipe job into a commandPitcairnPlease Wait... Applying the configurationPlease check all users that you want to include in your backup.Please choose a language to use.Please choose for each step whether it will replay like your install, or it will be manualPlease choose load or save package selection on floppy. The format is the same as auto_install generated floppies.Please choose the desired security levelPlease choose the first number of the 10-range you wish to edit, or just hit Enter to proceed. Your choice? Please choose the port that your printer is connected to or enter a device name/file name in the input linePlease choose the port that your printer is connected to.Please choose the printer to which the print jobs should go or enter a device name/file name in the input linePlease choose the time interval between each backupPlease choose what network adapter will be connected to your Local Area Network.Please choose what you want to backupPlease choose where you want to backupPlease choose which network adapter you want to use to connect to Internet.Please choose which serial port your modem is connected to.Please choose which serial port your mouse is connected to.Please choose your country.Please choose your keyboard layout.Please choose your mouse type.Please choose your type of mouse.Please click on a partitionPlease enter the IP configuration for this machine. Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example, enter the WebDAV server URLPlease enter your email address below Please enter your host name. Your host name should be a fully-qualified host name, such as ``mybox.mylab.myco.com''. You may also enter the IP address of the gateway if you have one.Please enter your username, password and domain name to access this host.Please fill or check the field belowPlease give a user namePlease insert floppy disk:Please insert the Boot floppy used in drive %sPlease insert the Update Modules floppy in drive %sPlease log out and then use Ctrl-Alt-BackSpacePlease make a backup of your data firstPlease select data to backup...Please select data to restore...Please select the correct port. For example, the "COM1" port under Windows is named "ttyS0" under GNU/Linux.Please select the test pages you want to print. Note: the photo test page can take a rather long time to get printed and on laser printers with too low memory it can even not come out. In most cases it is enough to print the standard test page.Please test the mousePlease try againPlease uncheck or remove it on next time.Please waitPlease wait, preparing installation...Please wait, setting security level...Please wait, setting security options...Please wait, setting up system configuration files on USB key...Please, choose your keyboard layout.Plug'n PlayPlug'n Play probing failed. Please select the correct monitorPolandPolishPolish (qwerty layout)Polish (qwertz layout)PoorPortPortugalPortuguesePost InstallPost UninstallPost-install configurationPostfix Mail ServerPostfix is a Mail Transport Agent, which is the program that moves mail from one machine to another.PostgreSQL or MySQL database serverPotential LAN address conflict found in current config of %s! Precise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)Preference: PreferencesPreparing bootloader...Preparing installationPreparing printer database...PreviewPreviousPrintPrint Queue NamePrint option listPrint test pagesPrinterPrinter "%s" on SMB/Windows server "%s"Printer "%s" on server "%s"Printer %s What do you want to modify on this printer?Printer Device URIPrinter NamePrinter ServerPrinter auto-detectionPrinter connection typePrinter default settingsPrinter default settings You should make sure that the page size and the ink type/printing mode (if available) and also the hardware configuration of laser printers (memory, duplex unit, extra trays) are set correctly. Note that with a very high printout quality/resolution printing can get substantially slower.Printer host name or IPPrinter host name or IP missing!Printer manufacturer, modelPrinter manufacturer, model, driverPrinter model selectionPrinter name, description, locationPrinter on NetWare serverPrinter on SMB/Windows 95/98/NT serverPrinter on remote CUPS serverPrinter on remote lpd serverPrinter optionsPrinterdrakePrinterdrake has compared the model name resulting from the printer auto-detection with the models listed in its printer database to find the best match. This choice can be wrong, especially when your printer is not listed at all in the database. So check whether the choice is correct and click "The model is correct" if so and if not, click "Select model manually" so that you can choose your printer model manually on the next screen. For your printer Printerdrake has found: %sPrintingPrinting on the printer "%s"Printing test page(s)...Problems installing package %sProblems occured during configuration. Test your connection via net_monitor or mcc. If your connection doesn't work, you might want to relaunch the configuration.ProgressBar color selectionPropertyProtocolProtocol for the rest of the worldProtocol for the rest of the world No D-Channel (leased lines)Provider name (ex provider.net)Provider phone numberProxies configurationProxy should be http://...Puerto RicoQatarQuitQuit without savingQuit without writing the partition table?RAID md%s RAID-disks %s Radio support:Raw printerRaw printer (No driver)Re-configure interface and DHCP serverRe-submitRead carefully!Reading printer data...Reading printer database...Real nameRebootRefreshRefresh printer list (to display all available remote CUPS printers)Refreshing printer data...RefuseRelease: Reload partition tableRemember this passwordRemote AdministrationRemote CUPS serverRemote ControlRemote host nameRemote host name missing!Remote lpd Printer OptionsRemote printerRemote printer nameRemote printer name missing!Removable media automountingRemove ListRemove SelectedRemove Windows(TM)Remove a moduleRemove fonts on your systemRemove from LVMRemove from RAIDRemove printerRemove the last itemRemove the logical volumes first Remove the loopback file?Remove this printer from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPRemove user directories before restore.Removing %sRemoving %s ...Removing old printer "%s"...Removing printer "%s"...Removing printer from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPReplayReportRescue partition tableReselect correct fontsResizeResizingResizing Windows partitionResolutionResolution: %s ResolutionsRestart XFSRestarting printing system...RestoreRestore Failed...Restore From CDRestore From CatalogRestore From TapeRestore OtherRestore ProgressRestore Selected FilesRestore UsersRestore Via NetworkRestore Via Network Protocol: %sRestore all backupsRestore from Hard Disk.Restore partition tableRestore systemRestoring from file %s failed: %sRestrict command line optionsRetryReunionRight "Windows" keyRight Alt keyRight Shift keyRomaniaRomanian (qwerty)Romanian (qwertz)RootRoot partition size in MB: Root passwordRun "sndconfig" after installation to configure your sound cardRun config toolRuns commands scheduled by the at command at the time specified when at was run, and runs batch commands when the load average is low enough.RussiaRussianRussian (Phonetic)RwandaSECURITY WARNING!SILOSILO InstallationSMB (Windows 9x/NT) Printer OptionsSMB server IPSMB server hostSSH ServerSaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamba ServerSamba share name missing!SamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSaveSave as..Save on floppySave packages selectionSave partition tableSave themeSaves and restores system entropy pool for higher quality random number generation.ScannerScanning for TV channelsScanning for TV channels in progress ...Scanning network...Scanning on your HP multi-function deviceScanning partitions to find mount pointsScreenshots will be available after install in %sScript-basedSearch for files to restoreSearch for fonts in installed listSearch installed fontsSearch serversSearch:Second DNS Server (optional)SectorSecuritySecurity Administrator (login or email)Security Administrator:Security Alerts:Security LevelSecurity Level:Security levelSee hardware infoSelect Printer ConnectionSelect Printer SpoolerSelect another media to restore fromSelect fileSelect installation classSelect model manuallySelect path to restore (instead of /)Select the font file or directory and click on 'Add'Select the memory size of your graphics cardSelect user manuallySelect your provider. If it isn't listed, choose Unlisted.Selected AllSelected size is larger than available spaceSend mail report after each backup to:Sending files...SenegalSeptemberSerbian (cyrillic)ServerServer: ServicesServices and deamonsServices: %d activated for %d registeredSet root passwordSet this printer as the defaultSet up your Windows server to make the printer available under the IPP protocol and set up printing from this machine with the "%s" connection type in Printerdrake. Set-GIDSet-UIDSettingsSeychellesShare nameShellShow automatically selected packagesShow current interface configurationShow only for the selected daySierra LeoneSingaporeSizeSize in MB: Size: %sSize: %s SkipSlovakiaSlovakian (QWERTY)Slovakian (QWERTZ)SloveniaSlovenianSoftware ManagerSolomon IslandsSomaliaSome devices in the "%s" hardware class were removed: Some hardware on your computer needs ``proprietary'' drivers to work. You can find some information about them at: %sSome important packages didn't get installed properly. Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective. Check the cdrom on an installed computer using "rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm" Some steps are not completed. Do you really want to quit now?Something went wrong! - Is mkisofs installed?Sound and video playing/editing programsSound cardSound configurationSoundcardSouth AfricaSpainSpanishSpecify optionsSri LankaStandalone ToolsStandardStandard test pageStarOfficeStartStart ServerStart at bootStart sector: Start: sector %s Started on bootStarting network...Starting the printing system at boot timeStarts the X Font Server (this is mandatory for XFree to run).StateStatus:StopStop ServerSudanSummarySummary: Sun - MouseSunOSSundaySupport the OKI 4w and compatible winprinters.Suppress Fonts FilesSuppress Temporary FilesSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwapSwap partition size in MB: SwazilandSwedenSwedishSwiss (French layout)Swiss (German layout)Switching from ext2 to ext3SwitzerlandSynchronization toolSyriacSyslog is the facility by which many daemons use to log messages to various system log files. It is a good idea to always run syslog.SystemSystem OptionsSystem configurationSystem installationSystem modeTBTCP/Socket Printer OptionsTV cardTaiwanTajik keyboardTajikistanTapeTerminal-basedTestTest of the configurationTest page(s) have been sent to the printer. It may take some time before the printer starts. Test page(s) have been sent to the printer. It may take some time before the printer starts. Printing status: %s Test pagesTesting your connection...Thai keyboardThailandThe DHCP end rangeThe DHCP start ipThe DHCP start rangeThe DNS Server IPThe DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:The FAT resizer is unable to handle your partition, the following error occured: %sThe K Desktop Environment, the basic graphical environment with a collection of accompanying toolsThe Local Network did not finish with `.0', bailing out.The URL must begin with http:// or https://The auto install can be fully automated if wanted, in that case it will take over the hard drive!! (this is meant for installing on another box). You may prefer to replay the installation. The backup partition table has not the same size Still continue?The change is done, but to be effective you must logoutThe change is done, do you want to restart the dm service ?The configuration of the printer will work fully automatically. If your printer was not correctly detected or if you prefer a customized printer configuration, turn on "Manual configuration".The default lease (in seconds)The encryption keys do not matchThe floppy has been successfully generated. You may now replay your installation.The following packages are going to be installedThe following packages are going to be removedThe following printer %s%s are directly connected to your systemThe inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark only support local printers, no printers on remote machines or print server boxes. Please connect your printer to a local port or configure it on the machine where it is connected to.The internal domain nameThe internet superserver daemon (commonly called inetd) starts a variety of other internet services as needed. It is responsible for starting many services, including telnet, ftp, rsh, and rlogin. Disabling inetd disables all of the services it is responsible for.The maximum lease (in seconds)The model is correctThe most common way to connect with adsl is pppoe. Some connections use pptp, a few use dhcp. If you don't know, choose 'use pppoe'The network access was not running and could not be started. Please check your configuration and your hardware. Then try to configure your remote printer again.The package %s is needed. Install it?The package %s needs to be installed. Do you want to install it?The passwords do not matchThe per-user sharing uses the group "fileshare". You can use userdrake to add a user to this group.The port number should be an integer!The portmapper manages RPC connections, which are used by protocols such as NFS and NIS. The portmap server must be running on machines which act as servers for protocols which make use of the RPC mechanism.The printer "%s" already exists, do you really want to overwrite its configuration?The printer "%s" is set as the default printer now.The printer "%s" was successfully added to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.The printer "%s" was successfully removed from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.The printing system (%s) will not be started automatically when the machine is booted. It is possible that the automatic starting was turned off by changing to a higher security level, because the printing system is a potential point for attacks. Do you want to have the automatic starting of the printing system turned on again?The routed daemon allows for automatic IP router table updated via the RIP protocol. While RIP is widely used on small networks, more complex routing protocols are needed for complex networks.The rstat protocol allows users on a network to retrieve performance metrics for any machine on that network.The rusers protocol allows users on a network to identify who is logged in on other responding machines.The rwho protocol lets remote users get a list of all of the users logged into a machine running the rwho daemon (similiar to finger).The setup of Internet Connection Sharing has already been done. It's currently enabled. What would you like to do?The system doesn't seem to be connected to the Internet. Try to reconfigure your connection.The two critical parameters are the vertical refresh rate, which is the rate at which the whole screen is refreshed, and most importantly the horizontal sync rate, which is the rate at which scanlines are displayed. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a sync range that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor: you may damage your monitor. If in doubt, choose a conservative setting.The user name is too longThe user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'Theme nameThere are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every night.There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machineThere is already a partition with mount point %s There is no existing partition to useThere is no medium or it is write-protected for device %s. Please insert one.There is only one configured network adapter on your system: %s I am about to setup your Local Area Network with that adapter.There was an error installing packages:There was an error ordering packages:There was an error while scanning for TV channelsThere's no known OSS/ALSA alternative driver for your sound card (%s) which currently uses "%s"There's no known driver for your sound card (%s)These commands you can also use in the "Printing command" field of the printing dialogs of many applications, but here do not supply the file name because the file to print is provided by the application. These options can backup and restore all files in your /etc directory. This command you can also use in the "Printing command" field of the printing dialogs of many applications. But here do not supply the file name because the file to print is provided by the application. This dialog is used to choose which services you wish to start at boot time. DrakX will list all the services available on the current installation. Review each one carefully and uncheck those which are not needed at boot time. A short explanatory text will be displayed about a service when it is selected. However, if you are not sure whether a service is useful or not, it is safer to leave the default behavior. !! At this stage, be very careful if you intend to use your machine as a server: you will probably not want to start any services that you do not need. Please remember that several services can be dangerous if they are enabled on a server. In general, select only the services you really need. !!This directory should remain within the root filesystemThis encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)This floppy is not FAT formattedThis is a mandatory package, it can't be unselectedThis is similar to the previous level, but the system is entirely closed and security features are at their maximum.This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will be used to connect to the Internet as a client.This label is already usedThis level is to be used with care. It makes your system more easy to use, but very sensitive. It must not be used for a machine connected to others or to the Internet. There is no password access.This