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Just type "alsaconf" or "sndconfig" in a console. Printerdrake could not determine which model your printer %s is. Please choose the correct model from the list. Your card currently use the %s"%s" driver (default driver for your card is "%s") DrakBackup Report DrakBackup Report Details - Burn to CD - Options: - Other Files: - Save to Tape on device: %s - Save via %s on host: %s - System Files: - User Files: Also printers configured with the PPD files provided by their manufacturers or with native CUPS drivers cannot be transferred. Chances are, this partition is a Driver partition. You should probably leave it alone. If you have an ISA card, the values on the next screen should be right. If you have a PCMCIA card, you have to know the "irq" and "io" of your card. Mark the printers which you want to transfer and click "Transfer". Please check all options that you need. Printers on remote CUPS servers do not need to be configured here; these printers will be automatically detected. There are %d unknown printers directly connected to your system There is one unknown printer directly connected to your system Usage: %s [--auto] [--beginner] [--expert] [-h|--help] [--noauto] [--testing] [-v|--version] Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer or connected directly to the network. If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also your network printer(s) must be connected and turned on. Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the auto-detection of network printers when you don't need it. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer, connected directly to the network or to a remote Windows machine. Please plug in and turn on all printers connected to this machine so that it/they can be auto-detected. Also your network printer(s) and your Windows machines must be connected and turned on. Note that auto-detecting printers on the network takes longer than the auto-detection of only the printers connected to this machine. So turn off the auto-detection of network and/or Windows-hosted printers when you don't need it. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer. If you have printer(s) connected to this machine, Please plug it/them in on this computer and turn it/them on so that it/they can be auto-detected. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome to the Printer Setup Wizard This wizard will help you to install your printer(s) connected to this computer. Please plug in and turn on all printers connected to this machine so that it/they can be auto-detected. Click on "Next" when you are ready, and on "Cancel" if you do not want to set up your printer(s) now. Welcome. The parameters of the auto-install are available in the sections on the left Successfuly Restored on %s Restore Configuration / between elements | selects | next screen ( (Default is all users) (Default) (Make sure that all your printers are connected and turned on). (Parallel Ports: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., equivalent to LPT1:, LPT2:, ..., 1st USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2nd USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...). (multi-session) - detected --help - display this help Activate/Disable daily security check. Erase Now Error while sending mail. If the desired printer was auto-detected, simply choose it from the list and then add user name, password, and/or workgroup if needed. [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq] drakhelp 0.1 Copyright (C) 2003-2004 MandrakeSoft. This is free software and may be redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. Usage: on on LPD server "%s", printer "%s" on Novell server "%s", printer "%s" on device: %s on parallel port #%s"%s" neither is a valid email nor is an existing local user!"%s": if a sound card is detected on your system, it is displayed here. If you notice the sound card displayed is not the one that is actually present on your system, you can click on the button and choose another driver."Menu" key%d KB %d comma separated numbers%d comma separated strings%d minutes%d packages%d seconds%s (Port %s)%s BootSplash (%s) preview%s Printer Management Tool%s added to Terminal Server %s already in use %s fonts conversion%s formatting of %s failed%s found on %s, configure it automatically?%s is already a Terminal Server user %s is not a user.. %s is not installed Click "Next" to install or "Cancel" to quit%s not found... %s not responding%s on %s%s: %s requires a username... %s: %s requires hostname... ((E)IDE/ATA controllers(Note: Parallel ports cannot be auto-detected)(This) DHCP Server IP(already added %s)(default value: %s)(detected %s)(detected on port %s)(detected)(module %s)(on %s)(on this machine)), , %s sectors, TCP/IP host "%s", port %s, USB printer, USB printer #%s, host "%s", port %s, multi-function device, multi-function device on HP JetDirect, multi-function device on USB, multi-function device on a parallel port, multi-function device on parallel port #%s, network printer "%s", port %s, printer "%s" on SMB/Windows server "%s", printer "%s" on server "%s", printing to %s, using command %s- Restore Other Files: - Restore System Files. - Restore User Files: /Autodetect _jaz drives/Autodetect _modems/Autodetect _printers/File/-/File/Save _As/File/_New/File/_Open/File/_Quit/File/_Save/Help/_About.../Options/Test/Set as _Default/_About.../_Actions/_Add Printer/_Configure CUPS/_Delete/_Edit/_Expert mode/_Fields description/_File/_Help/_Options/_Quit/_Refresh/_Report Bug/dev/fd0/dev/hda/dev/hdb/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny already configured - not changed/etc/issue* exist1 MB1 button1 minute16 MB16 million colors (24 bits)2 MB2 buttons256 colors (8 bits)256 kB3 buttons32 MB32 thousand colors (15 bits)4 MB4 billion colors (32 bits)512 kB64 MB or more65 thousand colors (16 bits)8 MB<-- Del User<-- Delete<-- Edit ClientBecome a MandrakeClub member!Choose your graphical Desktop environment!Congratulations for choosing Mandrakelinux!Development toolsDiscoveryDo you require assistance?Join the Mandrakelinux community!Mandrake Control CenterMandrakeExpert is the primary source for technical support.MandrakeStoreNotePowerPack+PowerPackSurf The InternetWhat is Mandrakelinux?NOQS=> Notice, a label changed: %s=> There are many things to choose from (%s). A command line must be entered!A graphical environment with user-friendly set of applications and desktop toolsA printer named "%s" already exists under %s. Click "Transfer" to overwrite it. You can also type a new name or skip this printer.A problem occured while restarting the network: %sA tool to monitor your logsA valid URI must be entered!ADSL adaptersADSL configurationADSL connectionADSL connection type :ALLALL existing partitions and their data will be lost on drive %sAbiwordAbortAbortingAborting Scannerdrake.AboutAbout HarddrakeAcceptAccept userAccountAccount Login (user name)Account PasswordAcross NetworkActivate nowAd-hocAdapter %s: %sAddAdd Client -->Add PrinterAdd User -->Add a moduleAdd a new printerAdd a new printer to the systemAdd a new rule at the endAdd a ruleAdd a userAdd an itemAdd hostAdd host/networkAdd serverAdd this printer to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPAdd to LVMAdd to RAIDAdd userAdd/Del ClientsAdd/Del UsersAdding printer to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPAdditional CUPS servers: AdvancedAdvanced ConfigurationAdvanced preferencesAfghanistanAfter changing type of partition %s, all data on this partition will be lostAfter formatting partition %s, all data on this partition will be lostAfter resizing partition %s, all data on this partition will be lostAfter this is done, we recommend that you restart your X environment to avoid any hostname-related problems.AlbaniaAlbanianAlcatel speedtouch USB modemAlcatel speedtouch usbAlgeriaAllAll languagesAll primary partitions are usedAll remote machinesAllow X Window connectionsAllow all usersAllow remote root loginAllow/Forbid autologin.Allow/Forbid direct root login.Allow/Forbid reboot by the console user.Allow/Forbid remote root login.Allow/Forbid the list of users on the system on display managers (kdm and gdm).Alt and Shift keys simultaneouslyAlternative driversAlternative test page (A4)Alternative test page (Letter)Alternatively, you can specify a device name/file name in the input lineAmerican SamoaAmusement programs: arcade, boards, strategy, etcAn error occured while deleting the "%s" network interface: %sAn error occurredAn error occurred: %s Try to change some parametersAn unexpected error has happened: %sAnd of course the editors!AndorraAngolaAnguillaAnother oneAntarcticaAntigua and BarbudaAny PS/2 & USB miceApache World Wide Web ServerApache, Pro-ftpdApplication Name or Full Path:Application:ApplyApply filterAprilArabicAre you sure that you want to set up printing on this machine? ArgentinaArmeniaArmenian (old)Armenian (phonetic)Armenian (typewriter)ArubaAugustAustraliaAustralian Optus cable TVAustriaAuthenticationAuthentication LDAPAuthentication NISAuthentication methodAuthors: AutoAuto InstallAuto allocateAuto configurationAuto-detectAuto-detect available portsAuto-detect printers connected directly to the local networkAuto-detect printers connected to machines running Microsoft WindowsAuto-detect printers connected to this machineAuto-detectedAutologinAutomatedAutomaticAutomatic IP (BOOTP/DHCP)Automatic IP (BOOTP/DHCP/Zeroconf)Automatic Steps ConfigurationAutomatic correction of CUPS configurationAutomatic detection and configuration of hardware at boot.Automatic reconfigurationAutomatically find available printers on remote machinesAutoprobeAvailable printersAverageAzerbaidjani (latin)AzerbaijanBad choice, try again Bad packageBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBasicBasic optionsBe careful: this operation is dangerous.Be sure a media is present for the device %sBecause you are doing a network installation, your network is already configured. Click on Ok to keep your configuration, or cancel to reconfigure your Internet & Network connection. Become a MandrakeClub member!Before continuing, you should carefully read the terms of the license. It covers the entire Mandrakelinux distribution. If you do agree with all the terms in it, check the "%s" box. If not, clicking on the "%s" button will reboot your computer.BelarusBelarusianBelgianBelgiumBelizeBengaliBeninBermudaBewan modemBhutanBogomipsBoliviaBooks and Howto's on Linux and Free SoftwareBootBoot FloppyBoot Style ConfigurationBoot deviceBoot disk creationBootloaderBootloader installationBootloader installation in progressBootloader main optionsBootloader to useBosnia and HerzegovinaBosnianBoth Alt keys simultaneouslyBoth Control keys simultaneouslyBoth Shift keys simultaneouslyBotswanaBouvet IslandBrazilBrazilian (ABNT-2)Bridges and system controllersBringing down the networkBringing up the networkBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryBrowseBrunei DarussalamBulgariaBulgarian (BDS)Bulgarian (phonetic)Burkina FasoBurundiButton `%s': %sCD in place - continue.CD-R / DVD-RCD-ROMCD/DVD burnersCDROMCHAPCUPSCUPS - Common Unix Printing SystemCUPS configurationCUPS printer configurationCUPS serverCable connectionCache sizeCalendarCambodiaCameroonCan't create catalog!Can't edit !Can't find %s on %sCan't install XFree package: %sCan't open %s!CanadaCanada (cable)Canadian (Quebec)CancelCancel WizardCape VerdeCapsLock keyCard IOCard IO_0Card IO_1Card IRQCard mem (DMA)Card model:Cayman IslandsCd-Rom labeled "%s"Central African RepublicChadChange Time ZoneChange partition typeChange the printing systemChange typeChange your Cd-Rom! Please insert the Cd-Rom labelled "%s" in your drive and press Ok when done. If you don't have it, press Cancel to avoid installation from this Cd-Rom.ChannelCheck bad blocks?Check empty password in /etc/shadowCheck open portsChecking %sChecking device and configuring HPOJ...Checking installed software...Checking your system...ChileChinaChina (Hong Kong)Choose a fileChoose a mirror from which to get the packagesChoose a monitorChoose a partitionChoose actionChoose an X serverChoose an existing LVM to add toChoose an existing RAID to add toChoose another partitionChoose colorChoose fileChoose one of the auto-detected printers from the list or enter the hostname or IP and the optional port number (default is 9100) in the input fields.Choose packages to installChoose the connection you want to configureChoose the default user:Choose the mount pointsChoose the network interfaceChoose the new sizeChoose the packages you want to installChoose the partitions you want to formatChoose the sizesChoose the window manager to run:Choose which services should be automatically started at boot timeChoose your CD/DVD deviceChoose your CD/DVD media sizeChoose your filesystem encryption keyChoose your keyboardChoosing a display managerChoosing an arbitrary driverChristmas IslandClean /tmp at each bootClear allClick on "%s" if you want to delete all data and partitions present on this hard drive. Be careful, after clicking on "%s", you will not be able to recover any data and partitions present on this hard drive, including any Windows data. Click on "%s" to quit this operation without losing data and partitions present on this hard drive.Click on a device in the left tree in order to display its information here.Clients for different protocols including sshCloseCocos (Keeling) IslandsCollapse TreeColombiaColor configurationComa bugCommandCommand lineComorosComputing FAT filesystem boundsComputing the size of the Windows partitionConfigurationConfiguration WizardsConfiguration changed - restart clusternfs/dhcpd?Configuration fileConfiguration is complete, do you want to apply settings ?ConfigureConfigure CUPSConfigure CUPS printing systemConfigure Local Area Network...Configure XConfigure bootsplash pictureConfigure hostname...Configure moduleConfigure mouseConfigure networkingConfigure only card "%s"%sConfigure servicesConfigure the network nowConfigured on other machinesConfigured on this machineConfiguring IDEConfiguring PCMCIA cards...Configuring applications...Configuring network device %s (driver %s)Configuring printer "%s"...Configuring printer ...Configuring scripts, installing software, starting servers...Configuring...Congo (Brazzaville)Congo (Kinshasa)CongratulationsCongratulations!Congratulations, installation is complete. Remove the boot media and press return to reboot. For information on fixes which are available for this release of Mandrakelinux, consult the Errata available from: %s Information on