may take a moment to erase the media.This may take a moment to generate the keys.This package loads the selected keyboard map as set in /etc/sysconfig/keyboard. This can be selected using the kbdconfig utility. You should leave this enabled for most machines.This package must be upgraded. Are you sure you want to deselect it?This partition can't be used for loopbackThis partition is not resizeableThis password is too short (it must be at least %d characters long)This password is too simpleThis theme does not yet have a bootsplash in %s !This user name has already been addedThis will take a few minutes.ThursdayTime remaining TimezoneTimezone - DrakClockTo activate the mouse,To be able to print with your Lexmark inkjet and this configuration, you need the inkjet printer drivers provided by Lexmark (http://www.lexmark.com/). Click on the "Drivers" link. Then choose your model and afterwards "Linux" as operating system. The drivers come as RPM packages or shell scripts with interactive graphical installation. You do not need to do this configuration by the graphical frontends. Cancel directly after the license agreement. Then print printhead alignment pages with "lexmarkmaintain" and adjust the head alignment settings with this program.To get a list of the options available for the current printer click on the "Print option list" button.To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended partitionTo know about the options available for the current printer read either the list shown below or click on the "Print option list" button.%s%s%s To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command "%s " or "%s ". To print a file from the command line (terminal window) use the command "%s ". To print a file from the command line (terminal window) you can either use the command "%s " or a graphical printing tool: "xpp " or "kprinter ". The graphical tools allow you to choose the printer and to modify the option settings easily. To print on a NetWare printer, you need to provide the NetWare print server name (Note! it may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) as well as the print queue name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user name and password.To print to a SMB printer, you need to provide the SMB host name (Note! It may be different from its TCP/IP hostname!) and possibly the IP address of the print server, as well as the share name for the printer you wish to access and any applicable user name, password, and workgroup information.To print to a TCP or socket printer, you need to provide the host name or IP of the printer and optionally the port number (default is 9100). On HP JetDirect servers the port number is usually 9100, on other servers it can vary. See the manual of your hardware.To submit a bug report, click on the button report. This will open a web browser window on %s where you'll find a form to fill in. The information displayed above will be transferred to that server.To use a remote lpd printer, you need to supply the hostname of the printer server and the printer name on that server.To use this saved packages selection, boot installation with ``linux defcfg=floppy''Toggle between flat and group sortedToggle to expert modeToggle to normal modeTogoTokelauTongaTools to ease the configuration of your computerTotal ProgressTotal progressTotal size: %d / %d MBTrack network card id (useful for laptops)TransferTransfer printer configurationTransfer successful You may want to verify you can login to the server with: ssh -i %s %s@%s without being prompted for a password.Transferring %s...Trinidad and TobagoTrouble shootingTrue Type fonts installationTrue Type install doneTruly minimal installTruly minimal install (especially no urpmi)Trying to rescue partition tableTuesdayTuner type:TunisiaTurkeyTurkish (modern "Q" model)Turkish (traditional "F" model)TurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluTypeType of installType: UK keyboardURL should begin with 'ftp:' or 'http:'US keyboardUS keyboard (international)USA (broadcast)USA (cable)USA (cable-hrc)UgandaUkraineUkrainianUnable to find backups to restore... Unable to fork: %sUndoUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUnknownUnknown ModelUnknown driverUnknown modelUnknown/OthersUnknown|CPH05X (bt878) [many vendors]Unknown|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]Unknown|GenericUnmountUnselect fonts installedUnselected AllUpUpdating package selectionUpgradeUrpmiUruguayUse CD-R/DVD-R to backupUse Incremental BackupsUse Unicode by defaultUse Xinerama extensionUse ``%s'' insteadUse ``Unmount'' firstUse auto detectionUse daemonUse existing partitionUse existing partitionsUse fdiskUse for loopbackUse free spaceUse group id for executionUse libsafe for serversUse network connection to backupUse owner id for executionUse tape to backupUse the Windows partition for loopbackUse the free space on the Windows partitionUsed for directory: only owner of directory or file in this directory can delete itUserUser :User list to restore (only the most recent date per user is important)User nameUserdrakeUsernameUsername requiredUsersUzbekistanVanuatuVendorVenezuelaVertical refresh rateVideo modeVietnamese "numeric row" QWERTYView Backup Configuration.Virgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)WARNING: this device has been previously configured to connect to the Internet. Simply accept to keep this device configured. Modifying the fields below will override this configuration.Wait pleaseWarningWarning! An existing firewalling configuration has been detected. You may need some manual fixes after installation.Warning, another Internet connection has been detected, maybe using your networkWarning, the network adapter (%s) is already configured. Do you want an automatic re-configuration? You can do it manually but you need to know what you're doing.Warning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computerWeb ServerWeb/FTPWebDAV remote site already in sync!WebDAV transfer failed!WebcamWebmin ServiceWednesdayWelcome To CrackersWelcome to %sWelcome to the mail configuration utility. Here, you'll be able to set up the alert system. Welcome to the operating system chooser! Choose an operating system from the list above or wait for default boot. West EuropeWestern SaharaWhatWhat kind of card do you have?What type of partitioning?WheelWhenWhen checked, owner and group won't be changedWhereWhere do you want to install the bootloader?Where do you want to mount %s?Where do you want to mount device %s?Which %s driver should I try?Which configuration of XFree do you want to have?Which disk do you want to move it to?Which filesystem do you want?Which is your timezone?Which partition do you want to resize?Which partition do you want to use for Linux4Win?Which printer model do you have?Which printing system (spooler) do you want to use?Which protocol do you want to use?Which sector do you want to move it to?Which services would you like to allow the Internet to connect to?Which size do you want to keep for Windows onWhich type of entry do you want to add?Which usernameWindows DomainWindows Migration toolWith XWith basic documentationWith basic documentation (recommended!)With this option you will be able to restore any version of your /etc directory.With this security level, the use of this system as a server becomes possible. The security is now high enough to use the system as a server which can accept connections from many clients. Note: if your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower level.WizardWizard ConfigurationWorkgroupWorkstationWould you like to allow users to share some of their directories? Allowing this will permit users to simply click on "Share" in konqueror and nautilus. "Custom" permit a per-user granularity. Write ConfigX serverXFree %sXFree %s with 3D hardware accelerationXFree %s with EXPERIMENTAL 3D hardware accelerationXFree configurationXFree86 driver: %s XFree86 server: %s Xinetd ServiceXpmac (installation display driver)YabootYemenYesYes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)You are about to configure your computer to share its Internet connection. With that feature, other computers on your local network will be able to use this computer's Internet connection. Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access using drakconnect before going any further. Note: you need a dedicated Network Adapter to set up a Local Area Network (LAN).You are about to install the printing system %s on a system running in the %s security level. This printing system runs a daemon (background process) which waits for print jobs and handles them. This daemon is also accessible by remote machines through the network and so it is a possible point for attacks. Therefore only a few selected daemons are started by default in this security level. Do you really want to configure printing on this machine?You are about to set up printing to a Windows account with password. Due to a fault in the architecture of the Samba client software the password is put in clear text into the command line of the Samba client used to transmit the print job to the Windows server. So it is possible for every user on this machine to display the password on the screen by issuing commands as "ps auxwww". We recommend to make use of one of the following alternatives (in all cases you have to make sure that only machines from your local network have access to your Windows server, for example by means of a firewall): Use a password-less account on your Windows server, as the "GUEST" account or a special account dedicated for printing. Do not remove the password protection from a personal account or the administrator account. Set up your Windows server to make the printer available under the LPD protocol. Then set up printing from this machine with the "%s" connection type in Printerdrake. You are configuring an OKI laser winprinter. These printers use a very special communication protocol and therefore they work only when connected to the first parallel port. When your printer is connected to another port or to a print server box please connect the printer to the first parallel port before you print a test page. Otherwise the printer will not work. Your connection type setting will be ignored by the driver.You are going to configure a remote printer. This needs working network access, but your network is not configured yet. If you go on without network configuration, you will not be able to use the printer which you are configuring now. How do you want to proceed?You can also use the graphical interface "xpdq" for setting options and handling printing jobs. If you are using KDE as desktop environment you have a "panic button", an icon on the desktop, labeled with "STOP Printer!", which stops all print jobs immediately when you click it. This is for example useful for paper jams. You can configure each parameter of the module here.You can copy the printer configuration which you have done for the spooler %s to %s, your current spooler. All the configuration data (printer name, description, location, connection type, and default option settings) is overtaken, but jobs will not be transferred. Not all queues can be transferred due to the following reasons: You can enter miscellaneous ports. Valid examples are: 139/tcp 139/udp 600:610/tcp 600:610/udp. Have a look at /etc/services for information.You can export using NFS or Samba. Please select which you'd like to use.You can now partition %s. When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'You can specify directly the URI to access the printer. The URI must fulfill either the CUPS or the Foomatic specifications. Note that not all URI types are supported by all the spoolers.You can't create a new partition (since you reached the maximal number of primary partitions). First remove a primary partition and create an extended partition.You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition You can't select this package as there is not enough space left to install itYou can't select/unselect this packageYou can't unselect this package. It is already installedYou can't unselect this package. It must be upgradedYou can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MBYou can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MBYou can't use a LVM Logical Volume for mount point %sYou can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %sYou decided to install the bootloader on a partition. This implies you already have a bootloader on the hard drive you boot (eg: System Commander). On which drive are you booting?You don't have a swap partition. Continue anyway?You don't have any configured interface. Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'You have a hole in your partition table but I can't use it. The only solution is to move your primary partitions to have the hole next to the extended partitions.You have configured multiple ways to connect to the Internet. Choose the one you want to use. You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?You have selected the following server(s): %s These servers are activated by default. They don't have any known security issues, but some new ones could be found. In that case, you must make sure to upgrade as soon as possible. Do you really want to install these servers? You haven't selected any group of packages. Please choose the minimal installation you want:You may need to change your Open Firmware boot-device to enable the bootloader. If you don't see the bootloader prompt at reboot, hold down Command-Option-O-F at reboot and enter: setenv boot-device %s,\\:tbxi Then type: shut-down At your next boot you should see the bootloader prompt.You may now provide options to module %s. Note that any address should be entered with the prefix 0x like '0x123'You may now provide options to module %s. Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''. For instance, ``io=0x300 irq=7''You must also format %sYou must be root to read configuration file. You must choose an image file first!You must choose/enter a printer/device!You must enter a device or file name!You must enter a host name or an IP address. You must have a FAT partition mounted in /boot/efiYou must have a root partition. For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one). Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'You must specify a kernel imageYou must specify a root partitionYou need a true filesystem (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) for this mount point You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take placeYou now have the opportunity to download updated packages. These packages have been updated after the distribution was released. They may contain security or bug fixes. To download these packages, you will need to have a working Internet connection. Do you want to install the updates ?You will receive an alert if the load is higher than this valueYou'll need to reboot before the modification can take placeYour Windows partition is too fragmented. Please reboot your computer under Windows, run the ``defrag'' utility, then restart the Mandrakelinux installation.Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s, NOTE THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT AND MAY FREEZE YOUR COMPUTER. Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D.Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support but only with XFree %s. Your card is supported by XFree %s which may have a better support in 2D.Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s, NOTE THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT AND MAY FREEZE YOUR COMPUTER.Your card can have 3D hardware acceleration support with XFree %s.Your choice? (0/1, default `%s') Your choice? (default %s) Your choice? (default `%s'%s) Your graphic card seems to have a TV-OUT connector. It can be configured to work using frame-buffer. For this you have to plug your graphic card to your TV before booting your computer. Then choose the "TVout" entry in the bootloader Do you have this feature?Your personal phone numberYour printer modelYour system does not have enough space left for installation or upgrade (%d > %d)Your system is low on resources. You may have some problem installing Mandrakelinux. If that occurs, you can try a text install instead. For this, press `F1' when booting on CDROM, then enter `text'.Yugoslavian (latin)ZambiaZimbabweZip[keyboard]a numberaccess to X programsaccess to administrative filesaccess to compilation toolsaccess to network toolsaccess to rpm toolsallow "su"and one unknown printerapmd is used for monitoring battery status and logging it via syslog. It can also be used for shutting down the machine when the battery is low.browsebusmousebut not matchingchoose devicechoose image filechunk sizeclass of hardware deviceclick here if you are sure.comma separated numberscomma separated stringsconnecting to %s ...consolehelper missingcron is a standard UNIX program that runs user-specified programs at periodic scheduled times. vixie cron adds a number of features to the basic UNIX cron, including better security and more powerful configuration options.dailydefaultdefault:LTRdevicedhcpd Config...dhcpd Server Configurationdisabledismissdonedrakfirewall configurator This configures a personal firewall for this Mandrakelinux machine. For a powerful and dedicated firewall solution, please look to the specialized MandrakeSecurity Firewall distribution.drakfloppydue to unsatisfied %senableenable radio supporterror unmounting %s: %sfinal resolutionfirst step creationforcehard disk modelhere if no.highhourlyhttp://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/100errata.php3if neededimportantin order to keep %skdesu missinglevellpd is the print daemon required for lpr to work properly. It is basically a server that arbitrates print jobs to printer(s).maybemkraid failedmkraid failed (maybe raidtools are missing?)monthlymount failed: mounting partition %s in directory %s failedmust havenamed (BIND) is a Domain Name Server (DNS) that is used to resolve host names to IP addresses.network printer