configuring your system is available in the post install chapter of the Official Mandrakelinux User's Guide.Congratulations, the "%s" network interface has been succesfully deletedCongratulations, the network and Internet configuration is finished. Connect %sConnect to the InternetConnect...ConnectedConnecting to Internet Connection time: Connection ConfigurationConnection TypeConnection complete.Connection failed. Verify your configuration in the Mandrake Control Center.Connection nameConnection speedConnection timeout (in sec)Connection type: Console ToolsContacting the mirror to get the list of available packages...Content of the fileContinueContinue anyway?Control and Shift keys simultaneouslyCook IslandsCopy fonts on your systemCopying %sCosta RicaCote d'IvoireCould not create directory /usr/share/sane/firmware!Could not create link /usr/share/sane/%s!Could not find any font in your mounted partitionsCould not find any font. Could not install necessary packages, %s cannot be started!Could not install the %s package!Could not install the %s packages!Could not install the %s printing system!Could not remove the %s printing system!Country / RegionCpuid familyCpuid levelCreateCreate a new partitionCreate new themeCreating and formatting file %sCreating auto install floppyCreating auto install floppy (drivers disk)Creating auto install floppy...CroatiaCroatianCtrl and Alt keys simultaneouslyCubaCurrent interface configurationCurrent userCustomCustom & system settingsCustom configurationCustom disk partitioningCustom settingsCylinder %d to %d CyprusCzech (QWERTY)Czech (QWERTZ)Czech RepublicDH groupDHCP Server Configuration. Here you can select different options for the DHCP server configuration. If you don't know the meaning of an option, simply leave it as it is.DHCP clientDHCP host nameDNSDNS server 1DNS server 2DNS server 3DNS server address should be in format serversDOS drive letter: %s (just a guess) DVDDVD-ROMDVDRAM deviceDaily security checkDanishDatabaseDatabase ServerDayDeactivate nowDecemberDefaultDefault OS?Default desktopDefault kernel versionDefault printerDefault userDelay before booting default imageDelay before booting the default imageDeleteDelete All NBIsDelete ClientDelete selected printerDelete selected ruleDeleted %s... DenmarkDescriptionDescription of the fields: Detailed informationDetailsDetected %sDetected hardwareDetected model: %sDetected model: %s %sDetecting devices...Detection in progressDevanagariDevelopmentDeviceDevice: Did it work properly?Direct root loginDirectionDirectory %s already contains data (%s)Directory to save toDisableDisable ServerDisabling VPN...Disabling servers...Disconnect...Disconnecting from Internet Disconnection from Internet complete.Disconnection from Internet failed.DiskDisplay all available remote CUPS printersDisplay logo on ConsoleDisplay theme under consoleDjiboutiDoDo it laterDo it!Do not include the browser cacheDo not print any test pageDo not transfer printersDo you have an ISA sound card?Do you have another one?Do you have any %s interfaces?Do you really want to remove the printer "%s"?Do you require assistance?Do you want to click on this button?Do you want to save /etc/fstab modificationsDo you want to set this printer ("%s") as the default printer?Do you want to start the connection at boot?Do you want to test the configuration?Do you want to try to connect to the Internet now?Do you want to use aboot?Do you want to use this feature?DocumentationDoes not appear to be recordable media!Domain Name ServerDominicaDominican RepublicDoneDone!DownDrakClockDrakFontDrakSec Basic OptionsDrakVPNDrakbackupDrakbackup ConfigurationDrive capacityDriverDriver:Duplicate mount point %sDutchDvorakDvorak (Norwegian)Dvorak (Swedish)Dvorak (US)ECI Hi-Focus modemEIDE/SCSI channelEast EuropeEast TimorEcuadorEditEdit current ruleEdit selected hostEdit selected host/networkEdit selected printerEdit selected serverEditableEditors, shells, file tools, terminalsEgyptEither the server name or the server's IP must be given!El SalvadorEmptyEmpty label not allowedEnableEnable "%s" to execute the fileEnable "%s" to read the fileEnable "%s" to write the fileEnable ACPIEnable ServerEnabling VPN...Enabling servers...Enabling swap partition %sEncryption keyEncryption key (again)Encryption key for %sEnter IP address and port of the host whose printers you want to use.Enter Printer Name and CommentsEnter a printer device URIEnter a user %sEnter the directory to save to:Entering step `%s' Entries you'll have to fill: %sEquatorial GuineaErase entire diskEritreaErrorError during sending file via FTP. Please correct your FTP configuration.Error opening %s for writing: %sError reading file %sError writing %s/%sError writing to file %sError!Error: The "%s" driver for your sound card is unlistedEstimatingEstoniaEstonianEtherboot ISO image is %sEthernetcardEthiopiaEuropean protocol (EDSS1)Every printer needs a name (for example "printer"). The Description and Location fields do not need to be filled in. They are comments for the users.Everything (no firewall)Examples for correct IPs: ExecuteExitExit installExpand TreeExpert ModeExt2External ISDN modemF00f bugFAT resizing failed: %sFTP proxyFTP serverFailed to add the printer "%s" to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.Failed to check filesystem %s. Do you want to repair the errors? (beware, you can lose data)Failed to configure printer "%s"!Failed to remove the printer "%s" from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.Falkland Islands (Malvinas)Faroe IslandsFdiv bugFebruaryFijiFile SelectionFile already exists. Use it?File is already used by another loopback, choose another oneFile sharingFiles Restored...Filesystem encryption keyFilesystem type: Filesystem types:Find PackageFinding packages to upgrade...FinishFinlandFinnishFirewallFirewall/RouterFirewire controllersFirst DNS Server (optional)First Time WizardFirst sector of boot partitionFirst sector of drive (MBR)First sector of the root partitionFlagFlagsFloppyFloppy DiskFloppy can be removed nowFloppy creation completedFloppy formatFont ListFonts copyFor more information, please visit www.mandrakeclub.comForce no APICFormatFormat partitionsFormatted Formatting partition %sFound %s %s interfacesFranceFrance [SECAM]FrenchFrench GuianaFrench PolynesiaFrench Southern TerritoriesFreq should have the suffix k, M or G (for example, "2.46G" for 2.46 GHz frequency), or add enough '0' (zeroes).Frequency (MHz)FridayFtp ServerGBGMT - DrakClockGNOME WorkstationGRUBGabonGambiaGame stationGatewayGateway (e.g. %s)Gateway IP addressGateway deviceGateway:GeneralGenerate auto install floppyGenerate auto-install floppyGenerate policyGenerating preview ...GenericGeneric 2 Button MouseGeneric 3 Button MouseGeneric PS2 Wheel MouseGeneric PrintersGenius NetMouseGenius NetScrollGeometry: %s cylinders, %s heads, %s sectors GeorgiaGeorgian ("Latin" layout)Georgian ("Russian" layout)GermanGerman (no dead keys)GermanyGhanaGhostscriptGibraltarGive a file nameGive read-only access to ordinary usersGive the ram size in MBGive write access to ordinary usersGlidePointGlobal statisticsGo on anyway?Go on without configuring the networkGraphic CardGraphical EnvironmentGraphical InterfaceGraphical interfaceGraphical interface at startupGraphics card: %sGraphics card: %s Graphics memory: %s kB GreeceGreekGreek (polytonic)GreenlandGrenadaGroupGroup :GrubGuadeloupeGuamGuatemalaGuineaGuinea-BissauGujaratiGurmukhiGuyanaHFSHTTP proxyHaitiHalt bugHard drive detectionHard drive informationHardDrakeHardDrive / NFSHarddrake helpHarddrake2 version %sHardwareHardware probing in progressHave a nice day!Heard and McDonald IslandsHelpHere are the entries on your boot menu so far. You can create additional entries or change the existing ones.Here is a list of all auto-detected printers. Here is a list of the available printing options for the current printer: Here is the full list of available countriesHere is the full list of keyboards availableHere you can choose the key or key combination that will allow switching between the different keyboard layouts (eg: latin and non latin)Here you can choose whether the printers connected to this machine should be accessible by remote machines and by which remote machines.Here you can choose whether the scanners connected to this machine should be accessible by remote machines and by which remote machines.Here you can select an alternative driver (either OSS or ALSA) for your sound card (%s).Here you can specify any arbitrary command line into which the job should be piped instead of being sent directly to a printer.Hide filesHighHigherHondurasHost "%s", port %sHost %sHost NameHost Path or ModuleHost nameHost name (optional)Host name or IP.Host/network IP address missing.Hostname requiredHostname: HourHow is the printer connected?HungarianHungaryI can set up your computer to automatically log on one user.I can setup your computer to automatically start the graphical interface (XFree) upon booting. Would you like XFree to start when you reboot?I can't add any more partitionsI can't find any room for installingI can't find needed image file `%s'.I don't knowI don't know how to format %s in type %sIDEIP Range End:IP Range Start:IP addressIP address of host/network:IP address should be in format parametersISA / PCMCIAISDN ConfigurationISDN adaptersISDN cardISDN connectionIcelandIcelandicIcewm, Window Maker, Enlightenment, Fvwm, etcIconIf it is not the one you want to configure, enter a device name/file name in the input lineIf no port is given, 631 will be taken as default.If you have Linux questions, subscribe to MandrakeExpert at www.mandrakeexpert.comIf you have all the CDs in the list below, click Ok. If you have none of those CDs, click Cancel. If only some CDs are missing, unselect them, then click Ok.If you plan to use aboot, be careful to leave a free space (2048 sectors is enough) at the beginning of the diskIf you really think that you know which driver is the right one for your card you can pick one in the above list. The current driver for your "%s" sound card is "%s" If you would like to get involved, please subscribe to the "Cooker" mailing list by visiting mandrake-linux.com/cookerIf your printer is not listed, choose a compatible (see printer manual) or a similar one.ImageImportImport fontsImportance: Importing fontsIn the Mandrakelinux menu you will find easy-to-use applications for all of your tasks:In the Mandrakelinux menu you will find easy-to-use applications for all tasks:IndiaIndividual package selectionIndonesiaInfoInfo: InformationInitial testsInitrdInitrd-sizeInsert a FAT formatted floppy in drive %sInsert a blank floppy in drive %sInsert a floppy containing package selectionInsert a floppy in drive All data on this floppy will be lostInsert another blank floppy in drive %s (for drivers disk)Insert floppyInstallInstall & convert FontsInstall bootloaderInstall fontsInstall systemInstall themesInstall updatesInstall/UpgradeInstallation Server ConfigurationInstallation failedInstallation of %s failed. The following error occured:Installation of bootloader failed. The following error occured:InstallingInstalling %s ...Installing Foomatic...Installing HPOJ package...Installing PPD file...Installing SANE packages...Installing bootloaderInstalling driver for %s card %sInstalling mtools packages...Installing package %sInstalling package %s %d%%Installing packages...InterfaceInterface "%s"Interface %sInterface %s (on network %s)Interface %s (using module %s)Interface:Internal ISDN cardInternetInternet Connection ConfigurationInternet Connection SharingInternet accessInternet connectionInternet connection configurationInternet gatewayInternet stationIntroduction The operating system and the different components available in the Mandrakelinux distribution shall be called the "Software Products" hereafter. The Software Products include, but are not restricted to, the set of programs, methods, rules and documentation related to the operating system and the different components of the Mandrakelinux distribution. 1. License Agreement Please read this document carefully. This document is a license agreement between you and MandrakeSoft S.A. which applies to the Software Products. By installing, duplicating or using the Software Products in any manner, you explicitly accept and fully agree to conform to the terms and conditions of this License. If you disagree with any portion of the License, you are not allowed to install, duplicate or use the Software Products. Any attempt to install, duplicate or use the Software Products in a manner which does not comply with the terms and conditions of this License is void and will terminate your rights under this License. Upon termination of the License, you must immediately destroy all copies of the Software Products. 2. Limited Warranty The Software Products and attached documentation are provided "as is", with no warranty, to the extent permitted by law. MandrakeSoft S.A. will, in no circumstances and to the extent permitted by law, be liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties resulting from a court judgment, or any other consequential loss) arising out of the use or inability to use the Software Products, even if MandrakeSoft S.A. has been advised of the possibility or occurence of such damages. LIMITED LIABILITY LINKED TO POSSESSING OR USING PROHIBITED SOFTWARE IN SOME COUNTRIES To the extent permitted by law, MandrakeSoft S.A. or its distributors will, in no circumstances, be liable for any special, incidental, direct or indirect damages whatsoever (including without limitation damages for loss of business, interruption of business, financial loss, legal fees and penalties resulting from a court judgment, or any other consequential loss) arising out of the possession and use of software components or arising out of downloading software components from one of Mandrakelinux sites which are prohibited or restricted in some countries by local laws. This limited liability applies to, but is not restricted to, the strong cryptography components included in the Software Products. 3. The GPL License and Related Licenses The Software Products consist of components created by different persons or entities. Most of these components are governed under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public Licence, hereafter called "GPL", or of similar licenses. Most of these licenses allow you to use, duplicate, adapt or redistribute the components which they cover. Please read carefully the terms and conditions of the license agreement for each component before using any component. Any question on a component license should be addressed to the component author and not to MandrakeSoft. The programs developed by MandrakeSoft S.A. are governed by the GPL License. Documentation written by MandrakeSoft S.A. is governed by a specific license. Please refer to the documentation for further details. 