portnewnicenononenot enough room in /bootold static device name used in dev packageomit raid modulesomit scsi moduleson channel %d id %d package 'ImageMagick' is required to be able to complete configuration. Click "Ok" to install 'ImageMagick' or "Cancel" to quitparanoidparse all fontspartition %spartition %s is now known as %splease wait during ttmkfdir...please wait, parsing file: %sreconfigurereplayrestrictrunningsaving Bootsplash theme...searchserialstoppedtext box heighttext widththe color of the progress barthe height of the progress barthe list of alternative drivers for this sound cardthe module of the GNU/Linux kernel that handles the devicethe progress bar x coordinate of its upper left cornerthe progress bar y coordinate of its upper left cornerthe vendor name of the devicethe width of the progress barthis is the physical bus on which the device is plugged (eg: PCI, USB, ...)trying to promote %suse dhcpuse pppoeuse pptpvery niceweeklyx coordinate of text box in number of charactersy coordinate of text box in number of charactersyesProject-Id-Version: DrakX-zh_TW POT-Creation-Date: 2004-04-01 15:07+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-20 19:34+0800 Last-Translator: Hilbert Language-Team: Chinese Traditional MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: KBabel 1.0.2 使用者名稱: %s 位於路徑: %s 刪除=%s -光碟機 -硬碟 -網路 (透過 FTP) 網路 (透過 SSH) -網路 (透過 rsync) -網路 (透過 webdav) -磁帶機 使用 tar 與 bzip2 進行備份 使用 tar 與 gzip 進行備份 不要包含系統檔案 使用.backupignore 檔案 請檢視 PrinterDrake 程式所自動偵測到的列印機型號是否正確。 您也可以尋找檢視下面的列印機清單。 DrakBackup Daemon 報表清單 DrakBackup 資料備份報表細目 (!) FTP 連結錯誤:由於 FTP 連線錯誤,備份檔案將沒透過 FTP 備份傳送出去。 - 燒錄到 CD 片 - Daemon (%s) 服務程式包含 : - 備份完成後刪除硬碟內先前備份的 tar 檔案。 - 選項: - 其他檔案: - 儲存於硬碟的路徑: %s - 儲存於該磁帶機裝置:%s - 儲存 %s 於站台 - %s - 系統檔案: - 使用者檔案: 透過廠商所提供的 PPD 檔案內容或者是原始性的 CUPS 驅動程式 設定的列印機無法被進行轉換動作. 備份來源檔: Drakbackup 透過 %s 活動: Drakbackup 使用 CD 方式進行處理: Drakbackup 使用磁帶機方式進行處理: 如果你有一個 ISA 卡, 下一個螢幕所顯示的數值應該是正確的 如果你有一個 PCMCIA 卡, 那您必須要知道你的卡的"irq" 與 "io"值 請點選標記您要傳送的列印機項目,然後點選 "傳送" 即可。 請檢視您所需要的全部項目。 "%s" 與 "%s" 指令,能夠讓您修改某個設定列印工作項目 的參數設定。簡單一點的方式就是在命令列加上您要填入的設定值, 比方 "%s <檔案>"。 「%s」指令,能夠讓您修改某個設定列印工作項目的參數設定。 簡單一點的方式就是在命令列加上您要填入的設定值,比方「%s <檔案>」。 目前有 %d 台未知類型的列印機安裝在您本機上。 目前有一台未知類型的列印機安裝在您本機上。 這是一個用來作為多重開機 使用的特殊分割區。 Warning Please read carefully the terms below. If you disagree with any portion, you are not allowed to install the next CD media. Press 'Refuse' to continue the installation without using these media. Some components contained in the next CD media are not governed by the GPL License or similar agreements. Each such component is then governed by the terms and conditions of its own specific license. Please read carefully and comply with such specific licenses before you use or redistribute the said components. Such licenses will in general prevent the transfer, duplication (except for backup purposes), redistribution, reverse engineering, de-assembly, de-compilation or modification of the component. Any breach of agreement will immediately terminate your rights under the specific license. Unless the specific license terms grant you such rights, you usually cannot install the programs on more than one system, or adapt it to be used on a network. In doubt, please contact directly the distributor or editor of the component. Transfer to third parties or copying of such components including the documentation is usually forbidden. All rights to the components of the next CD media belong to their respective authors and are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software programs. 歡迎來到列印機設定精靈 設定精靈將會帶領您完成本地端以及遠端列印機的設定。 設定過程中,請依提示選擇相關項目,包含列印機種類、 額外參數等。 歡迎來到列印機設定精靈 接下來設定精靈將會引導您完成列印機的設定,包含位於本機的列印機以及遠端網路印表機。 若是您要設定的列印機是直接安裝在你機器上的,請先確認你的線路有安插正確,電源並且已經開啟,以便於能夠自動偵測你列印機的類型。若是您要使用的是網路列印機,請確認該列印機的電源也是處於開啟狀態,而且對方機器與網路能夠正確連通。 請注意,自動偵測列印機的功能適用於本機列印機的情況,若是你要使用的是網路印表機,通常你需要把自動偵測功能關閉。 當你確認沒問題是,點選「下一步」,或者是點選「取消」放棄設定。 歡迎來到列印機設定精靈 接下來設定精靈將會引導您完成列印機的設定,包含位於本機的列印機以及遠端網路印表機。 若是您要設定的列印機是直接安裝在你機器上的,請先確認你的線路有安插正確,電源並且已經開啟,以便於能夠自動偵測你列印機的類型。若是您要使用的是網路列印機,請確認該列印機的電源也是處於開啟狀態,而且對方機器與網路能夠正確連通。 請注意,自動偵測列印機的功能適用於本機列印機的情況,若是你要使用的是網路印表機,通常你需要把自動偵測功能關閉。 當你確認沒問題是,點選「下一步」,或者是點選「取消」放棄設定。 歡迎來到列印機設定精靈 接下來設定精靈將會引導您完成列印機的設定,包含位於本機的列印機。 若是您要設定的列印機是直接安裝在你機器上的,請先確認你的線路有安插正確,電源並且已經開啟,以便於能夠自動偵測你列印機的類型。 當你確認沒問題時,點選「下一步」,或者是點選「取消」放棄設定。 歡迎來到列印機設定精靈 接下來設定精靈將會引導您完成列印機的設定,包含位於本機的列印機。 若是您要設定的列印機是直接安裝在你機器上的,請先確認你的線路有安插正確,電源並且已經開啟,以便於能夠自動偵測你列印機的類型。 當你確認沒問題時,點選「下一步」,或者是點選「取消」放棄設定。 歡迎! 自動安裝內可用的參數項目都在左邊的區段內 您所選取的所有資料已經 成功回存到 %s 回存組態設定 / 在項目間移動 | 選取 | 下個螢幕 (預設開機) (請確認相關列印機都已經連結至電腦正確,並且打開電源了)。 (並列埠:/dev/lp0,/dev/lp1,...... 相當於 LPT1:,LPT2:.... 第一台 USB 列印機是:/dev/usb/lp0,第二台:/dev/usb/lp1)。 刪除中 郵件發送時發生錯誤。 如果偵測出來的列印機是您所需要的,你可以選擇該項目,並輸入存取的使用者名稱、密碼,必要時並輸入群組名稱。輸入「void」表示空的項目 位於 LPD 主機 "%s",列印機 "%s" 位於 Novell 伺服器 "%s",列印機 "%s" 位於 Windows 主機 "%s",分享名稱 "%s" 位於位置: %s"選單" 按鍵%d 用分號分隔的數字%d 用分號分隔的字串%d 分鐘%d 個套件%d 秒%s 開機進度畫面 (%s) 御覽以 %s 格式化 %s 失敗在掃描器資料庫內找不到此型號 - %s,您要手動設定嗎?%s 沒有安裝 要安裝點選 "Next 下一步" 或 "Cancel 取消" 離開%s 沒有正常回應(該 DHCP 主機 IP( %s 已經加入)(模組 %s)(於 %s)(位於這個機器上)), ,第 %s 磁區,TCP/IP 主機 "%s",連接埠 %s,USB 列印機 \/*%s,主機 "%s",連接埠 %s,多功能裝置HP JetDirect 上的多功能裝置,位於 USB 的多功能裝置,網路列印機 "%s",連接埠 %s,網路列印機 "%s",位於 SMB/Windows 伺服器 "%s",列印機 "%s",位於主機 "%s",列印至 %s,使用命令 %s- PCI 裝置 :包含 PCI 插曹,介面卡裝置的功能 - EIDE 裝置:包含 Master 或者是 Slave 裝置項目 - SCSI 裝置:包含 SCSI 匯流排裝置與 SCSI 裝置的 IDS/檔案/-/檔案/另存新檔 (_A)/檔案/新增 (_N)/檔案/開啟 (_O)/檔案/結束 (_Q)/檔案/儲存 (_S)/說明/關於 (_A)/選項/測試/關於 (_A)刪除專家模式/檔案 (_F)/說明 (_H)/選項 (_O)/結束 (_Q)/更新(_R)/報告錯誤 (_R)/dev/fd0/dev/hda/dev/hdb1 MB一個按鍵1 分鐘16 MB1 千 6 百萬色 (24 位元)2 MB兩個按鍵256 色 (8 位元)256 kB三個按鍵32 MB3 萬 2 千色 (15 位元)4 MB4 億色 (32 位元)512 kB16 MB 或者更多6 萬 5 千色 (16 位元)8 MB<-- 刪除使用者<-- 刪除<-- 刪除用戶端NOQS=> 請注意,該項目已經變更了: %s%s 上有很多的項目可供選擇。 包含友善的應用程式、桌面軟體的圖型化使用環境能夠偵測防禦緩衝區溢位與格式化字串這類攻擊的程式庫套件。在 %s 已經存在了一個名稱為 %s 的列印機名稱。 請點選『傳送』覆蓋內容。 您也可以另外輸入一個名稱,或者是略過這台列印機。重新啟動網路時發生了下面的錯誤: %s監察記錄檔的工具必須輸入完整的 URI 位址!ADSL 連線所有在 %s 磁碟上的分割區跟資料都會被清除掉Abiword放棄關於 Harddrake接受接受使用者登入的帳號 (使用者名稱)帳號的密碼透過網路在系統開機時,選擇啟動網路功能,或者是關閉不啟動該服務。介面卡 %s: %s新增新增用戶端 -->新增使用者 -->新增模組新增列印機於結尾新增一項規則新增使用者新增項目新增這台列印機至 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 內加入磁碟陣列加入磁碟陣列新增使用者新增/刪除用戶端新增/刪除使用者新增列印機至 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 內進階進階設定進階選項Afghanistan改變分割區 %s 的格式以後,所有在這個分割區上的資料都會被清除在對分割區 %s 進行格式化的動作以後,所有在這個分割區上的資料都會被清除在改變分割區 %s 的大小以後,所有在這個分割區上的資料都會被清除在完成這個項目後,建議您重新啟動您的 X 環境, 以避免因為您調整了主機名稱造成 X 啟動上的一些問題。Albania阿爾巴尼亞Alcatel speedtouch USBAlgeria所有所有在這個分割區上的資料都應該先經過備份所有語言主分割區數目已經滿了允許所有使用者Alt 與 Shift 組合按鍵另外可供選擇的驅動程式A4 紙張列印測試頁Letter 紙張列印測試頁American Samoa娛樂的一些程式: 紙牌、益智、動作、策略 等發生一個錯誤發生了一個錯誤 - 找不到任何可用的裝置可以用來建立新的檔案系統,請檢查您的硬體狀況以找出問題的發生了一個程式不知道該如何妥善處置的錯誤, 要繼續安裝工作的話請小心。提供週期性的命令排程程式AndorraAngolaAnguilla另外一個AntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaApache WWW 伺服器Apache 是一個提供 Web 服務的程式,提供架設 Web Server 讓使用者瀏覽。Apache、ProFTPD附加參數應用程式:套用套用過濾器4月Arabic您要設定這台機器上的列印服務項目嗎? 區域:阿根廷Armenia亞美尼亞 (old)亞美尼亞 (phonetic)亞美尼亞 (typewriter)Aruba8月澳洲阿根廷 Optus cable TV澳洲認證方式LDAP 認證NIS 認證Windows PDC 認證作者: 自動安裝自動安裝設定程式自動分配自動偵測自動偵測區域網路列印機自動偵測位於 Microsoft Windows 機器的列印機自動偵測本機列印機自動偵測自動登入自動化自動化步驟設定系統開機時能夠自動偵測週邊裝置的狀態並且設定。自動重新設定自動重新產生 kernel header 於 /boot 給 /usr/include/linux/{autoconf,version}.h自動透過 NTP 服務校時自動開關 numlock key 鎖在開機時於 console 與 XFree.自動偵測可用的列印機蘇聯共和國 (latin)Azerbaijan立即備份依據目前組態設定開始備份備份其他檔案...備份系統資料備份使用者檔案...備份使用者資料備份的檔案已經毀損備份檔案找不到 - %s。備份其他檔案備份系統檔案備份系統檔案...備份使用者檔案備份您的系統檔案。(/etc 目錄)錯誤的備份檔案壞選擇,請再試一遍 毀損的套件%s - 錯誤的密碼BahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbados基本請小心,這個動作非常危險。請確定裝置 %s 內已放入磁碟片因為您是透過網路安裝,所以您的網路組態已經設定過了。 您可以點選確定使用原本網路的設定組態,或者是選取取消 來重新設定網路連線方式。 進行安裝字型前,請務必確認您有適當的權限能夠存取使用, 其中包含這些字型都是正確沒錯誤的。要不然,極端情況下, 您的 X 伺服器可能會因為不正確的字型檔案而不預期結束。Belarus比利時比利時Belize孟加拉BeninBermudaBhutanBoliviaLinux 系統與一些免費軟體的書籍、HOWTO 文件啟動開機片開機映像檔案通訊協定開機樣式組態設定開機裝置製作開機磁片啟動引導安裝開機程式開機程式主要選項要使用那個開機程式Bosnia and Herzegovina愛沙尼亞同時兩邊 Shift 按鍵BotswanaBouvet Island巴西巴西 (ABNT-2)關閉網路連線啟動網路連線British Indian Ocean Territory瀏覽Brunei Darussalam建立所有核心 -->建立備份建立單一網路卡 -->建立整個核心 -->Bulgaria保加利亞保加利亞 (phonetic)Burkina FasoBurundi匯流排匯流排描述兩鍵模擬第三鍵模擬按鈕 `%s': %s按鍵模擬C/C++ 發展環境,包含編譯器、程式庫與及一些引入檔案CD 片就緒 - 繼續執行。CDROM / DVDROMCHAPCUPSCUPS - Common Unix Printing SystemCUPS 設定組態CUPS 目前並不支援位於Novell主機上的列印機,包含不使用free-formed 命令傳送列印資料的列印機。 Cable 連線行事曆CambodiaCameroon找不到目前您核心內某個驅動程式模組檔案 (%s),也許當初你用來開機提供的的磁片有問題,像是使用舊版的 Mandrake 開機映像檔案,而不是該 Mandrake版本提供的開機映像檔案。請重新製作以便於進行下面動作)無法在 _已格式_ 化的磁碟陣列 md%d 中加入分割區無法建立 catalog 資訊無法找到 %s (位於 %s)無法使用 %s 帳號登入系統 (密碼錯誤?)在尚未進行分割前無法提供畫面捕捉功能因為這個分割區被用作 loop back 使用,所以無法解除 這個掛載點;請先取消 loopback 的設定。沒有 NIS 網域無法使用廣播 (broadcast)加拿大加拿大 (cable)加拿大 (魁北克)取消Cape VerdeCapsLock 按鍵介面卡 IO介面卡 IO_0介面卡 IO_1介面卡 IRQ介面卡 mem (DMA)介面卡模組:Cayman Islands標為 "%s" 的光碟片Central African RepublicChad改變分割區格式變更列印系統改變分割區格式換片了! 請更換命名為 "%s" 的安裝片,然後按下確定繼續。 若是您並沒有這張安裝片,請點選取消略過這一片的安裝的動作。取消檢查壞掉的磁區?檢查 %s正在檢查已經安裝的軟體正在檢查您的系統...Chile中國中國(香港)中國 (broadcast)選擇檔案選取要用來抓取程式套件檔的 FTP 映射站台選取合適的螢幕選擇分割區選擇動作選取要加入的磁碟陣列選取一存在的磁碟陣列加入到選擇另一個分割區選取色彩選取檔案請由清單內選擇您預期的列印機項目,並且輸入主機名稱、 IP等資訊,必要時請輸入該連結埠號 (預設使用 port 9100)。選取程式套件選擇能夠使用該字體的應用程式:選擇您要設定的連線項目請選取預設的使用者:選取掛載點選取網路介面選取新的大小選擇您想要安裝的套件選擇要格式化的分割區選取解析度以及顏色數選取大小選取您想使用的視窗管理程式:選擇希望在下一次開機時啟動的服務程式項目選擇您檔案系統所使用的加密金鑰選取鍵盤形式Christmas Island組塊大小 %s %s 被循環掛載 每次開機時自動清理 /tmp 目錄暫存檔全部清除包含 ssh 等其他不同通訊協定的用戶端程式關閉Cocos (Keeling) Islands縮疊樹狀結構Colombia顏色深度: %s Comoros正在計算 fat 分割區的邊界組態設定設定精靈設定設定區域網路...