4. Intellectual Property Rights All rights to the components of the Software Products belong to their respective authors and are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws applicable to software programs. MandrakeSoft S.A. reserves its rights to modify or adapt the Software Products, as a whole or in parts, by all means and for all purposes. "Mandrake", "Mandrakelinux" and associated logos are trademarks of MandrakeSoft S.A. 5. Governing Laws If any portion of this agreement is held void, illegal or inapplicable by a court judgment, this portion is excluded from this contract. You remain bound by the other applicable sections of the agreement. The terms and conditions of this License are governed by the Laws of France. All disputes on the terms of this license will preferably be settled out of court. As a last resort, the dispute will be referred to the appropriate Courts of Law of Paris - France. For any question on this document, please contact MandrakeSoft S.A. InuktitutInvalid port given: %s. The proper format is "port/tcp" or "port/udp", where port is between 1 and 65535. You can also give a range of ports (eg: 24300:24350/udp)IranIranianIraqIrelandIrishIs FPU presentIs this an install or an upgrade?Is this correct?Is this the correct setting?Is your printer a multi-function device from HP or Sony (OfficeJet, PSC, LaserJet 1100/1200/1220/3200/3300 with scanner, DeskJet 450, Sony IJP-V100), an HP PhotoSmart or an HP LaserJet 2200?IsraelIsraeliIsraeli (Phonetic)ItalianItalyJamaicaJanuaryJapanJapan (cable)Japanese 106 keysJapanese text printing modeJordanJournalised FSJoystickJulyJuneKBKDE WorkstationKannadaKazakhstanKeep the changes? The current configuration is: %sKensington Thinking MouseKenyaKernel module.Kernel versionKernel:KeyboardKeyboard layout: %s KiribatiKoreaKorea (North)Korean keyboardKuwaitKyrgyzstanLAN ConfigurationLAN configurationLAN connectionLDAPLDAP ServerLILO with graphical menuLILO with text menuLILO/grub InstallationLOCALLPDLPD and LPRng do not support IPP printers. LPD server "%s", printer "%s"LPRngLPRng - LPR New GenerationLSBLVM name?LVM-disks %s LabelLanguageLaosLaotianLatin AmericanLatviaLatvianLaunch the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound systemLaunch the graphical environment when your system startsLaunch the sound system on your machineLaunch userdrakeLearn how to use this printerLeaving in %d secondsLebanonLeft "Windows" keyLeft Alt keyLeft Control keyLeft Shift keyLesothoLet me pick any driverLevelLevel %s Lexmark X125 configurationLexmark inkjet configurationLiberiaLibyaLicenseLicense agreementLiechtensteinLinuxList of data corrupted: List of data to restore: List users on display managers (kdm and gdm)Listen to audio CDs with KsCD.Listen to music files and watch videos with Totem.LithuaniaLithuanian "number row" QWERTYLithuanian "phonetic" QWERTYLithuanian AZERTY (new)Lithuanian AZERTY (old)Load from floppyLoad settingLoad the drivers for your usb devices.Load/Save on floppyLoading from floppyLoading module %s failed. Do you want to try again with other parameters?Loading printer configuration... Please waitLocal Network adressLocal PrinterLocal PrintersLocal filesLocal measureLocal network(s)Local printerLocationLocation of auto_install.cfg fileLogdrakeLogin IDLogin nameLogitech Mouse (serial, old C7 type)Logitech MouseManLogitech MouseMan+Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+Looking at packages already installed...Looking for available packages and rebuilding rpm database...Looking for available packages...LoopbackLoopback file name: Loopback file name: %sLoopback file(s): %s LuxembourgMBMM HitTabletMOVE YOUR WHEEL!Mac AddressMacedoniaMacedonianMadagascarMailMail ServerMail alertMail alert configurationMaking printer port available for CUPS...MalawiMalayalamMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMaltese (UK)Maltese (US)ManagedMandatory package %s is missingMandrake Bug Report ToolMandrake Control CenterMandrake OnlineMandrakelinux Installation %sMarchMarshall IslandsMartiniqueMasterMatchingMauritaniaMauritiusMaximum size allowed for Drakbackup (MB)MayMayotteMedia classMenudrakeMexicoMicronesiaMicrosoft ExplorerMicrosoft IntelliMouseMinimal installMinuteMkinitrd optional argumentsModeModelModel nameModemModem connectionModem soundModem timeoutModifyModify RAIDModify printer configurationModuleModule configurationModule nameModule options:MoldovaMonacoMondayMongoliaMongolian (cyrillic)MonitorMonitor The installer will normally automatically detect and configure the monitor connected to your machine. If it is incorrect, you can choose from this list the monitor you actually have connected to your computer.Monitor HorizSync: %s Monitor VertRefresh: %s Monitor: %s MonthMontserratMoreMore OptionsMoroccoMountMount optionsMount pointMount point: Mount points must begin with a leading /Mount points should contain only alphanumerical charactersMount the file system read-only.Mounted Mounting partition %sMouseMouse PortMouse SystemsMouse device: %s Mouse testMouse type: %s MoveMove files to the new partitionMove selected rule down one levelMove selected rule up one levelMovingMoving files to the new partitionMoving partition...MozambiqueMsecMulti-function deviceMulti-function device on HP JetDirectMulti-function device on USBMulti-function device on a parallel portMulti-function device on parallel port #%sMultimedia stationMultisession CDMyanmarMyanmar (Burmese)NCP queue name missing!NCP server name missing!NFS server, SMB server, Proxy server, ssh serverNISNIS ServerNONONENOT FOUNDNOTE: Depending on the printer model and the printing system up to %d MB of additional software will be installed.NTP ServerNameName Servers:Name of printerName of printer should contain only letters, numbers and the underscoreName of the certificateName of the private keyName/IP address of host:Name:Name: NamibiaNauruNeed hostname, username and password!Need to create /etc/dhcpd.conf first!Need to restart the Display Manager for full changes to take effect. (service dm restart - at the console)NepalNet DeviceNet Method:NetWare Printer OptionsNetherlandsNetherlands AntillesNetmaskNetmask:NetworkNetwork %sNetwork & InternetNetwork & Internet ConfigurationNetwork Computer (client)Network Computer serverNetwork ConfigurationNetwork MonitoringNetwork OptionsNetwork configuration (%d adapters)Network functionality not configuredNetwork interfaceNetwork interface already configuredNetwork printer "%s", port %sNetwork printer (TCP/Socket)NewNew CaledoniaNew ZealandNew devfs deviceNew printer nameNew size in MB: New user list: NewzealandNextNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNiueNoNo (experts only)No CD device defined!No CD-R/DVD-R in drive!No IpNo MaskNo NIC selected!No Sound Card detected!No TV Card detected!No additional information about this service, sorry.No alternative driverNo browser available! Please install oneNo browser is installed on your system, Please install one if you want to browse the help systemNo detailsNo devices foundNo ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. I cannot set up this connection type.No ethernet network adapter has been detected on your system. Please run the hardware configuration tool.No floppy drive availableNo floppy drive available!No fonts foundNo hard drives foundNo image foundNo internet connection configuredNo kernel selected!No known driverNo mouseNo network adapter on your system!No network cardNo partition availableNo passwordNo printerNo printer found!No remote machinesNo sound card detected. Try "harddrake" after installationNo tape in %s!No test pagesNo, I don't want autologinNoVideoNoneNorfolk IslandNormal ModeNorthern Mariana IslandsNorwayNorwegianNot connectedNot enough free space for auto-allocatingNot enough free space to allocate new partitionsNot enough partitions for RAID level %d Not erasable media!Not formatted Not installedNothing to doNoticeNovell server "%s", printer "%s"NovemberNumber of buttonsOKOK to restore the other files.OKI winprinter configurationOctoberOffice WorkstationOffice programs: wordprocessors (kword, abiword), spreadsheets (kspread, gnumeric), pdf viewers, etcOkOld device fileOld user list: OmanOn CD-ROn CUPS server "%s"On FloppyOn Tape DeviceOn bootOnce you've selected a device, you'll be able to see the device information in fields displayed on the right frame ("Information")Option %s must be a number!Option %s must be an integer number!Option %s out of range!OptionsOptions: %sOriyaOtherOther Graphical DesktopsOther MediaOther MultiMedia devicesOther OS (MacOS...)Other OS (SunOS...)Other OS (windows...)Other placeOther portsPAPPAP/CHAPPCIPCMCIAPDQPDQ - Print, Don't QueuePDQ only supports local printers, remote LPD printers, and Socket/TCP printers. PFSPOP and IMAP ServerPPPOA LLCPPPOA VCPXE ImagePXE Server ConfigurationPXE image is %s/%sPackage Group SelectionPackage not installedPackage selectionPackage: PakistanPalauPalestinePanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayParallel port #%sParametersParanoidPartition table of drive %s is going to be written to disk!Partition table type: %s PartitioningPartitioning failed: %sPassivePasswordPassword (again)Password history lengthPassword minimum length and number of digits and upcase lettersPassword requiredPathPath or Module requiredPath selectionPeriodic ChecksPermissionsPeruPhilippinesPhone numberPhoto test pagePipe into commandPipe job into a commandPitcairnPlease Wait... Applying the configurationPlease choose a language to use.Please choose the date to restore:Please choose the desired security levelPlease choose the port that your printer is connected to or enter a device name/file name in the input linePlease choose the port that your printer is connected to.Please choose the printer to which the print jobs should go or enter a device name/file name in the input linePlease choose the printer to which the print jobs should go.Please choose the printer you want to set up or enter a device name/file name in the input linePlease choose what network adapter will be connected to your Local Area Network.Please choose which network adapter you want to use to connect to Internet.Please choose which network interface will be used for the dhcp server.Please choose which serial port your modem is connected to.Please choose which serial port your mouse is connected to.Please choose your ADSL providerPlease choose your country.Please choose your keyboard layout.Please choose your mouse type.Please choose your type of mouse.Please click on a partitionPlease enter a package name.Please enter summary text.Please enter the IP configuration for this machine. Each item should be entered as an IP address in dotted-decimal notation (for example, enter the WebDAV server URLPlease enter the name of the interface connected to the internet. Examples: ppp+ for modem or DSL connections, eth0, or eth1 for cable connection, ippp+ for a isdn connection. Please enter your email address below Please give a user namePlease indicate where the auto_install.cfg file is located. Leave it blank if you do not want to set up automatic installation mode. Please insert another floppy for drivers diskPlease insert floppy disk:Please insert the Boot floppy used in drive %sPlease log out and then use Ctrl-Alt-BackSpacePlease make a backup of your data firstPlease select data to restore...Please select the correct port. For example, the "COM1" port under Windows is named "ttyS0" under GNU/Linux.Please select the device where your %s is attachedPlease select the test pages you want to print. Note: the photo test page can take a rather long time to get printed and on laser printers with too low memory it can even not come out. In most cases it is enough to print the standard test page.Please test the mousePlease test your mouse:Please try againPlease waitPlease wait, detecting and configuring devices...Please wait, preparing installation...Please wait, setting security level...Please wait, setting security options...Please, type in your tv norm and countryPlease, choose your keyboard layout.Plug'n PlayPlug'n Play probing failed. Please select the correct monitorPolandPolishPolish (qwerty layout)Polish (qwertz layout)PoorPortPort: %sPortugalPortuguesePost InstallPost-install configurationPostfix Mail ServerPostfix mail serverPostgreSQL or MySQL database serverPrecise RAM size if needed (found %d MB)Preference: PreferencesPreparing bootloader...Preparing installationPreparing printer database...PreviewPreviousPrintPrint Queue NamePrint option listPrint test pagesPrinterPrinter "%s" on SMB/Windows server "%s"Printer "%s" on server "%s"Printer %s What do you want to modify on this printer?Printer Device URIPrinter Management Printer NamePrinter ServerPrinter auto-detectionPrinter connection typePrinter default settingsPrinter host name or IPPrinter host name or IP missing!Printer manufacturer, modelPrinter manufacturer, model, driverPrinter model selectionPrinter name, description, locationPrinter on NetWare serverPrinter on SMB/Windows 95/98/NT serverPrinter on parallel port #%sPrinter on remote CUPS serverPrinter on remote lpd serverPrinter optionsPrinterdrakePrintingPrinting on the printer "%s"Printing test page(s)...Printing/Scanning on "%s"Prints into %sProblems installing package %sProcessor IDProcessorsProgressBar color selectionPropertyProtocolProvider DNS 1 (optional)Provider DNS 2 (optional)Provider name (ex provider.net)Provider phone numberProvider:ProxiesProxies configurationProxy should be http://...Puerto RicoQatarQuitQuit without savingQuit without writing the partition table?RAID md%s RAID-disks %s RTS/CTSRe-configure interface and DHCP serverRe-generating list of configured scanners ...Re-install Boot LoaderRe-submitReadRead carefully!Read-onlyReading data of installed printers...Reading printer data...Reading printer database...Real nameRebootReboot by the console userReceiving speed:RefreshRefresh printer list (to display all available remote CUPS printers)Refresh the listRefreshing printer data...RefuseReload partition tableRemember this passwordRemoteRemote AdministrationRemote CUPS serverRemote ControlRemote host nameRemote host name missing!Remote lpd Printer OptionsRemote printerRemote printer nameRemote printer name missing!RemoveRemove ListRemove SelectedRemove WindowsRemove Windows(TM)Remove a moduleRemove a network interfaceRemove fonts on your systemRemove from LVMRemove from RAIDRemove printerRemove selected hostRemove selected host/networkRemove selected serverRemove system config filesRemove the last itemRemove the loopback file?Remove this printer from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPRemove user directories before restore.Removing %sRemoving %s ...Removing old printer "%s"...Removing packages...Removing printer "%s"...Removing printer from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMPRepeaterReplayReportReport check result by mailReselect correct fontsResetResizeResizingResizing Windows partitionResolutionResolution: %s ResolutionsRestart XFSRestarting CUPS...Restarting printing system...RestoreRestore Failed...Restore From CDRestore From CatalogRestore From TapeRestore OtherRestore SelectedRestore Selected FilesRestore UsersRestore Via NetworkRestore Via Network Protocol: %sRestore from Hard Disk.Restore partition tableRestore systemRestoring from file %s failed: %sRetryReunionRight "Windows" keyRight Alt keyRight Control keyRight Shift keyRomaniaRomanian (qwerty)Romanian (qwertz)RootRoot partition size in MB: Root passwordRouters:Run "sndconfig" after installation to configure your sound cardRun chkrootkit checksRun config toolRun the daily security checksRussiaRussianRussian (Phonetic)RwandaSANE packages need to be installed to use scanners. Do you want to install the SANE packages?SCSI controllersSECURITY WARNING!SILOSILO InstallationSMB (Windows 9x/NT) Printer OptionsSMB server IPSMB server hostSMB/Windows server "%s", share "%s"SMBus controllersSMTP server for mail:SSH ServerSSH serverSaami (norwegian)Saami (swedish/finnish)Sagem (using dhcp) usbSagem (using pppoa) usbSagem USB modemSaint HelenaSaint Kitts and NevisSaint LuciaSaint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent and the GrenadinesSamba ServerSamba serverSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaturdaySaudi ArabiaSaveSave as..Save on floppySave packages selectionSave partition tableSave themeScannerScannerdrakeScanning network...Scanning partitions to find mount pointsScript-basedSearch for files to restoreSearch for fonts in installed listSearch for new scannersSearch installed fontsSearch new serversSearch serversSearch:Searching for configured scanners ...Searching for new printers...Searching for new scanners ...Searching for scanners ...Second DNS Server (optional)SecondarySectorSecuritySecurity AdministratorSecurity Administrator (login or email)Security Administrator:Security Alerts:Security LevelSecurity Level:Security PoliciesSecurity levelSee hardware infoSelect PPD fileSelect Printer ConnectionSelect Printer SpoolerSelect a device !Select a scanner modelSelect another media to restore fromSelect fileSelect installation classSelect model manuallySelect path to restore (instead of /)Select the files or directories and click on 'OK'Select the font file or directory and click on 'Add'Select the memory size of your graphics cardSelect the modem to configure:Select the network interface to configure:Select the network interface to remove:Select your provider. If it isn't listed, choose Unlisted.Select your provider:Selected AllSelected size is larger than available spaceSending speed:Sending files by FTPSending files...SenegalSeptemberSerbia & MontenegroSerbian (cyrillic)ServerServer IP missing!Server NameServer:Server: ServicesServices and deamonsServices settingsServices: %d activated for %d registeredSet as defaultSet of tools to read and send mail and news (mutt, tin..) and to browse the WebSet of tools to read and send mail and news and to browse the WebSet root passwordSet selected printer as the default printerSet shell commands history size. A value of -1 means unlimited.Set the password minimum length and minimum number of digit and minimum number of capitalized letters.Set this printer as the defaultSet-GIDSet-UIDSetting Default Printer...SettingsSeychellesShellShell history sizeShell timeoutShow automatically selected packagesShow current interface configurationShow only for the selected daySierra LeoneSingaporeSizeSize in MB: Size: Size: %sSize: %s SkipSlovakiaSlovakian (QWERTY)Slovakian (QWERTZ)SloveniaSlovenianSoftware ManagerSolomon IslandsSomaliaSome devices in the "%s" hardware class were removed: Some devices were added: %s Some important packages didn't get installed properly. Either your cdrom drive or your cdrom is defective. Check the cdrom on an installed computer using "rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm" Some steps are not completed. Do you really want to quit now?Sound and video playing/editing programsSound cardSound configurationSound trouble shootingSoundcardSource/destinationSouth AfricaSouth Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsSpainSpanishSpecify optionsSri LankaStandardStandard test pageStarOfficeStartStart ServerStart at bootStart sector: Start when requestedStart: sector %s Started on bootStarting network...Starts the X Font Server (this is mandatory for XFree to run).StateStatus:Sticky-bitStopStop ServerStore the password for this system in drakbackup configuration.SudanSummarySummary: Sun - MouseSunOSSundaySuppress Temporary FilesSurinameSvalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSwapSwap partition size in MB: SwazilandSwedenSwedishSwiss (French layout)Swiss (German layout)Switching from ext2 to ext3SwitzerlandSynchronization toolSyriaSyriacSyriac (phonetic)SystemSystem OptionsSystem configurationSystem installationSystem modeSystem settingsTBTCP/IPTCP/IP host "%s", port %sTCP/Socket Printer OptionsTV cardTV norm:TaiwanTajik keyboardTajikistanTamil (ISCII-layout)Tamil (Typewriter-layout)TanzaniaTapeTelnet serverTeluguTerminal Server ConfigurationTerminal-basedTestTest of the configurationTest page(s) have been sent to the printer. It may take some time before the printer starts. Test page(s) have been sent to the printer. It may take some time before the printer starts. Printing status: %s Test pagesTesting your connection...Thai keyboardThailandThe %s is not known by this version of Scannerdrake.The %s is unsupportedThe %s must be configured by printerdrake. You can launch printerdrake from the %s Control Center in Hardware section.The DHCP end ipThe DHCP end rangeThe DHCP start ipThe DHCP start rangeThe DNS Server IPThe DrakX Partitioning wizard found the following solutions:The K Desktop Environment, the basic graphical environment with a collection of accompanying toolsThe Mandrakelinux installation is distributed on several CD-ROMs. If a selected package is located on another CD-ROM, DrakX will eject the current CD and ask you to insert the correct CD as required.The URL must begin with http:// or https://The VPN connection is enabled.The change is done, but to be effective you must logoutThe change is done, do you want to restart the dm service ?The creation of the boot floppy has been successfully completed The current security level is %s. Select permissions to see/editThe encryption keys do not matchThe entered IP is not correct. The entered host/network IP is not correct. The floppy has been successfully generated. You may now replay your installation.The following packages are going to be installedThe following packages are going to be removedThe following packages need to be installed: The following packages will be removed to allow upgrading your system: %s Do you really want to remove these packages? The following printer %s%s are directly connected to your systemThe following printer %s%s is directly connected to your systemThe following printer was auto-detected. The following printers %s%s are directly connected to your systemThe following printers are configured. Double-click on a printer to change its settings; to make it the default printer; or to view information about it. The following scanner %s is available on your system. The following scanners %s are available on your system. The model is correctThe network needs to be restarted. Do you want to restart it ?The package %s is going to be removed.The package %s is needed. Install it?The package %s needs to be installed. Do you want to install it?The passwords do not matchThe port number should be an integer!The printer "%s" already exists, do you really want to overwrite its configuration?The printer "%s" is set as the default printer now.The printer "%s" was successfully added to Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.The printer "%s" was successfully removed from Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP.The printers on this machine are available to other computersThe scanners on this machine are available to other computersThe system doesn't seem to be connected to the Internet. Try to reconfigure your connection.The system is now connected to the Internet.The user name is too longThe user name must contain only lower cased letters, numbers, `-' and `_'ThemeTheme nameThere are already some restrictions, and more automatic checks are run every night.There are no printers found which are directly connected to your machineThere are no scanners found which are available on your system. There is already a partition with mount point %s There is no FAT partition to resize (or not enough space left)There is no FAT partition to use as loopback (or not enough space left)There is no existing partition to useThere is only one configured network adapter on your system: %s I am about to setup your Local Area Network with that adapter.There was an error installing packages:There was an error ordering packages:There's no known OSS/ALSA alternative driver for your sound card (%s) which currently uses "%s"There's no known driver for your sound card (%s)These are the machines and networks on which the locally connected printer(s) should be available:These are the machines from which the scanners should be used:This directory should remain within the root filesystemThis encryption key is too simple (must be at least %d characters long)This floppy is not FAT formattedThis host is already in the list, it cannot be added again. This host/network is already in the list, it cannot be added again. This interface has not been configured yet. Run the "Add an interface" assistant from the Mandrake Control CenterThis is HardDrake, a Mandrake hardware configuration tool. Version: %s Author: Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> This is a mandatory package, it can't be unselectedThis is similar to the previous level, but the system is entirely closed and security features are at their maximum.This is the Mandrakelinux Download version.This is the standard security recommended for a computer that will be used to connect to the Internet as a client.This label is already usedThis machineThis may take a moment to generate the keys.This package must be upgraded. Are you sure you want to deselect it?This partition can't be used for loopbackThis partition is not resizeableThis password is too short (it must be at least %d characters long)This password is too simpleThis server is already in the list, it cannot be added again. This setting will be activated after the installation. During installation, you will need to use the Right Control key to switch between the different keyboard layouts.This theme does not yet have a bootsplash in %s !This user name has already been addedThis will take a few minutes.ThursdayTime remaining TimezoneTimezone - DrakClockTo activate the mouse,To get a list of the options available for the current printer click on the "Print option list" button.To have more partitions, please delete one to be able to create an extended partitionTo know about the options available for the current printer read either the list shown below or click on the "Print option list" button.%s%s%s To learn more about our dynamic community, please visit www.mandrake-linux.com!To print to a TCP or socket printer, you need to provide the host name or IP of the printer and optionally the port number (default is 9100). On HP JetDirect servers the port number is usually 9100, on other servers it can vary. See the manual of your hardware.To use a remote lpd printer, you need to supply the hostname of the printer server and the printer name on that server.Toggle between normal/expert modeToggle to expert modeToggle to normal modeTogoTokelauTongaTools to ease the configuration of your computerTotal size: %d / %d MBTransferTransfer NowTransfer printer configurationTransferring %s...Trinidad and TobagoTrouble shootingTrue Type fonts installationTrue Type install doneTruly minimal installTruly minimal install (especially no urpmi)TuesdayTunisiaTurkeyTurkish (modern "Q" model)Turkish (traditional "F" model)TurkmenistanTurks and Caicos IslandsTuvaluTvcardTypeType of installType: UK keyboardURI: %sURL should begin with 'ftp:' or 'http:'US keyboardUS keyboard (international)USA (cable)USBUSB controllersUSB printerUSB printer #%sUgandaUkraineUkrainianUnable to contact mirror %sUndoUninstallUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited StatesUnited States Minor Outlying IslandsUniversalUnknownUnknown ModelUnknown driverUnknown modelUnknown/OthersUnknown|CPH05X (bt878) [many vendors]Unknown|CPH06X (bt878) [many vendors]Unknown|GenericUnmountUnselect fonts installedUnselected AllUpUpdating package selectionUpgradeUpgrade %sUrpmiUruguayUsage of remote scannersUse Unicode by defaultUse Xinerama extensionUse ``%s'' insteadUse ``Unmount'' firstUse a floppyUse auto detectionUse daemonUse existing partitionUse existing partitionsUse fdiskUse for loopbackUse free spaceUse libsafe for serversUse my Windows partitionUse password to authenticate usersUse password to authenticate users.Use scanners on remote computersUse the Windows partition for loopbackUse the free space on the Windows partitionUse the scanners on hosts: Used for directory: only owner of directory or file in this directory can delete itUseless without Terminal ServerUserUser :User nameUserdrakeUsernameUsername requiredUsersUses command %sUzbek (cyrillic)UzbekistanVanuatuVariousVaticanVendorVenezuelaVerify certVerify checksum of the suid/sgid filesVerify that %s is the correct pathVersion: Video modeVideocardVietnamVietnamese "numeric row" QWERTYView ConfigurationView and edit images and photos with GQview and The Gimp!Virgin Islands (British)Virgin Islands (U.S.)Wait pleaseWait please, testing your connection...Wallis and FutunaWarningWarning: testing this graphic card may freeze your computerWe are now going to configure the %s connection. Press "%s" to continue.We would like to thank everyone who participated in the