設定 X 環境設定所有顯示卡無法建立開機載入畫面御覽設定主機名稱...設定模組設定滑鼠設定網路連線僅設定這張 "%s"%s 卡設定系統服務立即設定網路於其他機器上已設定設定 IDE 裝置正在設定 PCMCIA 卡...正在設定應用程式...正在設定「%s」列印機中 ...設定 script, 安裝軟體,啟動相關的 servers 服務設定中...恭喜!!連線到 Internet將您的列印機安裝在 Linux 伺服器上且讓您的 Windows 機器以客戶端連線到 Linux 伺服器 您確定要繼續進行設定這台列印機下去嗎?連線...已連線連線組態連線名稱連線速度連線逾時 (以秒為單位)連線項目: Console 工具連結到 Mirror Linux Web Site 查詢可用的映射站台向 FTP 映射站台查詢可用的程式套件列表檔案的內容繼續不管如何都要繼續嗎 ?Ctrl 與 Shift 組合按鍵Cook Islands複製字體至系統正在複製 %s哥斯大黎加Cote d'Ivoire無法存取到軟碟國家/地區新建建立新的分割區建立新的佈景建立並格式化檔案 %s正在製作自動安裝磁片正在製作自動安裝磁片Croatia克羅埃西亞Ctrl 與 Alt 組合按鍵Cuba目前 '%s' 的組態設定: 網路: %s IP 位址: %s IP 屬性:%s 驅動程式: %s目前介面組態設定目前使用者自訂自訂回存方式自訂磁碟分割第 %d 磁柱到第 %d 磁柱 Cyprus捷克 (QWERTY)捷克 (QWERTZ)捷克共和國DHCPDHCP 用戶端DNS IP 位址必須要用類似 的格式來輸入DOS 底下的磁碟代號: %s (猜測值,僅供參考) DVDDVD-ROM丹麥資料庫軟體資料庫軟體天12月預設開機預設 OS ?預設桌面預設列印機預設使用者在啟動作業系統前先延遲的時間刪除刪除所有 NBI備份成功後刪除硬碟上的 tar 檔案刪除所選取的規則Denmark描述欄位的描述資訊: 詳細資訊詳細資訊偵測到 %s已偵測的硬體偵測到的型號:%s %s正在偵測裝置...正在偵測中程式開發平台裝置: 撥接的模式列印正常嗎?%s 目錄已經包含了資料了 (%s)請輸入要備份到該主機的所在目錄名稱關閉服務正在關閉伺服器...斷線...在 Console 顯示 logo在 console 顯示佈景Djibouti做吧 !在回存前進行新的備份動作 (只能夠用在遞增式備份時.)不要包含重要的檔案 (passwd、group、fstab)不要包含瀏覽器的快取資料檔不要列印任何測試頁不傳送列印機您系統有 ISA 音效卡嗎?您還有其他的嗎?你是否有任何 %s 介面?您確定要刪除 "%s" 列印機嗎?您希望 BackSpace 後退鍵能夠在 console 下回應 Delete 按鍵的功能嗎?您要按這個按鈕嗎?您要開啟內部網路的列印機列印服務嗎? 您要啟上面提及列印機列印服務,或者是使用內部網路內的列印機嗎? 您要開啟上面提及的列印機列印服務嗎? 您想要儲存 /etc/fstab 檔案的修改嗎?您要使用這台列印機 ("%s") 為預設列印機嗎?您要在開機時自動啟動該連線嗎?您想要測試您的設定值嗎?您想要試著連線到 Internet 上面嗎?您要使用 aboot 嗎 ?文件檔案似乎不是可燒錄的媒介裝置!網域網域管理密碼網域管理帳號需要 Domain 認證網域名稱解析器DNS 伺服器網域名稱DominicaDominican Republic備份之後不回捲磁帶完成向下DrakSec 基本參數選項DrakbackupDrakbackup 組態驅動程式驅動程式:重複的掛載點 %s荷蘭DvorakDvorak (Norwegian)Dvorak (Swedish)Dvorak (US)EIDE/SCSI 通道東歐East TimorEcuador編輯目前規則編輯選擇的主機編輯器, shell, 檔案工具, 終端機Egypt伺服器的主機名稱或者是 IP 必須指定El SalvadorEmpty標籤不可以空白模擬三鍵滑鼠的功能 ?啟用 ACPI允許 CD 開機?允許 OF 開機 ?開啟服務使用多重設定檔啟用伺服器中...加密金鑰再次輸入加密金鑰輸入列印機所在 URI 位址輸入一位使用者帳號 %s請輸入您要儲存的目錄名稱:進入步驟 `%s' 該欄位項目您需要輸入: %sEquatorial Guinea刪除所有磁碟內容使用磁帶進行備份Eritrea錯誤安裝 aboot 時發生錯誤, 你要冒著可能毀損第一個分割區的強況強迫再次安裝嗎?正在開啟 %s 以寫入檔案時發生錯誤: %s讀取檔案 %s 時發生錯誤寫入檔案 %s 時發生錯誤錯誤!錯誤: 你的音效卡驅動程式 "%s" 沒有列出正在估計Estonia愛沙尼亞網路開機 Floppy/ISO網路開機的映像檔案是 %sEthernetcardEthiopiaEurope 通訊協定 (EDSS1)每一個列印機都需要指定一個名稱 (比方像是 printer)。 至於描述與位置欄位可以不必填入,因為這些欄位是註解。全部 (但不包含 firewall)執行離開離開安裝程式展開樹狀結構專家模式Ext2這個平台並不支援延伸分割區外接式 ISDN 數據機FAT 重定大小失敗: %sFTP 代理伺服器NTP 伺服器無法新增列印機 "%s" 到 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 內。無法檢查該 %s 檔案系統,您要修復該錯誤嗎?(請注意,修復可能導致遺失資料)無法移除在 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 的列印機 "%s"。Falkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe Islands2月Fiji檔案選取檔案已經存在了,要使用這個檔案嗎?檔案分享要回存的檔案...檔案系統加密金鑰檔案系統格式: 檔案系統格式:正在搜尋需要升級的套件完成芬蘭芬蘭防火牆防火牆/路由器防火牆設定已經偵測到了!第一台DNS伺服器 (可不輸入)首次精靈開機分割區的第一個磁區硬碟的第一個磁區 (MBR)根分隔區的第一扇區請移開軟碟內的磁片格式化字型清單字型複製目前 GNU/Linux 核心的 bttv 模組能夠正確的偵測處理目前大部分的 TV 卡. 若是無法正確偵測出來 TV 卡的話, 您可以在這邊強制正確的調頻與卡型.若需要則選擇 TV 卡參數.因為安全因素考量,現在將會切斷連線。格式化硬碟格式化已格式化 正在格式化分割區 %s找到 %s %s 介面法國法國 [SECAM]法國French GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern Territories星期五FTP 伺服器GBGMT - DrakClockGnome 環境GPM 能夠讓系統在文字模式下驅動顯示出滑鼠游標,能夠在 Midnight Commander 這類程式中所使用。另外還能夠支援在文字模式下螢幕文字的剪貼複製功能。GabonGambia遊戲平台閘道通訊閘 (比方 %s)Gateway IP 位址必須要用類似 的格式來輸入閘道裝置閘道器:一般製作自動安裝磁片產生御覽圖示中...一般一般的兩鍵式滑鼠一般的三鍵式滑鼠一般的三鍵式滑鼠一般 PS/2 Wheel 滑鼠一般列印機Genius NetMouseGenius NetScroll硬碟資訊: %s 磁柱, %s 讀寫頭, %s 磁區 Georgia喬治亞 ("拉丁式" 配置)喬治亞 ("俄國式" 配置)德國德國 (no dead keys)德國GhanaGhostScriptGibraltar輸入檔案名稱輸入記憶體大小 (以 MB 為單位)GlidePoint無論如何都要繼續嗎 ?略過網路設定項目繼續進行下面的步驟顯示卡圖形介面環境圖形介面開機時啟動 X 環境顯示卡: %s顯示卡: %s 繪圖記憶體: %s kB 希臘希臘GreenlandGrenadaGrub 開機程式GuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGuyanaHFSHTTP 代理伺服器Haiti硬碟備份進度...硬碟備份檔案...硬碟偵測硬碟資訊HardDrake 硬體偵測設定HardDrake 程式會進行硬體偵測動作,以便於設定新加入或者是有變更過 的週邊裝置。硬碟 / NFSHarddrake 說明Harddrake2 版本 %s硬體硬體時鐘設定為 GMT 時間祝有美好的一天!求助下面還有一些其他的選項,您可以選擇新增或 修改既有的選項。下面包含了目前列印機支援的選項清單: 以下是所有的國家/地區下面清單是可供選擇的鍵盤列表請選擇熱鍵,以便於快速的切換不同的鍵盤配置您可以選擇使用 OSS 或者 ALSA 的音效卡驅動程式項目工您的音效卡使用 (%s)隱藏檔案高較高Honduras水平更新頻率主機 "%s",連接埠 %s主機名稱 %s主機名稱主機路徑或是模組名稱主機名稱需要輸入主機名稱主機名稱:時列印機的連線方式為何?匈牙利Hungary設定程式已經紀錄了目前的組態設定資訊,並假設您已經設定好了 DHCP 服務;接下來請確認設定程式能夠正確取的您區域網路資訊; 如果設定程式無法正確取得 DHCP 服務組態的話,相關設定將不會繼續。 沒問題的話,安裝程式將會重新設定您的網路介面,設定由 DHCP 主機 取得IP資訊。 現在能夠設定於開機後自動以某個使用者身份登入系統。 您要使用這個功能嗎?程式可以幫您設定在開機時自動進入 X 環境, 您希望在重新開機以後就自動進入 X 環境嗎 ?程式無法再新增任何分割區了找不到任何可用的安裝空間我找不到這個重要的檔案 %s 。不清楚不知道要如何將 %s 格式化為 %s 格式IDEIP 位址IP 位址必須要用類似 的格式來輸入ISA / PCMCIAISDN 設定ISDN 連線Iceland冰島Icewm, Window Maker, Enlightenment, Fvwm, 等等管理程式圖示如果您有下面清單內所列出的 CD 光碟片,請選擇確定。 如果都沒有的話,請選擇取消。 如果有一些項目您並沒有的話,把該項目取消選取,然後按下確定繼續。如果你打算使用 aboot 程式的話,請注意您至少需要在於磁碟最前端保留一塊可用的空間 (2048 磁區就足夠了)。如果該列印機並未列出,請選擇相容或者是相信的列印機型號。核心除此之外,queues 無法透過該程式建立,或者是 "foomatic-configure" 無法進行傳輸。雖然大部分時候不需要額外的參數,可是有些時候 %s 的驅動 程式需要加上一些參數才能正常運作;您要指定額外的參數給 驅動程式,還是讓程式自行偵測硬體設定呢? 有時候自動偵測 會讓電腦當機,不過應該不至於造成任何傷害才對。印度選取單一套件印度尼西亞資訊資訊: 資訊啟動訊息初始測試InitrdInitrd 大小請在 %s 中插入已經格式化(FAT格式)磁碟片請在 %s 中插入一片空白磁片請插入一張包含軟體選取清單紀錄的磁片插入軟碟片 所有在這片軟碟中的資料都將被清除請插入一張磁片請置入標籤名稱為 %s 的 CD 片到光碟機內 (掛載點為 /mnt/cdrom)請置入標籤名稱為 %s 的磁帶 到 %s 磁帶機內安裝安裝與轉換字體安裝開機程式安裝系統安裝佈景安裝升級安裝 %s 失敗,發生如下之錯誤:開機程式安裝失敗,發生如下之錯誤:正在安裝正在安裝套件 %s...正在安裝 Foomatic 套件...正在安裝套件 HPOJ...在 %s 安全等級環境下正在安裝列印服務系統項目正在安裝開機程式正在安裝 %s 卡 %s 的驅動程式正在安裝 %s 套件正在安裝 %s 套件 %d%%正在安裝套件...介面介面 %s介面 %s介面 %s (使用 %s 模組)介面:內部 ISDN 介面卡InternetInternet 連線設定Internet 連線分享Internet 連線共享目前關閉了。Internet 連線分享目前處於可用狀態Internet 連線共享目前關閉了。Internet 連線工想目前開啟了。Internet 存取Internet 連線Internet 連線設定Internet 閘道器Internet 平台伊朗Iraq愛爾蘭這是安裝或是升級?這樣子正確嗎?這是正確設定值嗎?硬體時鐘設定為 GMT 時間嗎?以色列以色列以色列 (音標)義大利義大利牙買加1月日本日本 (broascast)日本 (cable)日本 106 鍵約旦Journalised FS7月6月KBKDE 環境Kazakhstan儲存目前的變更? 目前的組態是: %sKensington Thinking Mouse肯亞核心啟動時間逾時時間核心:鍵盤鍵盤的形式: %s Kiribati韓國韓式鍵盤科威特Kyrgyzstan區域網路設定區域網路設定區域網路連線使用 LDAPLDAP 的 dn 欄位LDAP 伺服主機圖形介面 LILO 程式文字選單 LILO 程式安裝 LILO 或 GRUBLPDLPD - Line Printer DaemonPD 與 LPRng 不支援 IPP 類型的列印機。 位於 LPD 主機 "%s",列印機 "%s"LPRngLPRng - LPR New GenerationLSBLVM 名稱?LVM 磁碟 %s 標籤選擇語系寮國老撾國拉丁美洲Latvia拉托維亞啟動 Linux Kernel 2.2 系列的防火牆機制,用來保護您的機器不會遭受 外來的網路攻擊。啟動 ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) 音效系統開機時啟動 X Window 圖形作業環境在您的系統上啟動音效服務系統啟動 userdrakeLebanon左邊 "Windows" 按鍵賴索托選擇任何驅動程式階層 %s Lexmark 噴墨列印機設定利比利亞版權版權協議LiechtensteinLinuxLSB 的支援,包含第三類協力廠商軟體支援Linux Virtual Server, 用來架設一個高效能與高效率的 LVS 伺服器。Linuxconf 程式會在開機時偵測一些項目,調整維護系統一些組態設定。毀損的資料檔案清單: 要回存的資料清單: 目前所列出來的是程式偵測到目前的分割區狀態。 怎麼劃分分割區來使用,您可以簡單選擇精靈模式讓安裝程式幫您 自動決定怎麼劃分,一般來說都能夠得到不錯的分配方式。 如果您手動處理分割區劃分的話,記得您至少要定義出一塊當作 / 分割區來使用。 目前偵測到您的硬碟上有多個 Windows 分割區,請選擇您希望要縮小 Windows 的分割區,以便於把空間挪出來安裝 Mandrakelinux 作業系統。 下列每個分割區都列出了: "名稱", "容量"。 "名稱" 都是有統一的命名方式: "硬碟類型","硬碟編號", "分割區編號" (比方,"hda1")。 "硬碟類型" 部份,IDE 硬碟使用 "hd",SCSI 則是 "sd"。 "硬碟編號" 部份,伴隨在 "hd" 或者是 "sd" 後面,比方 * "a" 這是指 "primary IDE controller 上第一台 (master) 硬碟", * "b" 這是指 "primmary IDE controller 上第二台 (slave) 硬碟", * "c" 這是指 "secondary IDE controller 上第一台 (master) 硬碟", * "d" 這是指 "secondary IDE controller 上第二台 (slave) 硬碟"。 以 SCSI 硬碟來說,"a" 就是指 "SCSI IDE 編號最小的那一台", "b" 就是指 "SCSI IDE 編號為二的那一台硬碟",然後依此類推下去.....立陶宛立陶宛 (number row, QWERTY 式)立陶宛 (phonetic, QWERTY 式)立陶宛 (新 AZERTY 式)立陶宛 (舊 AZERTY 式)載入軟碟中的設定值載入 usb 裝置所需要的驅動程式由軟碟載入/儲存正在載入軟碟中的設定值載入 %s 模組失敗, 您要用其他參數再試一次嗎?內部網路IP位址本機列印機本機列印機本機密碼檔內部網路IP位址本機列印機位置匯流排上的位置登入的帳號名稱Logitech CC SeriesLogitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)Logitech Bus MouseLogitech MouseMan+Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+正在搜尋已經安裝過的套件...正在搜尋可以安裝的套件並且建立 rpm 資料庫...正在搜尋可以安裝的套件LoopbackLoopback 檔案名稱: Loopback 檔案名稱: %s繞回裝置 (loopback) 檔案: %s 森堡MBMM HitTabletMM Series移動您的滾輪 !馬其頓馬其頓MadagascarMail 伺服器郵件警示郵件警示通知組態設定設定開機時不顯示核心訊息資訊MalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMalta馬爾他語 (UK)馬爾他語 (US)錯誤! %s 套件未安裝或者是遺失Mandrake 臭蟲報告工具Mandrake 控制中心Mandrake Online 線上服務Mandrakelinux 安裝程式 %s您可以選擇在安裝完成以後使用其他的語言手動組態設定3月Marshall IslandsMartinique相配的MauritaniaMauritius5月Mayotte媒介類別Mandrake 選單編輯器MexicoMicronesiaMicrosoft ExplorerMicrosoft IntelliMouse最小安裝分型號模型步修改變更磁碟陣列設定修改列印機設定型號手動組態設定模組名稱模組參數:MoldovaMonaco星期一Mongolia塞爾維亞 (cyrillic)螢幕螢幕水平更新頻率: %s 螢幕垂直更新頻率: %s 螢幕: %s 月Montserrat更多更多選項Morocco掛載掛載參數掛載點掛載點: 指定的掛載點需以 / 開頭已掛載 掛載與卸下所有網路檔案系統,比方像是 網路檔案系統(NFS), SMB, NCP (NetWare) 這類。滑鼠滑鼠連接埠Mouse Systems滑鼠連接的位置: %s 滑鼠的種類: %s 移動將檔案搬移到新的分割區正在移動正在將檔案搬移到新的分割區正在移動分割區...MozambiqueMsec 安全設定偵測HP JetDirect 上的多功能裝置多重顯示卡設定多媒體平台Multisession CDMyanmar蒙古語 (緬甸語)NCP 列印佇列名稱名稱沒指定NCP 伺服器名稱沒指定!NFS 是一個常用的網路通訊協定,能夠提供跨網路分享其他主機的檔案系統。 這個服務提供 NFS 檔案分享時的鎖定機制。NFS 是一個常用的網路通訊協定,能夠提供跨網路分享其他主機的檔案系統。 這個服務項目會依照系統的 /etc/exports 檔案設定來啟動 NFS 分享功能。NFS server、SMB server、Proxy server、Ssh server使用 NISNIS 域名NIS 伺服主機NOTE:需要安裝必要的列印機驅動程式套件等檔案,大約共佔用 %d MB 的空間。NTP 伺服主機名稱列印機名稱列印機的名稱應該只有包含英文字母、數字與底線這類字元名稱:名稱: NamibiaNauru需要指定主機名稱、使用者與密碼!需要建立 /etc/dhcpd.conf 檔案!Nepal網路開機映像檔網路方式:NetWare 列印機選項荷蘭Netherlands Antilles網路遮罩網路遮罩網路網路設定用戶端網路環境網路伺服器網路設定網路選項網路組態 (%d 介面卡)目前網路功能尚未設定網路介面網路介面已經設定完成網路列印機 "%s",連接埠 %s網路列印機 (TCP/Socket)新增New CaledoniaNew Zealand新的 devfs 裝置新列印機名稱新大小 (MB): 丹麥下一步NicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiue否尚未有任何 CD 裝置定義!未放入 CDR/DVDR!未選擇網路卡!偵測不到系統有任何音效裝置!目前您的系統偵測不到任何音效卡裝置,請確認您的音效卡有安插正確。 另外請連上我們的官方網站查看資料庫,檢視您的音效卡是否已經支援: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/hardware.php3系統偵測不到任何電視卡!目前您的系統偵測不到任何電視卡,請確認您的電視卡有安插正確。 另外請連上我們的官方網站查看資料庫,檢視您的電視卡是否已經支援: http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/hardware.php3抱歉 ! 這個服務項目並沒有 額外的相關資訊。不使用另外可供選擇的驅動程式找不到可用的瀏覽器程式,請先安裝上可用的瀏覽器備份沒有任何異動!尚未產生組態設定檔案,請點選 精靈或者是進階模式建立之。