development of our latest release.We would like to thank everyone who participated in the development of this latest release.Web ServerWeb/FTPWebcamWebmin ServiceWednesdayWeekdayWelcome To CrackersWelcome to %sWelcome to the Open Source world!Welcome to the operating system chooser! Choose an operating system from the list above or wait for default boot. West EuropeWestern SaharaWhatWhat do you want to do?What kind of card do you have?What type of partitioning?WheelWhenWhen checked, owner and group won't be changedWhereWhere do you want to install the bootloader?Where do you want to mount %s?Where do you want to mount device %s?Where do you want to mount the loopback file %s?Which %s driver should I try?Which configuration of XFree do you want to have?Which disk do you want to move it to?Which filesystem do you want?Which is your timezone?Which of the following is your ISDN card?Which partition do you want to resize?Which partition do you want to use for Linux4Win?Which printer model do you have?Which printing system (spooler) do you want to use?Which protocol do you want to use?Which sector do you want to move it to?Which services would you like to allow the Internet to connect to?Which type of entry do you want to add?Which usernameWindowsWirelessWireless connectionWith XWith basic documentationWith basic documentation (recommended!)With this option you will be able to restore any version of your /etc directory.With this security level, the use of this system as a server becomes possible. The security is now high enough to use the system as a server which can accept connections from many clients. Note: if your machine is only a client on the Internet, you should choose a lower level.WizardWizard ConfigurationWorkgroupWorkstationWould you like to try again?WriteWrite ConfigWrite protectionX serverXFree %sXFree configurationXFree86 driver: %s XFree86 server: %s Xinetd ServiceXpmac (installation display driver)YESYabootYemenYesYes, I want autologin with this (user, desktop)You can also:You can configure each parameter of the module here.You can enter miscellaneous ports. Valid examples are: 139/tcp 139/udp 600:610/tcp 600:610/udp. Have a look at /etc/services for information.You can export using NFS or Samba. Please select which you'd like to use.You can now partition %s. When you are done, don't forget to save using `w'You can't create a new partition (since you reached the maximal number of primary partitions). First remove a primary partition and create an extended partition.You can't install the bootloader on a %s partition You can't select this package as there is not enough space left to install itYou can't select/unselect this packageYou can't unselect this package. It is already installedYou can't unselect this package. It must be upgradedYou can't use JFS for partitions smaller than 16MBYou can't use ReiserFS for partitions smaller than 32MBYou can't use an encrypted file system for mount point %sYou don't have a swap partition. Continue anyway?You don't have any configured interface. Configure them first by clicking on 'Configure'You have configured multiple ways to connect to the Internet. Choose the one you want to use. You have more than one hard drive, which one do you install linux on?You have not configured X. Are you sure you really want this?You have one big Microsoft Windows partition. I suggest you first resize that partition (click on it, then click on "Resize")You have transferred your former default printer ("%s"), Should it be also the default printer under the new printing system %s?You haven't selected any group of packages. Please choose the minimal installation you want:You may now provide options to module %s. Options are in format ``name=value name2=value2 ...''. For instance, ``io=0x300 irq=7''You must also format %sYou must be root to read configuration file. You must choose an image file first!You must choose/enter a printer/device!You must enter a device or file name!You must enter a host name or an IP address. You must have a FAT partition mounted in /boot/efiYou must have a root partition. For this, create a partition (or click on an existing one). Then choose action ``Mount point'' and set it to `/'You must specify a kernel imageYou must specify a root partitionYou need a true filesystem (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, or jfs) for this mount point You need the Alcatel microcode. Download it at: %s and copy the mgmt.o in /usr/share/speedtouchYou need to log out and back in again for changes to take effectYou need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take placeYou will receive an alert if one of the selected services is no longer runningYou'll need to reboot before the modification can take placeYou've not selected any fontYour choice? (0/1, default `%s') Your choice? (default %s) Your choice? (default `%s'%s) Your modem isn't supported by the system. Take a look at http://www.linmodems.orgYour new Mandrakelinux distribution and its many applications are the result of collaborative efforts between MandrakeSoft developers and Mandrakelinux contributors throughout the world.Your new Mandrakelinux distribution is the result of collaborative efforts between MandrakeSoft developers and Mandrakelinux contributors throughout the world.Your new Mandrakelinux operating system and its many applications is the result of collaborative efforts between MandrakeSoft developers and Mandrakelinux contributors throughout the world.Your personal phone numberYour printer modelYour scanner(s) will not be available on the network.Your system does not have enough space left for installation or upgrade (%d > %d)Yugoslavian (latin)ZambiaZeroconf Host nameZeroconf host name must not contain a .ZimbabweZip[keyboard]_:display here is a verb Display_:display here is a verb Display configuration_:this is the /var/log/messages log file Messages_:this is the auth.log log file Authentication_:this is the user.log log file Usera numberaccess to X programsaccess to administrative filesaccess to network toolsaccess to rpm toolsactivatedallow "su"and %d unknown printersand one unknown printerauthenticationautoaveragebrowsebut not matchingchoose devicechoose imagechoose image fileclass of hardware deviceclick here if you are sure.comma separated numberscomma separated stringsconfiguredconnecting to %s ...consolehelper missingcpu # customdailydefaultdefault:LTRdevicedhcpd Config...dhcpd Server Configurationdisabledisableddismissdonedowndrakfirewall configurator Make sure you have configured your Network/Internet access with drakconnect before going any further.drakfloppydue to missing %senableerror unmounting %s: %sfamily of the cpu (eg: 6 for i686 class)file list sent by FTP: %s first step creationforcegeneration of the cpu (eg: 8 for PentiumIII, ...)hard disk modelhdhere if no.highhourlyhttp://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/100errata.php3if neededif set to yes, check empty password in /etc/shadow.if set to yes, check open ports.if set to yes, report check result by mail.if set to yes, run chkrootkit checks.if set to yes, run the daily security checks.ignoreimportantin order to keep %sinterfacesipseckdesu missingleftlevelmaybemkraid failedmkraid failed (maybe raidtools are missing?)monthlymount failed: mounting partition %s in directory %s failedmust havenetwork printer portnewnicenononenot configurednot enough room in /bootofficial vendor name of the cpuomit raid modulesomit scsi modulespackage 'ImageMagick' is required to be able to complete configuration. Click "Ok" to install 'ImageMagick' or "Cancel" to quitparanoidpartition %spartition %s is now known as %spathplease wait during ttmkfdir...primaryreceivedreceived: reconfigureremotereplayrestrictrightrunningsaned needs to be installed to share the local scanner(s). Do you want to install the saned package?saving Bootsplash theme...searchsecondarysent: serialserversimplesize of the (second level) cpu cachestaticstoppedtapetext widththe color of the progress barthe height of the progress barthe list of alternative drivers for this sound cardthe name of the CPUthe number of buttons the mouse hasthe number of the processorthe progress bar x coordinate of its upper left cornerthe progress bar y coordinate of its upper left cornerthe vendor name of the devicethe vendor name of the processorthe width of the progress barthis field describes the devicetransmittedtype1inst buildingtype: %stype: fatunknownupuse dhcpuse pppoeuse pptpvery niceweeklywith /usrx coordinate of text box in number of charactersxfs restartyesProject-Id-Version: DrakX-uz POT-Creation-Date: 2004-04-01 15:07+0200 PO-Revision-Date: 2004-03-12 16:00+0100 Last-Translator: Mashrab Kuvatov Language-Team: Uzbek MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Generator: KBabel 1.3 foydalanuvchi: %s direktoriya: %s O'chirish=%s - va hokazo - Apache: Eng keng ishlatiladigan veb-serveri - MySQL: Dunyodagi eng ommabop Open Source ma'lumot bazasi - Samba: MS-Windows klientlari uchun fayl va bosib chiqarish xizmatlari - Vim: Andoza Vi tahrirchiga qaraganda ko'proq imkoniyatlarga ega kengaytirilgan matn tahrirchi - Vim: Andoza Vi tahrirchiga qaraganda ko'proq imkoniyatlarga ega kengaytirilgan matn tahrirchi - Manzillar daftari (server va klient) - Va boshqalar - Mozilla va Konqueror yordamida internetda sayr qiling - Mozilla va Konqueror yordamida internetda sayr qiling - Hujjatlaringizni OpenOffice.org yordamida yarating va tahrirlang - Rasm va suratlarni GIMP bilan tahrirlang - Audio kompakt-disk va audio fayllarni KsCD va Totem bilan tinglang - Audio kompakt-disk va audio fayllarni KsCD va Totem bilan tinglang - Onlayn suxbatda Kopete yordamida qatnashing - Elektron maktublarni jo'natish va qabul qilish - Mandrakelinux sistemasiga qaysi dasturlarni qo'shish uchun ovoz berish - Internetda sayr qilishingiz mumkin - Internet orqali suhbat qilishingiz mumkin - o'zingizni veb-saytingizni yaratishingiz mumkin - video konferentsiya tashkil qilishingiz mumkin -Kompakt-disk. -Qattiq disk. -Tarmoq FTP orqali. -Tarmoq SSH orqali. -Tarmoq rsync orqali. -Tarmoq webdav orqali. -Magnit tasma Sistemaning fayllarini kiritmash %s'ga xat jo'natish %s SMTP serveri yordamida Izoh: agar sizda ISA PnP tovush kartasi bo'lsa, alsaconf yoki sndconfig dasturini ishlatishingiz kerak bo'ladi. Konsolda "alsaconf" yoki "sndconfig" buyrug'ini bajaring xolos. Printerdrake %s printeringizning modelini aniqlolmadi. Iltimos, quyidagi ro'yxatdan to'g'ri keladigan modelni tanlang. Sizning kartangiz %s"%s" drayverini ishlatmoqda (kartangizning andoza drayveri "%s") DrakBackup hisoboti DrakBackup hisobotining tafsilotlari - Kompakt-diskga yozish - Parametrlar: - Boshqa fayllar: - %s uskunadagi magnit tasmaga saqlash - %s orqali %s xostida saqlash - Sistemaning fayllari: - Foydalanuvchining fayllari: Ishlab chiqaruvchining PPD-fayllari yoki CUPS'ning asl drayverlari bilan moslangan printerlarni ham uzatib bo'lmaydi. Ehtimol, diskning bu qismi drayverning qismidir. Yaxshisi unga teginmang. Agar sizda ISA kartasi bo'lsa, keyingi oynadagi qiymatlar to'g'ri bo'lishi kerak. Agar sizda PCMCIA kartasi bo'lsa, kartangizning "irq" va "io" qiymatlarini bilishingiz kerak. Siz uzatmoqchi bo'lgan printerni belgilang va "Uzatish" tugmasini bosing. Sizga kerak bo'lgan parametrlarni tekshiring. Masofadagi CUPS serveridagi printerlarni moslashingiz shart emas, ular avtomatik ravishda aniqlanadi. Sistemangizga %d noma'lum printer to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulangan. Sistemangizga bitta noma'lum printer to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulangan. Foydalanish: %s [--auto] [--beginner] [--expert] [-h|--help] [--noauto] [--testing] [-v|--version] Printerni o'rnatish yordamchisiga marhamat! Yordamchi shu kompyuterga yoki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarmoqqa ulangan printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishda sizga yordam beradi. Agar shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)ingiz bo'lsa, uni/ularni avtomatik ravishda aniqlash uchun uni/ularni yoqilgan holatga keltiring. Tarmoqqa ulangan printer(lar)ingiz ham yoqilgan holatda bo'lishi kerak. E'tibor bering, tarmoqqa ulangan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlash shu kompyuterga ulangan printerlarni aniqlashdan ko'ra ko'proq vaqtni oladi. Shuning uchun, agar bu sizga kerak bo'lmasa, tarmoqqa ulangan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlashni o'chiring. Tayyor bo'lganingizdan so'ng "Keyingisi"ni yoki printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishni istamasangiz "Bekor qilish"ni bosing. Printerni o'rnatish yordamchisiga marhamat! Yordamchi shu kompyuterga ulangan yoki to'g'ridan-to'g'ri tarmoqqa yoki masofadagi Windows kompyuteriga ulangan printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishda sizga yordam beradi. Agar shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)ingiz bo'lsa, uni/ularni avtomatik ravishda aniqlash uchun uni/ularni yoqilgan holatga keltiring. Tarmoqqa ulangan printer(lar)ingiz va Windows kompyuterlar ham yoqilgan holatda bo'lishi kerak. E'tibor bering, tarmoqqa ulangan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlash shu kompyuterga ulangan printerlarni aniqlashdan ko'ra ko'proq vaqtni oladi. Shuning uchun, agar bu sizga kerak bo'lmasa, tarmoqqa ulangan printerlarni va/yoki Windows kompyuteriga ulangan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlashni o'chiring. Tayyor bo'lganingizdan so'ng "Keyingisi"ni yoki printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishni istamasangiz "Bekor qilish"ni bosing. Printerni o'rnatish yordamchisiga marhamat! Yordamchi shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishda sizga yordam beradi. Agar shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)ingiz bo'lsa, uni/ularni avtomatik ravishda aniqlash uchun uni/ularni yoqilgan holatga keltiring. Tayyor bo'lganingizdan so'ng "Keyingisi"ni yoki printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishni istamasangiz "Bekor qilish"ni bosing. Printerni o'rnatish yordamchisiga marhamat! Yordamchi shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishda sizga yordam beradi. Shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)ingizni avtomatik ravishda aniqlash uchun uni/ularni yoqilgan holatga keltiring. Tayyor bo'lganingizdan so'ng "Keyingisi"ni yoki printer(lar)ingizni o'rnatishni istamasangiz "Bekor qilish"ni bosing. Marhamat. Avtomatik ravishda o'rnatishning parametrlari chap tarafdagi bo'limlarda mavjud %s da muvaffaqiyatli tiklandi Moslamani tiklash / elementdan-elementga | tanlash | keyingi oyna ( (andoza: hamma foydalanuvchilar) (Andoza) (Hamma printerlar ulanganligiga va yoqilganligiga ishonch hosil qiling). (Parallel portlar: /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1, ..., LPT1:, LPT2:, ... ga teng, 1-chi USB printer: /dev/usb/lp0, 2-chi USB printer: /dev/usb/lp1, ...). (ko'p seansli) - topildi --help - shu yordamni ko'rsatish Kundalik xavfsizlik tekshiruvini yoqish/o'chirish. Darhol o'chirish Xatni jo'natishda xato ro'y berdi. Agar siz istagan printer avtomatik ravishda aniqlangan bo'lsa, uni ro'yxatdan tanlang va foydalanuvchini, maxfiy so'zni va kerak bo'lsa ishchi guruhni ko'rsating. [--skiptest] [--cups] [--lprng] [--lpd] [--pdq] drakhelp 0.1 Copyright (C) 2003-2004 MandrakeSoft. Bu erkin dastur va GNU GPL shartlari asosida tarqatilishi mumkin. Foydalanish: da LPD serverida "%s", printer "%s" Novell serverida "%s", printer "%s" Uskunaga: %s #%s parallel portida"%s" na haqiqiy elektron pochta na mavjud lokal foydalanuvchi!"%s": agar sistemangizda tovush kartasi aniqlansa u shu erda ko'rsatiladi. Agar ko'rsatilgan tovush kartasi sistemangizdagi tovush kartasi bilan mos kelmasa, tugmani bosib boshqa drayverni tanlashingiz mumkin."Menyu" tugmasi%d Kb %d vergul bilan ajratilgan sonlar%d vergul bilan ajratilgan qatorlar%d minut%d paket%d soniya%s (Port %s)%s BootSplash'ni (%s) ko'rib chiqish%s printerni boshqarish uchun vosita%s terminal serveriga qo'shildi %s'dan allaqachon foydalanilmoqda %s shriftni aylantirish%s turida %s'ni format qilish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi%s %s'da topildi, uni avtomatik ravishda moslaymi?%s allaqachon terminal server foydalanuvchisi %s foydalanuvchi emas %s o'rnatilmagan O'rnatish uchun "Keyingisi" yoki chiqish uchun "Bekor qilish" tugmasini bosing%s topilmadi... %s javob bermayapti%s %s'da%s: %s foydalanuvchini talab qiladi... %s: %s kompyuterning nomini talab qiladi... ((E)IDE/ATA kontrollerlar(Izoh: Parallel portlarni avto-aniqlab bo'lmaydi)(Bu) DHCP serverning IP raqami(%s allaqachon qo'shilgan)(andoza qiymati: %s)(%s topildi)(%s portida topildi)(topildi)(modul %s)(%s'da)(shu kompyuterda)), , %s sektor, TCP/IP xost "%s", port %s, USB printer, USB printer \#%s, xost "%s", port %s, ko'p amalli uskuna, HP JetDirect'dagi ko'p amalli uskuna, USB portidagi ko'p amalli uskuna, parallel portidagi ko'p amalli uskuna, \#%s parallel portidagi ko'p amalli uskuna, tarmoqdagi printer "%s", port %s, "%s" printer "%s" SMB/Windows serverida, "%s" printer "%s" serverda, %s yordamida bosib chiqarilmoqda, %s buyrug'i yordamida- Boshqa fayllarni tiklash: - Sistemaning fayllarini tiklash: - Foydalanuvchining fayllarini tiklash: /_Jaz uskunalarini avto-aniqlash/_Modemlarni avto-aniqlash/Printerlarni _avto-aniqlash/Fayl/-/Fayl/...sifatida s_aqlash/Fayl/_Yangi/Fayl/_Ochish/Fayl/Chi_qish/Fayl/_Saqlash/Yordam/_Haqida/Parametrlar/Sinash/_Andoza deb belgilash/_Haqida/_Amallar/_Printerni qo'shish/CUPS'ni _moslash/_O'chirish/_Tuzatish/_Ekspert usuli/_Maydonlar ta'rifi/_Fayl/_Yordam/_Parametrlar/Chi_qish/_Yangilash/_Xato haqida xabar qilish/dev/fd0/dev/hda/dev/hdb/etc/hosts.allow va /etc/hosts.deny fayllari allaqachon moslangan - o'zgartirilmadi/etc/issue* mavjud1 Mb1 tugmali1 minut16 Mb16 millionta rang (24 bit)2 Mb2 tugmali256 rang (8 bit)256 Kb3 tugmali32 Mb32 mingta rang (15 bit)4 Mb4 milliardta rang (32 bit)512 Kb64 Mb yoki ko'proq65 mingta rang (16 bit)8 Mb<-- Foydalanuvchini o'chirish<-- O'chirish<-- Klientni tuzatishMandrakeClub a'zosi bo'ling!Grafik ish stolingizni tanlang!Mandrakelinux sistemasini tanlaganingiz bilan tabriklaymiz!Tuzish vositalariDiscoverySizga yordam kerakmi?Mandrakelinux birlashmasiga qo'shiling!Mandrake boshqaruv markaziMandrakeExpert - texnik yordam uchun asosiy manba.MandrakeStoreIzohPowerPack+PowerPackInternetda sayr qilingMandrakelinux nima?NOChS=> E'tibor bering, belgi o'zgardi: %s=> Tanlash uchun ko'p narsa bor (%s). Buyruq kiritishi kerak!Foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay dasturlar va ish stoli vositalaridan iborat grafik muhit%s nomli printer %s uchun allaqachon mavjud. Uni almashtirish uchun "Uzatish" tugmasini bosing. Printerning boshqa nomini kiritishingiz yoki uni o'tkazib jo'natishingiz ham mumkin.Tarmoqni boshqadan ishga tushirishda quyidagi xato ro'y berdi: %sLoglarni nazorat qilish uchun vositaHaqiqiy URI kiritilishi kerak!ADSL adapterlarADSL moslamasiADSL orqali ulanishADSL ulanishning turi:HAMMASI%s diskning barcha qismlari va ulardagi barcha ma'lumot o'chiriladiAbiwordTo'xtatishTo'xtatilmoqdaScannerdrake to'xtatilmoqda.HaqidaHarddrake haqidaQabul qilishQabul qilishHisobFoydalanuvchiMaxfiy so'zTarmoq orqaliYoqishAd-hocAdapter %s: %sQo'shishKlientni qo'shish -->Printerni qo'shishFoydalanuvchini qo'shish -->Modulni qo'shishYangi printerni qo'shishSistemaga yangi printerni qo'shishYangi qoidani oxiriga qo'shishQoidani qo'shishFoydalanuvchini qo'shishBandni qo'shishKompyuterni qo'shishXostni/tarmoqni qo'shishServerni qo'shishBu printerni Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlariga qo'shishLVM'ga qo'shishRAID'ga qo'shishFoydalanuvchini qo'shishKlientlarni qo'shish/o'chirishFoydalanuvchilarni qo'shish/o'chirishStar Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlariga printer qo'shilmoqdaQo'shimcha CUPS serverlar: Qo'shimchaQo'shimcha moslamalarQo'shimcha moslamalarAfg'onistonDiskning %s qismining turini o'zgartirishdan keyin undagi hamma ma'lumot yo'qoladiDiskning %s qismi format qilgandan keyin u erdagi hamma ma'lumot yo'qoladiDiskning %s qismining hajmini o'zgartirgandan keyin u erdagi hamma ma'lumot yo'qoladiBu tugaganidan so'ng, kompyuterning nomi bilan bog'liq bo'lgan muammolarni oldini olish uchun X muhitingizni boshqadan ishga tushirishni biz tavsiya qilamiz.AlbaniyaAlbanchaAlcatel speedtouch USB modemiAlcatel speedtouch usbJazoirHammasiHamma tillarDiskning hamma asosiy qismlari ishlatilmoqdaMasofadagi hamma kompyuterlarX Windows ulanishlarga ruxsat etishHamma foydalanuvchilarga ruxsatRoot masofadan kirishiga ruxsat etishAvto-kirishga ruxsat etish/etmash.Root to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kirishiga ruxsat etish/etmash.Konsol orqali kompyuterni o'chirib-yoqishga ruxsat etish/etmash.Root masofadan kirishiga ruxsat etish/etmash.Sistemaning foydalanuvchilar ro'yxatini displey boshqaruvchilar (KDM va GDM) ko'rsatishga ruxsat etish/etmas.Bir vaqtda Alt va Shift tugmalariBoshqa drayverlarBoshqa sinov beti (A4)Boshqa sinov beti (Xat)Istasangiz, uskunaning/faylning nomini ko'rsatishingiz mumkin.Amerika SamoasiOvunchoq dasturlar: arkada, stol o'yinlari, strategiya va hokazo"%s" tarmoq interfeysini olib tashlashda xato ro'y berdi: %sXato ro'y berdiXato ro'y berdi: %s Ba'zi bir parametrlarni o'zgartirib sinab ko'ringKutilmagan xato ro'y berdi: %sVa albatta tahrirchilar!AndorraAngolaAngvillaBoshqasiAntarktikaAntigua va BarbudaIstagan PS/2 va USB sichqonchaApache veb-serveriApache, Pro-ftpdDasturning nomi yoki to'liq yo'l:Dastur:Qo'llashFilterni qo'llashAprelArabchaBu kompyuterga bosib chiqarish imkoniyatini o'rnatishga ishonchingiz komilmi? ArgentinaArmanistonArmancha (eski)Armancha (fonetik)Armancha (yozish moshinasi)ArubaAvgustAvstraliyaAvstraliya kabel TV OptusAvstriyaTasdiqlashTasdiqlovchi LDAPTasdiqlovchi NISTasdiqlash usuliMualliflar: AvtoAvto-o'rnatishAvto-taqsimlashAvto-moslashAvto-aniqlashMavjud portlarni avtomatik ravishda topishLokal tarmoqqa ulangan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlashMicrosoft Windows boshqarayotgan kompyuterlarga ulangan avto-aniqlangan printerlarBu kompyuterga ulangan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlashAvto-aniqlandiSistemaga avtomatik ravishda kirishAvtomatikAvtomatikAvtomatik IP (BOOTP/DHCP)Aftomatik IP (BOOTP/DHCP/Zeroconf)Avtomatik bosqichlarni moslashCUPS'ning moslamasini avtomatik ravishda to'g'rilashSistemani yuklashda asbob-uskunalarni avto-aniqlash va moslash.Avtomatik ravishda boshqadan moslashMasofadagi kompyuterda mavjud bo'lgan printerlarni avtomatik ravishda aniqlashAvto-aniqlashMavjud bo'lgan printerlarO'rtachaOzarbayjoncha (lotin)OzarbayjonNoto'g'ri tanlov, boshqadan urinib ko'ring Yomon paketBagama OrollariBahraynBangladeshBarbadosAsosiyAsosiy parametrlarEhtiyot bo'ling: bu operatsiya xavfli.%s uskunasida ma'lumot tashuvchi borligiga ishonch hosil qilingTarmoqdan o'rnatayotganingiz uchun tarmoq allaqachon moslangan. Tarmoqni moslamalarini saqlab qolish uchun "Ok" tugmasini bosing, Internetga va tarmoqga ulanishni boshqadan moslash uchun "Bekor qilish" tugmasini bosing. MandrakeClub a'zosi bo'ling!Davom etishdan oldin litsenziyaning shartlarini e'tibor bilan o'qib chiqing. Litsenziya butun Mandrakelinux'ga tegishli. Agar uning barcha shartlariga rozi bo'lsangiz, "%s"ni tanlang. Agar rozi bo'lmasangiz, kompyuteringizni o'chirib-yoqish uchun "%s" tugmasini bosing.BelorusBeloruschaBelgiachaBelgiyaBelizBengalchaBeninBermuda OrollariBewan modemiButanBogomipsBoliviyaLinux va erkin dasturlar haqida kitoblar va Howto'larSistemani yuklanishiSistemani yuklash disketiSistemani yukash uslubini moslashSistemani yuklash uskunasiSistemani yuklash diskini yaratishOS yuklagichiOS yuklagichini o'rnatishOperatsion sistema yuklagichini o'rnatish davom etmoqdaOperatsion sistema yuklagichining asosiy parametrlariOS yuklagichiBosniya va GertsogovinaBosniachaBir vaqtda ikkala Alt tugmalariBir vaqtda ikkala Ctrl tugmalariBir vaqtda ikkala Shift tugmalariBotsvanaBuve OroliBraziliyaBrazilcha (ABNT-2)Ko'priklar va sistemaning kontrollerlariTarmoq o'chirilmoqdaTarmoq ishga tushirilmoqdaHind Okeanning Britaniya ErlariTanlashBruney DorussalomBolgariyaBolgarcha (BDS)Bolgarcha (fonetik)Burkina-FassoBurundiTugma "%s": %sKompakt-diskni joyiga qo'ying - davom eting.Kompakt-disk / DVDROMKompakt-diskYozadigan kompakt-disk/DVDKompakt-diskCHAPCUPSCUPS - Umumiy Yuniks Bosib chiqarish SistemasiCUPS'ni moslashCUPS printerini moslashCUPS serveriKabel orqali ulanishKeshning hajmiKalendarKambodjaKamerunKatalogni yaratib bo'lmadi!Tahrirlab bo'lmaydi!%s'ni %s'da topib bo'lmadi.Quyidagi XFree paketini o'rnatib bo'lmadi: %s%s'ni ochib bo'lmadi!KanadaKanada (kabel)Kanadcha (Kvebek)Bekor qilishYordamchini bekor qilishKeyp VerdeCapsLock tugmasiKartaning IO'siKartaning IO_0'siKartaning IO_1'siKartaning IRQ'siKartaning xotirasi (DMA)Kartaning modeli:Kayman Orollari"%s" belgili kompakt-diskMarkaziy Afrika RespublikasiChadVaqt zonasini o'zgartirishDiskning qismining turini o'zgartirishBosib chiqarish sistemasini o'zgartirishTurini o'zgartirishKompakt-diskni almashtiring! Iltimos "%s" belgili kompakt-diskni qo'ying va "Ok" tugmasini bosing. Agar u sizda bo'lmasa, bu kompakt-diskdan o'rnatishni bekor qilish uchun "Bekor qilish" tugmasini bosing.Kanal Xato bloklarni tekshiraymi?Bo'sh maxfiy so'zni /etc/shadow faylida tekshirishOchiq portlarni tekshirish%s tekshirilmoqdaUskuna tekshirilmoqda va HPOJ moslanmoqda...O'rnatilgan dasturlar tekshirilmoqda...Sistemangiz tekshirilmoqda...ChiliXitoyXitoy (Gonkong)Faylni tanlangPaketlarni olish uchun oynani tanlangMonitorni tanlashDiskning qismini tanlashAmalni tanlangX serverini tanlangQo'shish uchun mavjud bo'lgan LVM'ni tanlangQo'shish uchun mavjud bo'lgan RAID'ni tanlangDiskning boshqa qismini tanlashRangni tanlashFaylni tanlashAvtomatik ravishda aniqlangan printerlar ro'yxatidan bittasini tanlang yoki printerning xost nomini yoki IP raqamini va istasangiz port raqamini (andoza - 9100) kiriting.O'rnatilishi kerak bo'lgan paketlarni tanlangSiz moslamoqchi bo'lgan ulanishni tanlangAndoza foydalanuvchini tanlang:Ulash nuqtalarini tanlangTarmoq interfeysini tanlashYangi hajmni tanlangSiz o'rnatmoqchi bo'lgan paketlarni tanlangFormat qilish uchun diskning qismlarini tanlangHajmni tanlashOynalar boshqaruvchisini tanlang:Sistema yuklanayotganda ishga tushishi kerak bo'lgan xizmatlarni tanlangKompakt-disk/DVD uskunasini tanlang (Mb)Kompakt-disk/DVD'ning hajmini tanlangFayl sistemangizning kodlash kalitini tanlangTugmatagni tanlangDispley boshqaruvchisini tanlashIxtiyoriy drayver tanlanmoqdaKrismas OroliSistemani yuklashda /tmp direktoriyasini bo'shatishHammasini tozalashBu diskdagi barcha ma'lumotni va diskning barcha qismlarini o'chirish uchun "%s"ni bosing. Ehtiyot bo'ling, "%s"ni bosganingizdan keyin diskdagi ma'lumotni va diskning qismlarini, shu jumlada Windows ma'lumotini ham, tiklab bo'lmaydi. Ma'lumotni va diskning barcha qismlarini yo'qotmasdan bu operatsiyani to'xtatish uchun "%s"ni bosing.Uskuna haqida ma'lumotni bu erda ko'rish uchun uni chap tarafdagi ro'yxatdan tanlang.Turli protokollar, shu jumlada SSH, uchun klientlarYopishKokos (Kiling) OrollariRo'yxatni yig'ishKolumbiyaRangni moslashVergul xatosiBuyruqBuyruqKomorosFAT fayl sistemasining bog'lari hisoblanmoqdaDiskning Windows qismining hajmi hisoblanmoqdaMoslashMoslash yordamchilariMoslama o'zgardi. clusternfs/dhcpd xizmati boshqadan ishga tushirilsinmi?Moslama fayliMoslash bajarildi, moslamalarni qo'llashni istaysizmi?MoslashCUPS'ni moslashCUPS bosib chiqarish sistemasini moslashLokal tarmoqni moslashX serverini moslashBootsplash tasvirini moslashKompyuterning nomini moslashModulni moslashSichqonchani moslashTarmoqni moslashFaqat "%s"%s kartasini moslashXizmatlarni moslashTarmoqni moslashBoshqa kompyuterlarda moslanganShu kompyuterda moslanganIDE'ni moslashPCMCIA kartalar moslanmoqda...Dasturlar moslanmoqda...Tarmoq uskunasi %s (%s drayveri) moslanmoqdaPrinter ("%s") moslanmoqda...Printer moslanmoqda...Skriptlar moslanmoqda, dasturlar o'rnatilmoqda, serverlar ishga tushirilmoqda...Moslanmoqda...Kongo (Brazzaville)Kongo (Kinshasa)Tabriklaymiz!Tabriklaymiz!Tabriklaymiz! O'rnatish tugadi. Yuklovchi manbani olib tashlang va kompyuterni o'chirib-yoqish uchun ENTER tugmasini bosing. Mandrakelinux'ninig bu versiyasi uchun yangilanishlar haqida ma'lumot quyidagi Errata veb-sahifasida mavjud: %s Sistemangizni moslash haqida ma'lumot Mandrakelinux foydalanuvchilari uchun rasmiy qo'llanmasida mavjud.Tabriklaymiz. "%s" tarmoq interfeysi muvaffaqiyatli olib tashlandi.Tabriklaymiz, tarmoqni va Internetni moslash tugadi. %s-ni ulashInternetga ulanishUlanish...UlanganInternetga ulanilmoqda Ulanish vaqti: Aloqani moslashUlanishning turiAloqa o'rnatildi.Ulanish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi. Moslamangizni Mandrake boshqaruv markazida tekshiring.Ulanishning nomiAloqaning tezligiAloqa taymauti (soniyada)Ulanishning turi: Konsol vositalariMavjud bo'lgan paketlarning ro'yxatini olish uchun oyna bilan aloqa o'rnatilmoqda...Faylning tarkibiDavom etishBunga qaramasdan davom etaymi?Bir vaqtda Ctrl va Shift tugmalariKuk OrollariSistemangizga shriftlardan nusxa ko'chirish%s'dan nusxa ko'chirilmoqdaKosta RikaKot d'Ivuar/usr/share/sane/firmware direktoriyasini yaratib bo'lmadi!