尚未設定任何組態項目,請點選精靈或者是進階模式建立之。 系統偵測不到有任何網路卡的安裝。所以無法設定連結類型。您系統偵測不到有網路卡的存在,請重新執行硬體設定工具。沒有可用的軟碟機沒有可用的軟碟機沒有足夠的可用空間安裝開機管理程式! 安裝還是會繼續,但是您需要使用開機片才能夠正確啟動系統。找不到硬碟裝置未選取核心!無已知的驅動程式無法找到本地端列印機! 請手動指定列印機的所在裝置名稱。 (並列埠:/dev/lp0,/dev/lp1,... 相當於 LPT1:,LPT2:..., 第一台 USB 列印機是:/dev/usb/lp0,第二台:/dev/usb/lp1)。無滑鼠並未建立網路開機映像檔您系統並沒有網路卡存在無網路卡無已知的驅動程式找不到可用的分割區沒有密碼%s 無密碼回應 (位於連接埠 %s)無列印機找不到列印機!不分享沒偵測到任何音效卡。請在安裝後執行 "harddrake" 進行設定%s 內未放入磁帶!不列印測試頁不,我不需要自動登入 (AutoLogin)NoVideoNorfolk Island一般模式Northern Mariana Islands挪威挪威尚未連線沒有足夠的空間能夠自動配置沒有足夠的空間可以建立新的分割區了分割區數目不足以用來設定成為階層 %d 的磁碟陣列 沒有足夠的虛擬記憶體可以用來完成安裝作業,請增加置換空間不是可抹寫的媒介裝置!未格式化 尚未安裝不正確的 CD 片標籤,磁碟標籤名稱為 %s。不正確的磁帶標籤,磁帶標籤為 %s。沒有做任何動作注意11月完成,您現在可以在 X 下執行 xawtv 程式了! 兩個按鍵擷取緩衝的數量:確定選取 OK 來回存其他檔案。OKI Windows 列印機設定10月辦公軟體平台辦公軟體: 文書處理軟體 (kword、abiword), 試算表 (kspread、gnumeric), pdf 閱讀程式等等確定舊的裝置檔案Oman於 CD-R 裝置位於 CUPS 伺服器 "%s"在軟碟機於磁帶機裝置開機自動載入開啟 Firmware Delay%s 選項一定要為數字!%s 參數需要為整數!%s 參數超出允許範圍選項「限制指令行參數」在沒有設定密碼的情況下會失效選項選項: %s其他其他圖型桌面軟體其他裝置其他作業系統 (MacOS...)其他作業系統 (SunOS...)其他作業系統 (windows...)其他地方測試連接埠PAPPCIPCMCIAPCMCIA 支援,一般是用來讓筆記型電腦的網路卡、Modem 驅動所設計。 一般來說,要額外設定好 PCMCIA 後才會真正啟動 PCMCIA 服務,因此 就算是系統不需要這個功能,預先啟動他也不會有任何影響。PDQPDQ - Print, Don't QueuePDQ 僅支援本地端列印機,或者是遠端 LPD 的列印機,以及 TCP/Socket 列印機類型。 PLL 設定:POP 與 IMAP 伺服器依群組選取要安裝的套件套件選取套件: PakistanPalauPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguay參數嚴密預設開機的分割區 (給 MS-DOS 開機程式用的, 跟 lilo 無關) 正在準備將要寫入磁碟 %s 的硬碟分割表!硬碟分割表形式: %s 分隔區硬碟分割失敗: %s密碼密碼 (再一次)需要輸入密碼已啟動密碼認證功能,但仍然不建議將此系統運作於網路上網路環境。路徑需要輸入路徑或是模組名稱路徑選擇週期性檢查由 %s 傳輸到 %s 發生錯誤,權限拒絕權限的問題無法存取 CD.權限PeruPhilippines電話號碼圖形列印測試頁使用 Pipe 管線方式組成列印工作Pitcairn請稍待... 正在套用該設定請檢查希望要備份的所有使用者項目。請選擇要使用那個語系。請選擇每一個安裝的步驟,這些將會是您所操作的安裝過程請選擇在載入或者是儲存所選擇的套件到磁片內。 該磁片格式就是自動安裝時所製作產生的磁片格式。請選擇您希望的安全等級請選取您要編輯的前10個項目,按下Enter繼續。 您目前選擇是?請選擇您列印機的連接埠,或者是輸入該裝置的名稱請選取列印機所連接的連接埠。請選擇您列印機的連接埠,或者是輸入該裝置的名稱請輸入每一次備份的間隔時間請選擇要連線到區域網路內的網路卡。請選取您要備份的項目請選取您要備份的項目請選擇您要用來連上 Internet 的網路卡請選取您數據機連接的序列埠。請選取您滑鼠連接的序列埠。請選擇您的國家或地區。請選取鍵盤排列的格式是那一種。請選取滑鼠的形式。請選取滑鼠的形式。請點選一個分割區請輸入這台機器的 IP 設定值. 每個項目都應該用小數點間隔的十進位阿拉伯數字來輸入 (例如請輸入 WevDAV 主機 URL請於下方輸入你的 e-mail請輸入您的主機名稱, 您的主機名稱應該是一個合格的主機全名 (FQDN), 類似 ``mybox.mylab.myco.com'' 的格式;假如您有 使用閘道器的話,也請在這邊輸入閘道器的 IP 位址。請輸入你的使用者名稱、密碼以及網域名稱,以便於能夠連線存取。請您填入並且檢查下面欄位紀錄請輸入使用者帳號請插入一張磁片:請在 %s 磁碟機內插入一張可開機磁碟片請在 %s 磁碟機內插入一張包含更新模組資料的磁碟片請登出,然後用 Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace 重新啟動 X請您先備份您的資料請選擇用來備份資料的裝置...請選取要回存的資料...請選擇正確的連接埠名稱。比方,MS Windows 所稱呼的「COM1」, 在 GNU/Linux 環境是稱呼為「ttyS0」。您選取你要列印的測試頁。 注意: 圖形測試頁會花費比較久的時間來列印, 若是該列印機硬體可用記憶體很少的話,列印時間 能夠會需要花費更久時間。 一般情況來說,選擇標準的測試頁就很足夠了。請測試滑鼠請再試一次下一次請取消或者是移除該項目。請稍候正在準備安裝工作...請稍後,設定安全等級中...請稍後,設定安全選項...請稍後, 設定系統 USB key 組態檔...請選取鍵盤排列的格式是那一種。隨插即用Plug'n Play 偵測失敗,請選擇預期的螢幕項目波蘭波蘭波蘭 (qwerty 式配置)波蘭 (qwertz 式配置)差連接埠Portugal葡萄牙後續安裝設定後續反安裝設定安裝後的進一步設定Postfix 郵件伺服器Postfix 是一個郵件傳送代理程式,用來投遞信件提供 SMTP 服務。PostgreSQL、MySQL 資料庫潛在的 LAN 位址衝突發現於目前 %s 設定! 需要的話,輸入正確的記憶體大小 (找到 %d MB)設定值: 偏好正在準備開機程式正在準備安裝工作正在準備列印機資料御覽上一步列印列印佇列名稱列印選項清單列印測試頁...列印機網路列印機 "%s",位於 SMB/Windows 伺服器 "%s"列印機 "%s",位於 "%s"列印機 %s 您要修改這個列印機的那個項目?印表裝置的 URI列印機名稱列印伺服器名稱列印機自動偵測列印機連線方式列印機型號選擇預設列印機設定 您需要確定紙張的大小與墨水的種類設定都正確無誤。 請注意一下,當使用高品質列印時所花費的時間會越久。列印機主機名稱或是IP沒指定列印機主機名稱或是IP !列印機廠商,型號列印機廠商,型號,驅動程式列印機型號選擇列印機名稱, 描述, 位置Netware 伺服器列印機SMB/Windows 95/98/NT 伺服器列印機遠端的 CUPS 伺服器列印機遠端的 lpd 伺服器列印機列印機選項PrinterDrakePrinterDrake 程式已經比較了現有資料庫內以及自動偵測的結果,以便於能夠找出最適用的列印機類型。這個結果可能有問題,尤其您的列印機的項目並沒有登記在目前已知的資料庫內時,所以請檢視這個結果是否正確,必要時請選擇「手動選擇型號」項目挑選出正確的型號項目。 目前 PrinterDrake 程式所找到的列印機項目如下: %s列印使用「%s」列印機進行列印正在列印測試頁...安裝 %s 套件發生錯誤設定時發生問題. 以 net_monitor 或 mcc 測試您的連線狀態. 若是您發現您的網路連線並不 作用. 您或許需要重新再進行設定.進度巴色彩選擇特性通訊協定其他的協定其他世界的通訊協定 無 D-Channel (leased lines)ISP 的名稱 (網路提供者名稱)ISP 電話號碼設定要使用的代理伺服器代理伺服器的設定格式必須為 http://...Puerto RicoQatar結束不儲存就離開放棄寫入硬碟分割表就離開?磁碟陣列 (RAID) md%s RAID 磁碟 %s Radio 支援:Raw 列印機Raw 列印機 (無驅動程式)重新設定該網路介面與 DHCP 伺服器重新送出請詳細閱讀!讀取列印機資料 ...正在讀取列印機資料 ...使用者名稱重新開機更新更新列印機清單 (重新尋找遠端可用的所有 CUPS 列印機)正在更新列印機資料 ...拒絕發行: 載入硬碟分割表記住該密碼遠端管理遠端 CUPS 伺服器遠端列印機遠端主機名稱沒指定遠端主機名稱 !遠端 lpd 列印機選項遠端列印機遠端列印機名稱沒指定列印機名稱 !抽取式裝置自動掛載移除清單移除選取項目移除 Windows(TM)移除一模組由您的系統移除該字體檔案由磁碟陣列中移除由磁碟陣列中移除刪除列印機移除之前項目先移除 logical volume 移除繞回裝置 (loopback) 檔案?移除位於 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 的列印機在回存資料時先刪除使用者的相關目錄正在移除 %s正在移除 %s正在刪除舊有列印機 "%s" ...正在移除列印機 "%s"...移除 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 內的列印機重播回報搶救硬碟分割表重新選取正確的字型變更大小正在重設大小正在計算 Windows 檔案系統的邊界解析度解析度: %s 解析度重新啟動 XFS 服務正在重新啟動列印系統服務 ...回存回存失敗...使用光碟片回存使用型錄回存使用磁帶回存回存其他檔案回存進度回存選取項目 檔案回存使用者檔案使用網路回存檔案網路回存使用的協定:%s回存所有備份資料由硬碟回存。回存硬碟分割表回存系統試圖從檔案 %s 恢復時發生錯誤: %s限制在 boot: 指令行輸入參數重試Reunion右邊 "Windows" 按鍵右方 Alt 按鍵右方 Shift 按鍵Romania羅馬尼亞 (qwerty)羅馬尼亞 (qwertz)Root根目錄分割區的大小 (MB): Root 密碼請在安裝完畢後,執行 "sndconfig" 來設定音效卡執行設定程式atd 服務程式,能夠讓您在在命令列指定某個時間執行某個程式。蘇俄俄羅斯俄羅斯 (音標)Rwanda安全性警告SLILOSILO 安裝網路芳鄰 (SMB, Windows 9x/NT) 列印機選項SMB 伺服器 IP網芳主機名稱”NIS 伺服主機Saint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamba 伺服器Samba 分享的名稱沒指定 !SamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and Principe星期六Saudi Arabia儲存另存新檔...儲存設定到磁片儲存所選取的檔案寫入硬碟分割表儲存佈景儲存與回存高品質系統亂數產生器選取您的掃描器正在掃描電視頻道準備開始掃描電視頻道掃描網路中...正在掃描你的 HP 多功能裝置正在掃描分割區所屬的掛載點在安裝 %s 後就能夠提供畫面捕捉功能Script-based搜尋檔案來回存於已安裝清單內搜尋字型尋找已安裝字型搜尋伺服器尋找:第二台DNS伺服器 (可不輸入)磁區安全性安全性管理者 (login 或是 email)安全性管理者:安全警示:安全層級安全等級:安全等級檢視硬體資訊選擇列印機連線選擇印表列印系統請選取要用來回存資料的裝置來源選擇檔案選擇安裝類別手動選擇型號選擇要回存的路徑名稱 (代替預設的 /)選取字型檔案或者是所在目錄, 點選 '加入'設定顯示卡上的繪圖記憶體大小手動選取使用者選擇您的 ISP 廠商。 如果並沒有包含在清單內,請選擇未列在清單內選取所有項目所選取紀錄的項目超過可用的磁碟空間在每次備份完成後發送郵件通知該使用者:正在送出檔案...Senegal9月塞爾維亞 (cyrillic)伺服器平台主機: Server 程式服務程式服務程式: %d 已經啟動,共有 %d 註冊的項目設定 root 密碼使用這台列印機為預設列印機請設定好您的 Windows 主機的服務,確認列印機能夠在 IPP 通訊協定上正常運作,以便於在 PrinterDrake 程式內使用 "%s" 連線能夠存取到。 Set-GIDSet-UID設定Seychelles列印機名稱Shell 程式顯示自動選取的套件顯示目前網路介面組態設定僅顯示所選取日期Sierra Leone新加坡大小大小 (MB): 大小: %s大小: %s 略過Slovakia斯洛法克 (QWERTY)斯洛法克 (QWERTZ)Slovenia斯洛法尼亞套件管理程式Solomon IslandsSomalia位於 "%s" 的硬體類別項目已經移除: 系統某些硬體需要額外的驅動程式以便於能夠驅動工作。 您可以在這裡找到一些相關的資訊: %s有一部分重要的套件無法安裝到系統。 可能是您的 cdrom 硬體有問題,或者是 CD 安裝片毀損了 還有些步驟沒有完成, 您確定要結束安裝程式?製作時發生錯誤,您確認你有安裝 mkisofs 程式音效以及影像撥放編輯程式音效卡音效組態音效卡南非西班牙西班牙指定參數Sri Lanka單一工具標準標準列印測試頁StarOffice啟動啟動服務於開機時啟動開始的磁區: 開始: 第 %s 磁區 於開機時啟動啟動網路中 ...於開機時啟動列印服務系統啟動 X Font Server (這是為了 XFree 執行一定要的).狀態狀態:停止停止服務Sudan總結總結Sun - 滑鼠SunOS星期日支援 OKI 4w 以及 WindowsPrinter 列印機。不刪除字型檔不刪除暫時檔案SurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwap置換分割區的大小 (MB): Swaziland瑞典瑞典瑞士 (法國式配置)瑞士 (德國式配置)由 ext2 正在切換到 ext3Switzerland同步工具Syriacsyslog 服務程式能夠讓系統許多服務程式用紀錄檔案來回應系統 所發生一些事情。建議您一定要啟動 syslog 服務程式系統系統選項系統整合系統安裝系統模式TBTCP/Socket 列印機選項電視卡台灣Tajik 鍵盤Tajikistan磁帶Terminal-based測試測試設定值測試頁已經被送到列印伺服程式了,接著可能需要花 一點時間,列印機才會把結果印出來。 測試頁已經被送到列印伺服程式了. 於列印機開始之前, 它可能需要一點時間. 目前的列印狀態: %s 列印測試頁正在測試網路連線泰式鍵盤泰國DHCP 結束範圍DHCP 開始 ipDHCP 起始範圍該 DHCP 主機 IPDrakX 分割精靈找到了下面可用的解決方案:無法調整該 FAT 分割區的大小,發生了下面的錯誤: %sKDE 圖形桌面介面環境,包含許多好用的圖型介面工具程式該區域網路並不是以 .0 結尾,放棄...URL 格式必須為 http:// 或是 https:// 類型自動安裝功能,可以完全滿足您希望能夠自動化的在一台 電腦上進行系統安裝的動作。 這個功能,您就可以進行所謂的自動化進行安裝的機制。 備份的硬碟分割表有不一樣的大小 還要繼續?變更已經完成,不過您需要重新登入才能夠生效改變完成, 您想要重新開始 dm 服務嗎?列印機的設定將會完全且自動正常工作. 若你的 列印機沒有正確被偵測到或是你喜歡一個自訂的列印機 設定值, 打開 "Manual configuration 手動設定".預設租約時間 (秒為單位)輸入的加密金鑰不符合已經成功建立自動安裝磁片。 您可以使用這張磁片進行自動安裝的程序下列的套件將會被安裝上下列的套件將會被移除以下列印機 %s%s 直接連接於您的系統上Lexmark 所提供的噴墨列印機驅動程式只有支援本機列印機 的列印的功能,將無法使用這類遠端列印機。請確認您目前 列印機已經正確連結到您本地端電腦上,設定該列印機的 連結位置。內部網域的名稱internet superserver daemon (一般稱呼為 inetd),它代為像是 telnet、ftp, rsh、rlogin 等等這類服務的監聽,然後有連線請求時,在實際呼叫提供服務的 程式進行後續交談溝通的動作。關閉這個項目,仰賴於這個服務代為監聽啟動的 項目將會無法使用最大租約時間 (秒為單位)該型號正確常見撥接式 ADSL 就是使用 pppoe 程式 有些連線是使用 pptp 程式,甚至有的是使用 dhcp。若是您不清楚的話,請選擇使用 pppoe網路服務的存取功能並未開啟,而且也無法啟動這個服務項目。 請檢查一下您的設定,甚至包含您的硬體是否設定正確無誤。 當檢查完畢後,再重新設定遠端列印的相關項目。這個 %s 套件需要安裝上,您要安裝該套件嗎?這個 %s 套件需要安裝上,您要安裝該套件嗎?輸入的密碼不符合每個使用者的分享都是使用『fileshare』該群組的設定。 您可以執行『userdrake』程式在該群組內加入使用者即可。Port 欄位應該為數字portmapper 程式管理了 RPC 連線,一般用於 NFS 與 NIS 通訊協定內。 若是您系統要使用到 RPC 相關服務,您就必須啟動它。這台 "%s" 列印機已經存在了, 您確定要覆蓋這台列印機的組態設定嗎?這台列印機 "%s" 將會被設定成為預設列印機。這台列印機 "%s" 已經成功的新增於 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 內。已經成功的將 Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP 的列印機 "%s" 移除。列印服務系統 (%s) 將不會在系統開機時載入。 若是您系統設定是選擇比較高的安全等級項目的話, 預設也是不會啟動列印服務的項目的。 您希望這邊能夠設定在開機時能夠預設啟動列印 服務的項目嗎?routed 服務程式允許透過 RIP 通訊協定來更新路由表的資訊。 一般來說,RIP 是給小型網路用途使用。rstat 通訊協定,能夠讓位於網路上的使用者接收到網路上任何一台 主機的運作效能資訊。rusers 通訊協定,能夠讓位於網路上的使用者得知那些使用者登入在那些 機器上rwho 通訊協定,能夠讓遠端的使用者獲得該機器上所有登入在主機上的 使用找 (類似於 finger)。目前 Internet 連線分享的設定已經完成了.. 目前已經可用了.. 您目前打算要做什麼呢?系統目前看起來似乎並沒有連上 Internet. 請重新設定您的連線設定.這兩個參數乃是您螢幕的垂直更新頻率,以及很重要 的水平更新頻率,前者是您整個螢幕影像更新的週期, 後者是電子槍掃描的速率。 您必須特別注意,不要設定超過螢幕頻寬顯示能力的 數值:過高的頻率有可能傷害您寶貴的螢幕。 若您不確定螢幕規格的話,請選擇保守一點的設定值。這個使用者名稱太長了使用者帳號只能含有小寫英文字母、數字、 `-' 或 `_' 佈景名稱 包含了相關存取限制,以及每日定期系統稽核檢查動作。您的系統偵測不到有任何本機列印機的安裝已經有分割區分配到掛載點 %s 了 沒有已經存在的分割區可供使用在裝置 %s 內找不到磁碟片,或者是磁片防寫。 請放入一張磁碟片。您的系統目前有一張已經設定好的網路卡: %s 現在要進行這張網路卡與區域網路的連線組態設定。安裝套件時發生錯誤:排列套件時發生錯誤:掃描電視頻道發生錯誤目前的OSS/ALSA 驅動程式都能夠支援你的音效卡 (%s),模組為 "%s"尚未有任何提供您使用的音效卡驅動程式 (%s)這個指令功能,其實您也可以在許多應用程式列印對話方塊的 "列印命令" 使用它。 但是這邊不提供所謂的檔案名稱,因為相關檔案的列印功能是由相關應用程式提供。 這個選項能夠備份與還原您系統的 /etc 目錄。 這個指令功能,其實您也可以在許多應用程式列印對話方塊的 『列印命令』使用它。 但是這邊不提供所謂的檔案名稱,因為相關檔案的列印功能是由 相關應用程式提供。 接下來您需要選擇你打算於啟動系統時要讓那些服務執行運作。 所出現的所有可選擇項目,都是安裝過程中所安裝進去的相關系統服務套件。請仔細詳細查看決定那些服務要讓它於開機時能夠啟動。 當你選取該項目時,螢幕旁邊會出現一個簡略說明,告訴您這個服務項目的用途。對了,若是您對於該項目實在不確定是否要啟用的話,比較安全的作法就是維持原樣不要動作即可。 請注意一下,如果您這台機器是專門要當作Internet伺服器提供網路上相關服務的話,建議您詳細思考決定那些服務要開啟關閉,因為某些服務套件啟動後可能會有一些潛在的安全性風險問題。建議您,只選取要你開放的服務項目即可。這個目錄應該放在 / 檔案系統才對這個密碼太簡單了 (一定至少要有 %d 個字元才行)這張並不是 FAT 格式化的磁碟片這是一個必要的套件,您不可以選擇不要安裝這個套件與上一個模式相同,不過整個系統幾乎都是封閉的。