/usr/share/sane/%s bog'ini yaratib bo'lmadi!Ulangan qismlarda hech qanday shrift topilmadiHech qanday shrift topilmadi. Kerak bo'lgan paketni o'rnatib bo'lmadi. %s'ni ishga tushirib bo'lmaydi!%s paketini o'rnatib bo'lmadi!%s paketlarini o'rnatib bo'lmadi!%s bosib chiqarish sistemasini o'rnatib bo'lmadi!%s bosib chiqarish sistemasini olib tashlab bo'lmadi!Davlat / RegionCpuid oilasiCpuid' ning darajasiYaratishDiskda yangi qism yaratishYangi mavzuni yaratish%s fayli yaratilmoqda va format qilinmoqdaAvto-o'rnatish disketi yaratilmoqdaAvto-o'rnatish disketi yaratilmoqda (drayverlar diketi)Avto-o'rnatish diketi yaratilmoqda...XorvatiyaXorvatchaBir vaqtda Ctrl va Alt tugmalariKubaJoriy interfeysni moslashJoriy foydalanuvchiBoshqaQo'shimcha va sistema moslamalariBoshqacha moslashDiskni boshqacha bo'lishQo'shimcha moslamalarTsilindr %d dan %d gacha KiprChexcha (qwerty)Chexcha (qwertz)Chex RespublikasiDH guruhiDHCP serverni moslash. Bu erda DHCP serverini moslash uchun turli parametrlarni tanlashingiz mumkin. Agar biror parametrning ma'nosini bilmasangiz, uni shunday qoldiring.DHCP klientiDHCP xostning nomiDNSDNS serveri 1DNS serveri 2DNS serveri 3DNS serverning manzili quyidagi formatda bo'lishi shart: serverlariDOS diskining harfi: %s (tavakkaliga) DVDDVD-ROMDVDRAM uskunaKundalik xavfsizlik tekshiruviDaniyaMa'lumot bazasiMa'lumot baza serveriKunO'chirishDekabrAndozaAndoza OS?Andoza ish stoliAndoza kernelning versiyasiAndoza printerAndoza foydalanuvchiAndoza tasvirni yuklashdan oldin kutish vaqtiAndoza OSni yuklashdan oldin kutib turish vaqtiO'chirishHamma NBI'larni o'chirishKlientni o'chirishBelgilangan printerni o'chirishBelgilangan qoidani o'chirish%s o'chirildi DaniyaTa'rifiMaydonlarning ta'rifi: Batafsil ma'lumotTafsilotlar%s aniqlandiAniqlangan asbob-uskunalarAniqlangan model: %sAniqlangan model: %s %sUskunalar aniqlanilmoqda...Aniqlash ketayaptiDevanagariTuzishUskunaUskuna: To'g'ri ishladimi?root'ning to'g'ridan-to'g'ri kirishiYo'nalishDirektoriyada (%s) allaqachon ma'lumot bor (%s)Saqlash uchun direktoriyaO'chirishServerni o'chirishVPN o'chirilmoqda...Serverlar o'chirilmoqda...Uzish...Internet bilan aloqa uzilmoqdaInternetdan uzulish bajarildi.Internetdan uzilish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi.DiskMavjud bo'lgan masofadagi hamma CUPS printerlarni ko'rsatishKonsolda belgini ko'rsatishMavzularni konsolda ko'rsatishJibutiBajarishKeyinroq bajarishBajarish!Bauzerning keshini kiritmashSinov betini bosib chiqarmashPrinterlarni uzatmashSizda ISA tovush kartasi bormi?Sizda yana boshqasi bormi?Sizda %s interfeysi bormi?Rostdan printerni ("%s") olib tashlashni istaysizmi?Sizga yordam kerakmi?Bu tugmani bosishni istaysizmi?/etc/fstab fayliga kiritilgan o'zgarishlarni saqlashni istaysizmi?Bu printerni ("%s") andoza deb belgilashni istaysizmi?Sistema yuklanayotganda ulanishni istaysizmi?Moslamalarni sinab ko'rishni istaysizmi?Internetga ulanishga urinib ko'rishni istaysizmi?aboot dasturidan foydalanishni istaysizmi?Bu qulaylikdan foydalanishni istaysizmi?Qo'llanmalarYozish mumkin bo'lgan ma'lumot tashuvchiga o'xshamaydi!DNS serveriDominikaDominikana RespublikasiTayyorTayyor!PastgaDrakClockDrakFontDrakSec asosiy parametrlariDrakVPNDrakbackupDrakbackup moslamasiUskunaning hajmiDrayverDrayver:Bir hil ulash nuqtalari %sGollandchaDvorakDvorak (Norvegcha)Dvorak (Shvedcha)Dvorak (AQSh)ECI Hi-Focus modemiEIDE/SCSI kanalSharqiy OyropaSharqiy TimurEkvadorTahrirlashJoriy qoidani tuzatishTanlangan kompyuterni tuzatishTanlangan xostni/tarmoqni tuzatishBelgilangan printerni tuzatishTanlangan serverni tuzatishTahrirlab bo'ladiTahrirchilar, konsollar, fayl vositalari, terminallarMisrServerning nomi yoki serverning IP raqami kiritilishi shart!SalvadorBo'shBo'sh belgini ishlatish mumkin emasYoqishFaylni bajarish uchun "%s"ni yoqingFaylni o'qish uchun "%s"ni yoqingFaylga yozish uchun "%s"ni yoqingACPI'ni yoqishServerni yoqishVPN yoqilmoqda...Serverlar yoqilmoqda...Diskning svop qismi (%s) yoqilmoqdaKodlash kalitiKodlash kaliti (yana)%s uchun kodlash kalitiPrinterlaridan foydalanmog'chi bo'lgan kompyuterning IP raqamini va portini kiriting.Printerning nomini va izohni kiritingBosib chiqarish uskunasining URI'ni kiritingFoydalanuvchini kiriting %sSaqlash uchun direktoriyani kiriting:%s bosqichga o'tilmoqda To'ldirish kerak bo'lgan maydonlar: %sEkvatorial GvineyaButun diskni o'chirishEritriyaXatoFaylni FTP orqali jo'natishda xato ro'y berdi. Iltimos FTP moslamalaringizni to'g'rilang.Yozish uchun %s'ni ochishda xato: %s%s faylini o'qishda xato ro'y berdi%s/%s yozishda xatoFaylga (%s) yozishda xatoXato!Xato: Tovush kartangiz uchun "%s" drayveri ro'yxatda yo'qChamalanmoqdaEstoniyaEstonchaEtherboot ISO tasviri: %sEthernet kartaEfiopiyaOyropa protokoli (EDSS1)Har qanday printerning nomi bo'lishi shart (m-n "printer"). "Ta'rifi" va "Manzili" maydonlarni to'ldirish shart emas. Ular foydalanuvchilar uchun izoh sifatida ishlatiladi.Hammasi (fayervol yo'q)To'g'ri IP raqamlarning misoli: BajarishChiqishO'rnatishdan chiqishRo'yxatni yoyishEkspert usuliExt2Tashqi ISDN modemF00f xatosiDiskning FAT qismining hajmini o'zgartirish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi: %sFTP proksiFTP serveriStar Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlariga "%s" printerni qo'shish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi.%s fayl sistemasini tekshirish muvaffaqayatsiz tugadi. Xatolarni tuzatishni istaysizmi? (esingizda tursin, siz ma'lumotni yo'qotishingiz mumkin)Printerni ("%s") moslash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi!Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlaridan "%s" printerni olib tashlash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi.Folklend (Malvin) OrollariFarer OrollariFdiv xatosiFevralFijiFayl tanlashFayl allaqachon mavjud. Ishlataymi?Fylni boshqa loopback ishlatayapti, boshqasini tanlangFayl bilan bo'lishishFayllar tiklandiFayl sistemaning kodlash kalitiFayl sistemaning turi: Fayl sistemaning turlari:Paketni qidirishYangilash uchun paketlar qidirilmoqda...TayyorFinlyandiyaFinchaFayervolFayervol/RuterFayervol kontrollerlarBirinchi DNS serveri (tanlab bo'ladi)Dastlabki kirish yordamchisiDiskning yuklash qismining birinchi sektoriDiskning birinchi sektori (MRB)Tub qismining birinchi sektoriBayroqBayroqlarDisketDisketDisketni endi olishingiz mumkinDisketni yaratish bajarildiDisketning formatiShriftlarning ro'yxatiShriftlardan nusxa ko'chirishKo'proq ma'lumot uchun www.mandrakeclub.com saytiga qarang.APIC'ni taqiqlashFormat qilishDiskning qismlarini format qilishFormat qilingan Diskning qismi (%s) format qilinmoqda%s %s interfeyslar topildiFrantsiyaFrantsiya [SECAM]FrantsuzchaFrantsuz GvineyaFrantsuz PolineziyaFrantsiyaning Janubiy ErlariChastota "M" yoki "G" bilan tugashi kerak (masalan, 2.46 GHz uchun "2.46G"), yoki etarlicha "0" (nol) qo'shing.Chastota (MGts)JumaFTP serveriGbGMT - DrakClockGNOME stantsiyasiGRUBGabonGambiyaO'yin stantsiyasiGeytveyGeytvey (m-n %s)Geytveyning IP raqamiGeytvey uskunasiGeytvey:UmumiyAvto-o'rnatish diketni yaratishAvto-o'rnatish disketni yaratishQoidani yaratishOldindan ko'rib chiqish yaratilmoqda...Andoza2 tugmali andoza sichqoncha3 tugmali andoza sichqonchaG'ildirakli andoza PS2 sichqonchaAndoza printerlarGenius NetMouseGenius NetScrollGeometriya: %s tsillindr, %s kallacha, %s sektor GruziyaGruzincha (lotin)Gruzincha (rus)OlmonchaOlmoncha (o'lik tugmalarsiz)OlmoniyaGanaGhostscriptGibraltarFaylning nomini kiritingOddiy foydalanuvchilarga faqat o'qishga ruxsatini berishRAM'ning hajmini kiriting (Mb)Oddiy foydalanuvchilarga yozish ruxsatini berishGlidePointUmumiy statistikaBunga qaramasdan davom etishni istaysizmi?Tarmoqni moslamay davom etishGrafik kartaGrafik muhitGrafik interfeysGrafik interfeysSistema yuklanayotganda grafik interfeysGrafik karta: %sGrafik karta: %s Grafik xotiraning hajmi: %s Kb GretsiyaGrekchaGrekcha (politonik)GrenlandiyaGrenadaGuruhGuruh :GrubGvadelupaGuamGvatemalaGvineyaGvineya-BissauGujaratiGurmuxiGvianaHFSHTTP proksiGaitiHalt xatosiQattiq diskni aniqlashQattiq disk haqida ma'lumotHardDrakeQatiq disk / NFSHarddrake yordamHarddrake2 - versiya %sAsbob-uskunalarAsbob-uskunalarni aniqlash ketayaptiKuningiz maroqli o'tsin!Xerd va MakDonald OrollariYordamSistemani yuklash menyusining bandlari. Qo'shimcha bandlar yaratishingiz yoki mavjud bo'lgan bandlarni o'zgartirishingiz mumkin.Avto-aniqlangan printerlarning ro'yxati. Joriy printer uchun mavjud bo'lgan parametrlarning ro'yxati: Mavjud bo'lgan davlatlarning to'liq ro'yxatiMavjud bo'lgan tugmalar tartibining ro'yxatiBu erda, turli tugmalar tartibini tanlash imkoniyatini yaratuvchi tugma yoki tugmalar birikmasini tanlashingiz mumkin. (m-n: lotin va lotin emas)Bu erda, bu kompyuterga ulangan printerdan boshqa kompyuter va qaysi kompyuter foydalansa bo'ladimi-yo'qmi tanlashingiz mumkin.Bu erda, bu kompyuterga ulangan skannerdan boshqa kompyuter va qaysi kompyuter foydalansa bo'ladimi-yo'qmi tanlashingiz mumkin.Bu erda %s tovush kartangiz uchun boshqa drayverni (OSS yoki ALSA) tanlashingiz mumkin.Vazifani printerga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri jo'natiishni o'rniga uni istagan buyrug'ga ulash (pipe) mumkin. Bu erda o'sha buyrug'ni kiritishingiz mumkin.Fayllarni yashirishYuqoriJuda yuqoriGondurasXost "%s", port %sXostning nomi %sKompyuterning nomiXostga yo'l yoki modulKompyuterning nomiXostning nomi (tanlab bo'ladi)Kompyuterning nomi yoki IP raqamiXostning/tarmoqning IP raqami aniqlanmagan.Xostning homi kerakKompyuterning nomi: SoatPrinter qaday ulangan?VengrchaVengriyaMen kompyuteringizni sistemaga bitta foydalanuvchi avtomatik ravishda kirishga moslashim mumkin.Men kompyuteringizni shunday o'rnatishim mumkinki, sistema yuklanayotganda grafik interfeys (XFree) ishga tushiriladi. O'chirib-yoqgandan keyin XFree ishga tushirilishini istaysizmi?Boshqa qism qo'shib bo'lmaydiO'rnatish uchun joy topilmadiKerak bo'lgan "%s" tasvir faylini topib bo'lmadi.Men bilmayman%s'ni %s turida qanday format qilishni bilmaymanIDEIP chegarasining oxiri:IP chegarasining boshi:IP raqamiXostning/tarmoqning IP raqami:IP raqami quyidagi formatda bo'lishi shart: parametrlariISA / PCMCIAISDN'ni moslashISDN adapterlarISDN kartaISDN orqali ulanishIslandiyaIslandchaIcewm, Window Maker, Enlightenment, Fvwm, va hokazoNishonchaAgar bu siz moslamoqchi bo'lgan printer bo'lmasa, uskunaning/faylning nomini kiriting.Agar hech qanday port ko'rsatilmasa, andoza sifatida 631 qabul qilinadi.Agar Linux'ga doir savollaringiz bo'lsa, www.mandrakeexpert.com sayti orqali MandrakeExpert'ga yoziling.Agar sizda quyidagi ro'yxatda ko'rsatilgan kompakt-disklar bo'lsa, "Ok" tugmasini bosing. Agar ulardan hech qaysi bo'lmasa, "Bekor qilish" tugmasini bosing. Agar ulardan ba'zi biri bo'lmasa, ularni tanlashni bekor qiling va "Ok" tugmasini bosing.Agar rejangizda aboot dasturini ishlatish bo'lsa, diskning boshida bo'sh joy (2048 sektor etadi) qoldirish esingizdan chiqmasinAgar sizning tovush kartangizga to'g'ri keladigan drayverni rostdan bilsangiz, uni yuqoridagi ro'yxatdan tanlashingiz mumkin. Sizning "%s" tovush kartangizning joriy drayveri "%s" Agar siz ham o'z hissangizni qo'shmoqchi bo'lsangiz, iltimos elektron maktub orqali "Cooker" muhokamalarga mandrake-linux.com/cooker sayti orqali qo'shilingAgar siznig printeringiz ro'yxatda bo'lmasa, unga mos keladigan (printerning ko'llanmasiga qarang) yoki unga o'xshash printerni tanlang.TasvirImport qilishShriftlarni import qilishMuhimligi: Shriftlar import qilinmoqdaMandrakelinux menyusida barcha vazifalar uchun qulay dasturlarni topsa bo'ladi:Mandrakelinux menyusida barcha vazifalar uchun qulay dasturlarni topsa bo'ladi:HindistonPaketlarni bittama-bitta tanlashIndoneziyaMa'lumotMa'lumot: Ma'lumotBoshlang'ich sinovlarInitrdInitrd'ning hajmiIltimos %s uskunasiga formati FAT bo'lgan disketni qo'yingBo'sh diketni %s uskunasiga qo'yingPaketlar tanlovi mavjud bo'lgan disketni qo'yingDisketni uskunaga qo'ying. Undagi hamma ma'lumot yo'qoladi.Bo'sh diketni %s uskunasiga qo'ying (drayverlar diketi)Disketni qo'yingO'rnatishShriftlarni o'rnatish va aylantirishOS yuklagichini o'rnatishShriftlarni o'rnatishSistemani o'rnatishMavzularni o'rnatishYangilanishlarni o'rnatishO'rnatish/YangilashO'rantish serverini moslashO'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi%s'ni o'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi. Quyidagi xato ro'y berdi:Operatsion sistema yuklagichini o'rnatish muvaffaqayatsiz tugadi. Quyidagi xato ro'y berdi:O'rnatilmoqda"%s" o'rnatilmoqda...Foomatic dasturi o'rnatilmoqda...HPOJ paketlari o'rnatilmoqda...PPD-fayli o'rnatilmoqda...SANE paketlari o'rnatilmoqda...OS yuklagichi o'rnatilmoqda%s kartasi (%s) uchun drayver o'rnatilmoqdamtools paketlari o'rnatilmoqda...%s paketi o'rnatilmoqda%s paketi o'rnatilmoqda %d%%Paketlar o'rnatilmoqda...InterfeysInterfeys "%s"Interfeys %sInterfeys %s (%s tarmog'ida)Interfeys %s (%s moduli ishlatilmoqda)Interfeys:Ichki ISDN kartaInternetInternetga ulanishni moslashInternet bilan bo'lishishInternetga ulanishInternetga ulanishInternetga ulanishni moslashInternet geytveyiInternet stantsiyasiKirish Mandrakelinux distributivida mavjud bo'lgan operatsion sistema va uning turli qismlari bundan buyon "Dasturiy Mahsulotlar" deb yuritiladi. Dasturiy mahsulotlar Mandrakelinux distributivning qismlari va operatsion sistema bilan bog'liq bo'lgan dasturlar to'plami, usullar, qoidalar va qo'llanmalarni o'z ichiga oladi, ammo bu bilan cheklanmaydi. 1. Litsenziya kelishuvi Iltimos, ushbu hujjatni diqqat bilan o'qib chiqing. Bu hujjat Siz bilan MandrakeSoft S.A. o'rtasida Dasturiy Mahsulotlari bo'yicha imzolanadigan litsenziya kelishuvidir. Dasturiy Mahsulotlarni har qanday maqsad bilan o'rnatib, ko'paytirib yoki ulardan foydalanib Siz mazkur Litsenziyaning shartlari va qoidalarini to'liq qabul qilib, ularga rozi ekanligingizni bildirgan bo'lasiz. Agar mazkur Litsenziyaning biror qismi Sizga to'g'ri kelmasa, u holda Sizga Dasturiy Mahsulotlarni o'rnatish, ko'paytirish yoki ulardan foydalanishga ruxsat berilmaydi. Mazkur litsenziyaning shartlariga zid holda Dasturiy Mahsulotlarni o'rnatish, ko'paytirish va ulardan foydalanishga har qanday urinish ushbu Litsenziya asosida Sizga berilgan barcha huquqlarni bekor qiladi. Litsenziya kelishuvi bekor qilingach, Siz Dasturiy Mahsulotlarning barcha nusxalarini darhol o'chirib tashlashingiz lozim. 