系統整個安全設定機制都是在最嚴密的狀態。標準的系統安全性設定,建議用在有對外連線的主機上使用。這個標籤已經用過了把安全機制設定在這個等級時必須要非常謹慎, 它會讓您的系統用起來更加簡易方便,可是卻極易 受到破壞: 這個設定不應該被用在有連線到Internet 的主機,因為所有的存取動作都沒有用密碼加以 限制。刪除該媒介裝置需要花費一些時間。產生憑證檔案,請稍後...。這個服務項目將會載入 /etc/sysconfig/keyboard 檔案的鍵盤對應設定組態。 您可以事後使用 kdbconfig 程式來設定。 一般來說,目前大部分機器並不需要這個項目。這個套件一定要更新才行, 您確定您不要選它嗎?這個分割區不能用來作為 loopback 裝置這個分割區無法調整大小這個密碼太短了 (一定至少要有 %d 個字元才行)輸入的密碼太簡單了%s 內尚未有任何開機載入畫面這個使用者已經存在了這個過程將會需要花費一些時間。星期四剩餘時間時區時區 - DakClock為了讓您的滑鼠能夠使用若是希望能夠使用這台 Lexmark 噴墨列印機進行列印的話 您需要由 Lexmark 網站 (http://www.lexmark.com) 首頁上 尋找相關連結,下載這台列印機的驅動程式。比方當您連上 Lexmark 網站首頁後,請點選 "Drivers" 按鈕,選擇您 目前使用該款列印機型號,並確認是選取使用 "Linux"的 版本。一般來說,您下載回來的檔案,可能是 RPM 套件檔案 或者是幾個 shell script (執行該檔案將會啟動安裝程式)。 一般來說,您並不需要透過圖行化的前端介面來進行相關的 的設定。然後使用 "lexmarkmaintain" 程式項目來列印噴頭 校正的工作設定。要獲得目前這台列印機可用的相關參數選項, 請點選 "Print option list 列印機選項表"按鈕.需要有更多的分割區的話,請刪除一個主分割區以建立延伸分割區要獲得目前這台列印機可用的相關參數選項,或者是查看下面清單 所顯示的項目,請點選點選『列印選項清單』按鈕。%s%s%s 要在終端機命令列環境列印檔案的話,您可以執行這個指令: "%s <檔案>" 或者是 "%s <檔案>"。 要在命令列環境(終端機視窗)列印檔案的話, 您可以執行這個指令 "%s <檔案>". 要在終端機命令列環境列印檔案的話,您可以執行這個指令: "%s <檔案名稱>" 或者是使用圖型介面程式: "xpp <檔案名稱>" 或者是 "kprinter <檔案名稱>" 即可。您可以透過圖型介面程式簡單的選擇列印機項目, 包含修改相關的列印選項。 如要使用 NetWare 列印機,您必須要提供 NetWare 列印伺服器的主機名稱 (注意! 這個名稱與 TCP/IP 的主機名稱可能並不相同),還要有分享出來的列印 佇列名稱,以及適當的使用者帳號與密碼。如要使用網路芳鄰列印機,您必須要提供主機網芳名稱 (注意! 這個名稱與 TCP/IP 的主機名稱可能並不相同), 有時還必須指定列印伺服器的 IP 位址、分享出來的印表 機名稱、適當的使用者帳號與密碼,以及工作群組的資訊。要透過TCP/socket這類型的列印機進行列印,您需要 提供該列印機的主機名稱,同時也可能需要選擇性輸入 所在Port的位址。在大部分的HP-JetDirect列印機 伺服主機所使用的Port多半為9100,其餘類型的列印機 就不一定為這個數值。建議您先閱讀列印機所提供的 手冊,尋找出你目前使用這款列印機的相關硬體資訊。要回報任何臭蟲問題, 請點選回報的按鈕. 這將會開啟瀏覽器於 %s 其中你將找到一表格填入. 以上顯示的資訊將 會 被傳送到那伺服器.如要使用遠端的 lpd 列印機,您必須要指定用來提供 印表服務的遠端列印伺服主機名稱,以及分享出來 列印機名稱。要使用所儲存的套件選擇,在開機安裝啟動 LILO 程式的時候,於 boot 輸入:linux defcfg=floopy 即可。切換是否依照群組來加以排序切換到專家模式切換到一般模式TogoTokelauTonga讓您方便設定您系統的工具全部進度全部進度總共大小: %d / %d MB紀錄網路卡的 ID (對於筆記型電腦相當有用)傳送列印機傳送設定傳輸成功 您也許想要確認您能夠登入伺服器以: ssh -i %s %s@%s 這應該不需要輸入任何密碼.正在傳送 %s ...Trinidad and Tobago疑難排解True Type 字體檔安裝True Type 字體安裝完成最小安裝真正最小安裝 (無 urpmi 程式 )正在試圖救回硬碟分割表星期二Tuner 類型:TunisiaTurkey土耳其 (現代式 "Q" 型)土耳其 (傳統式 "F" 型)TurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvalu格式安裝類型格式: 英式鍵盤伺服器的設定格式必須為 http:// 或是 ftp://美式鍵盤美式鍵盤 (國際通用型)美國 (boradcast)美國 (cable)美國 (cable-hrc)UgandaUkraine烏克蘭無法找到備份以回存... 無法建立另一行程:%s復原United Arab Emirates英國美國United States Minor Outlying Islands未知的未知的型號未知的驅動程式未知的型號未知|一般未知|CPH05X (bt878)未知|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]未知|一般卸載反向選取已安裝字型取消選取所有項目向上正在更新套件的選擇升級Urpmi 套件管理Uruguay使用 CD/DVDROM 備份使用遞增備份 (不會覆蓋舊有備份)預設使用 Unicode使用 Xinerama 延伸用 ``%s'' 代替要先 ``Unmount''使用自動偵測使用排程程式使用已經存在的分割區使用已經存在的分割區使用 fdisk 程式作為 loopback使用未用到的空間執行時另外具備該群組權限啟用「libsafe」防護功能使用 FTP 連線備份執行時另外具備該擁有者權限使用磁帶進行備份使用 Windows 分割區作為 loopback使用 Windows 分割區所剩餘的可用空間使用於目錄: 只有該檔案或目錄的擁有者才可以刪除它使用者使用者:回存的使用者清單 (只有回存最近使用者重要的檔案)使用者帳號Userdrake 使用者管理使用者名稱需要輸入帳號名稱使用者UzbekistanVanuatu廠商Venezuela垂直更新頻率顯示模式越南 "numeric row" QWERTY 式檢視備份組態設定Virgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)警告: 這個裝置先前已經被設定最為連線到Internet的項目了。 若是您要維持這個裝置的設定,請選擇接受。 若是您修改下面欄位,將會凌越原本的設定。請稍後警告警告 ! 偵測到現有已經存在的防火牆組態設定。 您應該在安裝之後手動修正一些必要的設定項目。警告,偵測到您系統已經有現成的網路連線,也許正在存取您的網路服務警告,系統網路卡介面 (%s) 已經設定過了。 您確定要自動重新設定過? 如果您有特殊需求,可以選擇手動方式設定。警告:在這張卡上面作顯示測試時可能會讓您系統停止回應Web 伺服器Web/FTP遠端的 WebDAV 站台已經在進行同步了!WebDAV 傳輸失敗!WebcamWebmin 服務星期三劣歡迎來到 %s歡迎來到郵件設定工具。 在這裡,您能夠設定您的警示通知的方式。 Welcome to the operating system chooser! Choose an operating system from the list above or wait for default boot. 西歐Western Sahara備份項目設定您的卡屬於那種形式?以那種方式分割?滾輪備份時間設定當選取時,擁有者與群組將不被更動備份儲存位置設定您要將開機程式安裝在那個位置 ?您要把這個裝置 %s 掛載在那裡 ?您要把這個裝置 %s 掛載在那裡 ?我應該試那個 %s 驅動程式呢?您要用哪一個 XFree 設定 ?您要移動到那個磁碟機 ?您要用那一種檔案系統?您的時區為何 ?您要從新設定那個分割區的大小 ?您希望要用那個分割區給 Linux4Win 來使用呢?您的列印機屬於那種型號?您打算用那一套列印系統?您要使用那個通訊協定 ?您要移動到那個磁區?那一種服務您要開放對外連線服務呢?您要保留多少空間給 windows 使用您要新增哪一類的項目?那個使用者帳號Windows 網域Windows 整合工具包含 X 環境包含基本的說明文件 (建議)包含基本的說明文件 (建議)使用該選項您將能夠還原任何版本 /etc 檔案目錄.高度的安全性相關的檢查與設定,適合提供在架設對外服務的伺服器使用。精靈精靈設定模式工作群組工作站平台您要允許使用者能夠開放出他們自己目錄內的檔案分享嗎? 若是開放後,您將可以在 konqueror 或者是 nautilus 內 選 "Share"這個分享項目。 寫入設定X 伺服程式XFree %sXFree %s 包含 3D 硬體加速功能XFree %s 搭配實驗性質 3D 硬體加速XFree 設定XFree86 驅動程式: %s XFree86 伺服程式: %s Xinetd 服務Xpmac (顯示卡驅動程式的安裝)YabootYemen是的是的,我需要用這個 (使用者、桌面) 來自動登入目前要進行Internet連線分享的設定,這個功能能夠 讓其他區域網路內的電腦透過這台主機的頻寬分享 連上 Internet。請注意: 您需要另外一張網路卡以便 於提供區域網路電腦連線存取分享使用。您目前正準備在「%s」安全等級的環境安裝來安裝「%s』 這個列印系統項目。 這個列印服務項目,相關程式將會在幕後運作,以便於能夠 提供相關印表功能。此外,列印相關的服務,也能夠經由網路 的方式進行存取,所以某個層面來說這可能有被攻擊的危險。 因此,在這個安全等級環境下,將只有少部份的服務程式預設 會在開機時啟動。 您確定要開始設定這台機器上的列印項目設定嗎?您目前打算使用一組帳號與密碼以便於能夠存取 Windows 主機來進行列印的工作。不過您需要注意的是,因為系統是呼叫 Samba 的程式軟體連線到 Windows 主機,所以執行程式時會在命令列加上您所設定輸入的帳號密碼。這可能會有一些安全性問題,比方有使用者可以執行 ps aux指令來查看您帳號密碼內容。 所以建議您可以使用下面方式: 在 Windows 主機設置不需要密碼的帳號,比方「GUEST」,然後只有開放該帳號具備列印的功能。請注意,千萬不要直接把 administrator 帳號設定為不需要密碼,然後直接使用該 administrator 登入,因為這是很危險的。 或者是您可以設定您的 Windows 機器能夠讓列印機與 LPD 協定配合,如此您就可以在 Printerdrake 程式內使用「%s」連線類型進行設定與列印。 您目前是設定使用 OKI 雷射列印機項目。這類的列印機 使用一種很特殊的傳輸溝通協定,因此這類列印機一定要 安裝在電腦第一個連接埠位置上才能夠正常工作。 所以現在請您先確定您目前的列印機已經正確地安置在 第一個連接埠上,以便於才能夠正在列印測試頁內容。 否則列印功能將會無法正常工作。您目前要開始設定遠端列印機列印的項目。要進行此項目設定的前提,您的系統需要具備網路功能以便於進行存取動作,但是目前網路尚未設定。如果您打算略過網路設定項目繼續進行下面的步驟的話,關於設定使用遠端列印機功能的項目將無法設定。您打算要怎麼作呢?您也可以使用圖形介面 "xpdq" 來設定選項處理列印工作. 如果您目前是使用 KDE 桌面環境的話, 你有一個 "panic button 恐慌按鈕" 圖示在桌面上, 標示為 "STOP Printer! 停止列印機!" 以停止全部的列印工作, 當你按下它時. 這對如卡紙來說十分有用. 您可以在這邊輸入該模組的相關參數。若是您已經設定過 %s spooler 列印機項目的話,您可以很簡單 將組態設定內容套用給 %s 項目。能夠套用的組態項目,包含像是 列印機的名稱、描述資訊、位置、連線類型、預設參數等等項目, 不過不包含傳送要列印的工作項目功能。 另外並不是所有的列印工作都能夠被傳輸過來,因為下面原因: 您可以輸入 port 相關資訊。 比方像是:139/tcp 139/udp 600:610/tcp 600:610/udp。 有問題可以先查看系統 /etc/services 檔案內容。您能夠分享出 NFS 或者是 Samba 資源。您打算用那個您目前要對 %s 分割區進行劃分動作。 當您完成時,別忘了輸入 'w' 寫入您的變更您可以直接使用 URI 的方式存取該列印機。URI 必須完整輸入 CUPS伺服器所在位址,或者是用 Foomatic 規格方式輸入。 請注意,並不是所有的 URI 類型都能夠被所有的 spooler 支援。您無法建立新的分割區 (因為系統已經沒有可供使用的主分割區供配置了)。 您需要移除一個主分割區,以便於配置延伸分割區劃分使用。您不能把開機管理程式安裝在 %s 分割區上 因為硬碟空間不足,您不可以選取這個套件。您不可以切換這個套件的狀態這個套件已經安裝在系統上了,您不可以不選這個套件這個套件一定要更新才行,您不可以不選這個套件小於 16MB 的分割區不能設成 JFS 格式小於 32MB 的分割區不能設成 ReiserFS 格式您不能使用 LVM Logical Volume 來最為 %s 的掛載點您不能使用編密過的檔案系統來最為 %s 的掛載點您確定要將開機管理程式安裝於分割區上面。 這可能會附蓋掉原本分割區上面原有的開機管理程式 (比方 System Commander)。 您打算用那顆硬碟開機呢?您沒有設定置換分割區, 不管如何都要繼續 ?您還沒有任何已經設定好的網路介面。 請點選設定來進行網路介面設定動作您的硬碟分割表中有程式無法使用的空白磁區,唯一的解決方法是 將主分割區的位置搬移,讓這些空白磁區與延伸分割區相鄰。您已經選擇設定多個能夠連線到 Internet 的方式。 請您選擇其中一個要使用的項目。 你系統上有多個硬碟可供安裝 Linux 系統,您打算要準備那一個供安裝使用?您已經選擇安裝了下面的套件: %s 這些套件安裝好後預設是啟動的,因為這些套件某些層面來說是比較不安全的,所以很有可能他人會經由這些套件的漏洞危害您的系統。因此建議你安裝好系統後,一定要先確定這些套件是否已經有更新的版本,若是有的話請記得 一定要更新。 您確定真的要安裝這些套件項目嗎? 您並未選取任何套件群組 請選擇您所需要的最小安裝您也許需要改變您的 Open Firmware 上面的開機裝置設定, 以便於開啟開機啟動程式的功能。如果您開機時並沒有開到 開機程式的任何訊息,於重新開機時按住 Command-Option-O-F, 然後輸入: setenv boot-device %s,\\:tbxi 然後再輸入: shut-down 然後你下一次開機時應該就可以看到開機啟動程式的訊息了。您需要為該模組 %s 指定相關參數選項。請注意一下, 輸入的記憶體位置敘述,應該使用 0x 開頭,比方像是「0x123」您現在可以輸入要給 %s 模組使用的參數。 參數的格式為 "name=value name2=value2 ..." 例如「io=0x300 irq=7」您也必須要格式化 %s你必須要是 root 才可讀取設定檔. 您需要先選擇映像檔案!您必須選擇/輸入一列印機/裝置!您需要選擇或輸入該列印機名稱或裝置項目!請輸入主機名稱或是 IP 您必須有一個掛載於 /boot/efi 的 FAT 分割區您一定得要指定一個分割區來放根目錄,要進行這個工作 的話,請建立一個分割區 (或選一個已經存在的分割區), 接著選 "掛載點" 這個操作,把掛載點設成 `/'。您需要指定一個核心開機檔案您需要指定一個 root 分割區您需要一個真正的分割區 (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs 或是 jfs) 來放這個掛載點 您須要重新開機以使用更動過的硬碟分割表在「Linux Distribution」每隔發行一段時間後, 廠商都會放出相關的修正套件供使用者安裝更新。 您現在就能夠直接取得目前最新的相關套件修正 資訊,不過前提就是您的網路連線設定已經無誤 可以正常使用。 那您打算要安裝更新套件嗎?當系統負載超過該數值時,您將會收到警示通知您需要重新開機以便於讓異動的設定生效您的 Windows 分割區檔案系統有嚴重的斷離情況,請先重組動作再進行您的顯示卡搭配 XFree %s 才能夠啟用 3D 硬體加速功能,但是請注意, 這是實驗性質的支援項目,而且上可能會有不預期的情況。您的顯示卡 搭配 XFree %s 在 2D 顯示上的支援度應該會比較良好。您的顯示卡有支援 3D 加速功能,但是只能夠配合 XFree %s 才能夠發揮作用。 您的顯示卡配合 XFree %s 在 2D 顯示上會有比較好的效能。您的顯示卡搭配 XFree %s 能夠啟用 3D 硬體加速功能。 但是請注意,這是實驗性質的支援項目,而且上可能會有不預期的情況。您的顯示卡搭配 XFree %s 有 3D 硬體加速功能。您的選擇? (0/1,預設為 `%s') 您的選擇? (預設為 %s) 您的選擇? (預設為 `%s'%s) 您的顯示卡似乎有支援 TV-OUT 連接裝置, 所以這張顯示卡能在 frame-buffer 模式下工作。 若是要使用的話,您需要在你重新開機之前插入你的顯示卡, 然後選擇 "TVout" 這個項目開機 您要使用這項功能嗎?您的個人電話號碼您的列印機型號您的系統沒有足夠的空間可以用來安裝或升級了 (%d > %d)您的系統資源似乎太低 (實體記憶體太少等), 這可能導致在安裝過程中會發生不可預期的錯誤 導致安裝失敗。建議您,若是接下來的確無法正常 安裝的話,請改用文字模式的方式安裝較佳。 也就是開機時出現 boot: 訊息時,請輸入 text 進行文字安裝即可。南斯拉夫 (拉丁式配置)ZambiaZimbabweZip[鍵盤]一個數字存取 X 發生錯誤存取系統面的設定檔存取彙整工具存取網路工具存取 rpm 工具程式允許「su」與一台未知的列印機機apmd 被用來監督電池狀態, 以及呼叫 syslog 紀錄相關狀態. 它也被用來自動呼叫關機程式進行關機動作, 當電池電源不夠時.瀏覽busmouse但是不相配選取裝置選擇映像檔案 組塊大小硬體裝置類別確定的話請點選這裡用逗號分隔的數字用逗號分隔的字串連線到 %s ...consolehelper 程式遺失cron 是個標準 unix 系統程式,能夠提供使用者定期執行特定程式。 vixie 版本的 cron 增加了許多功能, 在安全性與設定方面能夠更彈性好用。每天預設default:LTR裝置設備dhcpd 設定...dhcpd 伺服器設定關閉取消完成歡迎來到輕量型防火牆設定程式 這是用來設定Mandrake-Linux機器上的個人防火牆的組態, 能夠協助您完成簡易的防火牆設定。 若是您需要很完備強大的防火牆解決方案,您可以參閱 『MandrakeSecurity Firewall distribution』產品資訊。drakfloppy由於 %s 未被滿足開啟開啟 radio 支援卸下 %s 的掛載時發生錯誤: %s 解析度 第一部建立強迫硬碟型號不確定點選這裡高每小時http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/100errata.php3若需要的話重要的為了要保留 %skdesu 程式不見了階層lpd 服務程式是 lpr 程式運作上不可缺的程式。若是要架設列印服務伺服器 的話,lpd 是很常見的選擇。可以一試mkraid 失敗呼叫 mkraid 失敗 (也許是 raidtools 遺失?)每月掛載失敗:將 %s 分割區掛載於 %s 目錄時發生錯誤必備的named (BIND) 適用來提供 Domain Name Server (DNS) 服務的程式, 用來解析主機名稱與 IP 對應的關係。網路列印機連接埠新的好用的否無/boot 沒有足夠的空間dev 套件內所使用的舊有裝置名稱省略 raid 模組省略 scsi 模組位在通道 %d id %d 系統需要安裝上 ImageMagick 套件才能夠進行設定。 請點選 "確定" 安裝該套件,或者是點選 "取消" 放棄安裝瘋狂狀態解析所有字型分割區 %s該分割區 %s 目前被認知為為 %s請稍後,執行 ttmkfdir 程式中...請稍候,正在解析檔案:%s重新設定重播限制參數執行中儲存開機載入圖片佈景項目...尋找序列未啟動文字方塊高度 文字寬度 進度Bar的色彩 進度Bar的高度 可供您的音效卡額外可選擇的驅動程式清單負責處理此裝置的 GNU/Linux 核心模組它的左上角進度棒 的 x 軸坐標 左上方進度Bar的 y 軸坐標 裝置的廠商名稱 進度Bar的寬度 該裝置目前安插上了多少個實體 bug 裝置 (比方:PCI、USB 等等...)正在嘗試促進 %s使用 dhcp使用 pppoe使用 pptp極好的每週 字元文字方塊的 X 軸坐標 字元文字方塊的 Y 軸坐標 於數字與字元是的