2. Cheklangan kafolat majburiyatlari Dasturiy Mahsulotlar va ularga ilova qilingan qo'llanmalar "o'z holicha", qonunda yo'l qo'yilgan darajada hech qanday kafolatlarsiz taqdim qilinadi. MandrakeSoft S.A. qonunda yo'l qo'yilgan darajada hech qanday holatda Dasturiy Mahsulotlardan foydalanish yoki foydalonmaslik oqibatida tasodifiy, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri, bevosita yoki bilvosita etkazilgan zararlar (shu jumladan biznesning kasod bo'lishi, tijorat faoliyatidagi uzilishlar, moliyaviy zararlar, sud mahkamalari natijasidagi sud xarajatlari yoki jarimalar yoki boshqa har qanday bilvosita yo'qotishlar) uchun, hatto MandrakeSoft S.A.'ga shunday zarar ko'rish imkoniyati yoki holatlari ma'lum bo'lgan taqdirda ham, javobgar bo'lmaydi. BA'ZI MAMLAKATLARDA MAN QILINGAN DASTURIY MAHSULOTLARGA EGALIK QILISh YoKI ULARDAN FOYDALANISh BILAN BOG'LIQ ChEKLANGAN MAS'ULIYaT MandrakeSoft S.A. yoki uning tarqatuvchilari qonunda yo'l qo'yilgan darajada hech qanday holatda ba'zi mamlakatlarning mahalliy qonunlari bilan cheklangan yoki man qilingan dasturiy mahsulotlarning qismlariga egalik qilish va ulardan foydalanish, yoki Mandrake Linux saytlarining biridan dasturiy mahsulotning qismlarini ko'chirib olish oqibatida tasodifiy, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri, bevosita yoki bilvosita etkazilgan zararlar (shu jumladan biznesning kasod bo'lishi, tijorat faoliyatidagi uzilishlar, moliyaviy zararlar, sud mahkamalari natijasidagi sud xarajatlari yoki jarimalar yoki boshqa har qanday bilvosita yo'qotishlar) uchun javobgar bo'lmaydi. Cheklangan ma'suliyat Dasturiy Mahsulotlarga kiritiladigan kuchli kriptografiya qismlariga nisbatan ham qo'llaniladi, ammo bu bilan cheklanmaydi. 3. GPL litsenziyasi va unga bog'liq litsenziyalar Dasturiy Mahsulotlar turli kishilar yoki tashkilotlar tomonidan yaratilgan qismlardan iboratdir. Ushbu qismlarning ko'pchiligi bundan buyon "GPL" deb ataladigan GNU General Public Licence shartlari va qoidalari yoki shunga o'xshash litsenziyalar ta'siri ostidadir. Ushbu litsenziyalarning ko'pchiligi o'z ta'siri ostidagi qismlarni Sizga foydalanish, ko'paytirish, moslashtirish yoki tarqatish huquqini beradi. Iltimos, har qanday qismdan foydalanishdan avval qismlarning har biri uchun litsenziya kelishuvining shartlari va qoidalarini diqqat bilan o'qib chiqing. Qismning litsenziyasiga oid har qanday savollar MandrakeSoft'ga emas, balki qismning muallifiga yuborilishi lozim. MandrakeSoft S.A. tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan dasturlar GPL litsenziyasi ta'siri ostidadir. MandrakeSoft S.A. tomonidan yozilgan qo'llanmalar esa maxsus litsenziya ta'siri ostidadir. Iltimos, qo'shimcha ma'lumot uchun qo'llanmalarga murojaat qiling. 4. Intellektual mulk huquqlari Dasturiy Mahsulotlarning qismlariga oid barcha huquqlar ularning bevosita mualliflariga tegishli bo'lib, intellektual mulk va dasturiy mahsulotlarga oid mualliflik huquqi to'g'risidagi qonunlar bilan himoyalanadi. MandrakeSoft S.A. Dasturiy Mahsulotlarni to'liq yoki qisman, har qanday yo'l bilan va istalgan maqsadlarda o'zgartirish yoki moslashtirish huquqini o'zida saqlab qoladi. "Mandrake", "Mandrakelinux" va tegishli belgilar MandrakeSoft S.A.'ga tegishli savdo belgilaridir. 5. Boshqaruvchi qonunlar Agar mazkur kelishuvning biror qismi sud qarori bilan bekor qilinsa, noqonuniy yoki amaldagi qonunchilikka zid topilsa, bu qism mazkur kelishuvdan chiqarib tashlanadi. Sizning hatti-harakatlaringiz kelishuvning boshqa yaroqli bo'limlari bilan cheklanib qolaveradi. Mazkur Litsenziyaning shartlari va qoidalari Frantsiya qonunchiligi ta'siri ostidadir. Mazkur litsenziyaning shartlari va qoidalariga oid har qanday nizolar asosan sudda muhokama qilinadi. So'nggi navbatda masalaning ko'rilishi tegishli Parij (Frantsiya) Qonunchilik sudiga havola qilinadi. Iltimos, mazkur hujjatga oid har qanday savollar bo'yicha MandrakeSoft S.A. bilan bog'laning. InuktitutNoto'g'ri port kiritilgan: %s Portning to'g'ri formati "port/tcp" yoki "port/udp", bu erda port 1-65535 oralig'idagi raqam. Portlarning chegarasini (m-n: 24300:24350/udp) ham kiritish mumkinEronEronchaIroqIrlandiyaIrlandchaFPU mavjudmiBu o'rnatishmi yoki yangilashmi?Bu to'g'rimi?Bu to'g'rimi?Sizning printeringiz HP yoki Sony (OfficeJet, PSC, LaserJet 1100/1200/1220/3200/3300 skanner bilan, DeskJet 450, Sony IJP-V100), HP PhotoSmart yoki HP LaserJet 2200 ko'p amalli uskunami?IsroilIsroilchaIsroilcha (fonetik)ItalyanchaItaliyaYamaykaYanvarYaponiyaYaponiya (kabel)Yaponcha 106 tugmaYapon matnlarini bosib chiqarish usuliIordanJurnalli FSJoystikIyulIyunKbKDE stantsiyasiKannadaQozog'istonO'zgarishlarni saqlaymi? Joriy moslama quyidagicha: %sKensington Thinking MouseKeniyaKernelning moduli.Kernelning versiyasiKernel:TugmatagTugmalar tartibi: %s KiribatiKoreyaShimoliy KoreyaKoreyschaKuvaytQirg'izistonLokal tarmoqni moslashLokal tarmoqni moslashLAN orqali ulanishLDAPLDAP serveriLILO (grafik menyu)LILO (matn menyu)LILO/grub dasturini o'rnatishLOKALLPDLPD va LPRng bilan IPP printerlarni ishlatib bo'lmaydi. LPD server "%s", printer "%s"LPRngLPRng - LPR'ning yangi avlodiLSBLVM nomi?LVM disklar %s BelgiTilLaosLaoschaLotin AmerikachaLatviyaLatviachaALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) tovush sistemasini ishga tushirishSistema yuklanayotganda grafik muhitini ishga tushirishKompyuteringizda tovush sistemasini ishga tushirishUserdrake dasturini ishga tushirishPrinterdan foydalanishni o'rganish%d soniyadan keyin yopiladiLebanonChap "Windows" tugmasiChap Alt tugmasiChap Ctrl tugmasiChap Shift tugmasiLesotoBoshqa drayverni tanlashDaraja%s daraja Lexmark X125 printerini moslashLexmark inkjet printerini moslashLiberiyaLibiyaLitsenziyaLitsenziya kelishuviLixtenshteynLinuxBuzuq ma'lumotning ro'yxati: Tiklash uchun ma'lumotlar ro'yxati: Foydalanuvchilarning ro'yxatini displey boshqaruvchilarda (KDM va GDM) ko'rsatishAudio kompakt-disklarni KsCD bilan tinglang.Totem bilan musiqa tinglang va video tomosha qiling.LitvaLitvacha "raqamli qator" (qwerty)Litvacha "fonetik" (qwerty)Litvacha AZERTY (yangi)Litvacha AZERTY (eski)Disketdan yuklashMoslamalarni yukashUSB uskunalaringiz uchun drayverlarni yuklash.Disketdan/ga yuklash/saqlashDisketdan yuklanmoqda%s modulini yuklash muvaffaqiyat siz tugadi. Boshqa parametrlar bilan yana urinib ko'rishni istaysizmi?Printerning moslamalari yuklanmoqda, iltimos kutib turing...Lokal tarmoqning manziliLokal printerLokal printerlarLokal fayllarLokal ko'rsatgichLokal tarmoq(lar)Lokal printerManziliauto_install.cfg fayli joylashgan joyLogdrakeFoydalanuvchiFoydalanuvchiLogitech sichqoncha (ketma-ket, eski C7 turi)Logitech MouseManLogitech MouseMan+Logitech MouseMan+/FirstMouse+Allaqachon o'rnatilgan paketlar qidirilmoqda...Mavjud bo'lgan paketlarni qidirish va rpm ma'lumot bazasini boshqadan yaratish bajarilmoqda...Mavjud bo'lgan paketlar qidirilmoqda...LoopbackLoopback faylining nomi:Loopback faylining nomi: %sLoopback fayl(lar): %s LyuksemburgMbMM HitTabletG'ILDIRAKNI AYLANTIRING!Mac raqamiMakedoniyaMakedonchaMadagaskarXat-xabarXat-xabar serveriXat orqali xabar berishXat orqali xabar berishni moslashPrinterning porti CUPS bilan ishlaydigan qilinmoqda...MalaviMalayalamMalayziyaMaldiv OrollariMaliMaltaMalta (Buyuk Britaniya)Malta (AQSh)ManagedShart bo'lgan paket (%s) etishmayaptiMandrake uchun xato haqida xabar qiluvchi vositaMandrake boshqaruv markaziMandrake OnlineMandrakelinux'ni o'rnatish %sMartMarshall OrollariMartinikaMasterMos keladiganMavritaniyaMavrikiyDrakbackup uchun ajratilgan yuqori chegarani kiriting (Mb)MayMayotMa'lumot tashuvchining sinfiMenudrakeMeksikaMikroneziyaMicrosoft ExplorerMicrosoft IntelliMouseMinimal o'rnatishMinutMkinitrd uchun boshqa argumentlarUsulModelModelning nomiModemVin-modem orqali ulanishModem tovushiModem uchun taymautO'zgartirishRAID'ni o'zgartirishPrinterning moslamalarini o'zgartirishModulModulni moslashModulning nomiModulning parametrlari:MoldovaMonakoDushanbaMug'ilistonMug'ulcha (kiril)MonitorMonitor Odatda, o'rnatuvchi kompyuteringizga ulangan monitorni avtomatik ravishda aniqlaydi va moslaydi. Agar bu noto'g'ri bo'lsa, aslida ulangan monitorni ro'yxatdan tanlashingiz mumkin.Monitorning HorizSync: %s Monitorning VertRefresh: %s Monitor: %s OyMontserratKo'proqQo'shimcha parametrlarMarokashUlashUlash parametrlariUlash nuqtasiUlash nuqtasi: Ulash nuqtalari "/" belgisi bilan boshlanishi shartUlash nuqtalari faqat son yoki harflardan iborat bo'lishi mumkinFayl sistemalarni faqat o'qishga deb ulash.Ulangan Disk qismi (%s) ulanmoqdaSichqonchaSichqonchaning portiMouse SystemsSichqonchaning uskunasi: %s Sichqonchani sinashSichqonchaning turi: %s Ko'chirishFayllarni diskning yangi qismiga ko'chirishBelgilangan qoidani bir daraja pastga tushirishBelgilangan qoidani bir daraja yuqoriga ko'tarishKo'chirilmoqdaFayllar diskning yangi qismiga ko'chirilmoqdaDiskning qismi ko'chirilmoqda...MozambikMsecKo'p amalli uskunaHP JetDirect'dagi ko'p amalli uskunaUSB portidagi ko'p amalli uskunaParallel portidagi ko'p amalli uskunaParallel portidagi (#%s) ko'p amalli uskunaMultimedia stantsiyasiKo'p seansli kompakt-diskMyanmarMyanmar (Birma)NCP navbatning nomi aniqlanmagan!NCP serverining nomi aniqlanmagan!NFS serveri, SMB serveri, Proxy serveri, SSH serveriNISNIS serveriYo'qYO'QTOPILMADIIZOH: Printerning modeliga va bosib chiqarish sistemasiga bog'liq ravishda hajmi to %d Mb bo'lgan qo'shimcha dasturlar o'rnatiladi.NTP serveriNomiNom serverlari:Printerning nomiPrinterning nomi faqat harf, son va tagidan chizish belgisidan iborat bo'lishi kerakSertifikatning nomiShaxsiy kalitning nomiKompyuterning nomi/IP raqami:Nomi:Nomi: NamibiyaNauruKompyuterning nomi, foydalanuvchi va maxfiy so'z kerak!Avvalo /etc/dhcpd.conf faylini yaratish kerak!O'zgarishlarni qo'llash uchun oynalar boshqaruvchisi boshqadan ishga tushirilishi kerak. (service dm restart - konsolda)NepalTarmoq uskunasiTarmoq usuli:NetWare printerning parametrlariNiderlandlarNiderlandiya Antil OrollariTarmoq maskasiTarmoq maskasi:TarmoqTarmoq %sTarmoq va InternetTarmoq va Internetni moslashTarmoqdagi printer (klient)Tarmoqdagi kompyuter (server)Tarmoqni moslashTarmoqni nazorat qilishTarmoqning parametrlariTarmoqning moslamasi (%d adapter)Tarmoq moslanmaganTarmoqning interfeysiTarmoq interfeysi allaqachon moslanganTarmoqdagi printer "%s", port %sTarmoqdagi printer (TCP/Socket)YangiYangi KaledoniyaYangi ZelandiyaYangi devfs uskunasiYangi printerning nomiYangi hajm (Mb): Foydalanuvchilarning eski ro'yxati Yangi ZelandiyaKeyingisiNikaraguaNigerNigeriyaNiueYo'qYo'q (faqat ekspertlar uchun)Kompakt-disk uskunasi aniqlanmagan!Uskunada CDR/DVDR yo'q!Yo'qMaskasizHech qanday NIC tanlangani yo'q!Tovush kartasi topilmadi!TV karta topilmadi!Uzr, bu xizmat haqida qo'shimcha ma'lumot yo'q.Boshqa drayver yo'qHech qanday brauzer mavjud emas! Iltimos birortasini o'rnatingSistemangizda hech qanday brauzer o'rnatilmagan. Agar yordam sistemasini ko'rmoqchi bo'lsangiz, iltimos birortasini o'rnatingTafsilotlarsizHech qanday uskuna topilmadiSizning sistemangizda ethernet tarmoq adapteri topilmadi. Men aloqaning bunday turini o'rnatolmayman.Sistemangizda tarmoq adapteri aniqlanmadi. Iltimos asbob-uskunani moslovchi vositani ishga tushiring.Hech qanday disket uskunasi mavjud emasDisket uskunasi mavjud emas!Hech qanday shrift topilmadiQattiq disklar topilmadiTasvir topilmadiInternetga ulanish moslanmaganHech qanday kernel tanlanmagan!Ma'lum bo'lgan drayver yo'qSichqoncha yo'qSistemada tarmoq adapteri mavjud emas!Tarmoq kartasi yo'qDiskning qismi yo'q.Maxfiy so'zsizPrinter yo'qHech qanday printer topilmadi!Masofadagi kompyuter yo'qTovush kartasi topilmadi. O'rnatishdan keyin "harddrake" dasturini sinab ko'ring.%s'da magnit tasma yo'q!Sinov beti yo'qYo'q, avtomatik ravishda sistemaga kirishni istamaymanVideosizYo'qNorfolk OroliOddiy usulShimoliy Mariana OrollariNorvegiyaNorvegchaUlanmaganAvto-taqsimlash uchun etarlicha joy yo'qYangi qism yaratish uchun diskda etarli joy yo'qRAID'ni %d chi darajasi uchun diskning etarli qismlari mavjud emas O'chirib bo'lmaydigan ma'lumot tashuvchi!Format qilinmagan O'rnatilmaganBajarish uchun hech narsa yo'qBildirishnomaNovell serveri "%s", printer "%s"NoyabrTugmalar soniOkOk - boshqa fayllarni tiklash uchunOKI vin-printerni moslashOktyabrIdora stantsiyasiIdora uchun dasturlar: matn protsessorlari (kword, abiword), elektron jadvallar (kspread, gnumeric), PDF ko'ruvchilar va hokazoOkUskunaning eski fayliFoydalanuvchilarning eski ro'yxati: UmmonKompakt-diskgaCUPS serverida "%s"DisketgaMagnit tasma uskunasigaSistema yuklanayotgandaUskunani tanlasangiz, o'ng tarafdagi "Ma'lumot" freymida u haqida ma'lumotni ko'rishingiz mumkinParametr %s son bo'lishi kerak!Parametr %s butun son bo'lishi kerak!Parametr %s chegaradan tashqarida!ParametrlarParametrlar: %sOriyaBoshqaBoshqa grafik ish stollariBoshqa ma'lumot tashuvchisiBoshqa multimedia uskunalarBoshqa OS (MacOS...)Boshqa OS (SunOS...)Boshqa OS (window...)Boshqa joyBoshqa portlarPAPPAP/CHAPPCIPCMCIAPDQPDQ - Navbatga qo'ymasdan bosib chiqarishPDQ bilan faqat lokal printerlarni, masofadagi LPD printerlarni va Socket/TCP printerlarni ishlatib bo'ladi. PFSPOP va IMAP serverlariPPPOA LLCPPPOA VCPXE tasvirPXE serverini moslashPXE tasviri: %s/%sPaketlarni guruh bo'yicha tanlashPaket o'rnatilmaganPaketlarni tanlashPaket: PokistonPalauFalastinPanamaPapua Yangi GvineyaParagvayParallel porti #%sParametrlarParanoid%s diskining qismlar jadvali diskga saqlanish arafasida!Disk qismlar jadvalining turi: %s Diskni bo'lishDiskni bo'lish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi: %sPassivMaxfiy so'zMaxfiy so'z (yana)Maxfiy so'z tarixining uzulnigiMaxfiy so'zning eng qisqa uzunligi, undagi sonlarning va bosh harflarning soniMaxfiy so'z kerakYo'lYo'l yoki modul kerakYo'lni tanlashDavriy tekshiruvlarHuquqlarPeruFilippinTelefon raqamiSurat sinov betiBuyrug'ga ulashVazifaning natijasini buyrug'ga ulash (pipe)PitkernIltimos kutib turing... Moslamalar qo'llanilmoqdaIltimos foydalanish uchun tilni tanlang.Iltimos tiklash uchun sanani tanlang:Iltimos istalgan xavfsizlik darajasini tanlangIltimos printeringiz ulangan portni tanlang yoki uskunanig/faylning nomini kiriting.Iltimos printeringiz ulangan portni tanlang.Iltimos bosib chiqarish vazifalari jo'natiladigan printerni tanlang yoki uskunaning/faylning nomini kiriting.Iltimos bosib chiqarish vazifalari jo'natiladigan printerni tanlang.Siz o'rnatmoqchi bo'lgan printerning yoki uskunaning/faylning nomini kiriting.Iltimos lokal tarmog'ingizga ulanadigan tarmoq adapterini tanlang.Iltimos, Internetga ulanish uchun qaysi tarmoq adapteridan foydalanishni tanlang.Iltimos qaysi tarmoq interfeysi DHCP serveri uchun ishlatilishini tanlang.Iltimos, modem ulangan ketma-ket portini tanlang.Iltimos sichqoncha ulangan ketma-ket portini tanlang.Iltimos ADSL provayderingizni tanlangDavlatingizni tanlang.Iltimos tugmalar tartibini tanlang.Iltimos sichqonchaning turini tanlang.Iltimos sichqonchaning turini tanlang.Iltimos diskning qismini bosingIltimos paketning nomini kiriting.Iltimos hisobotni kiriing.Iltimos kompyuterning IP moslamasini kiriting. Yozuvning har qaysi nuqta bilan ajratilgan o'nlik son shaklida IP raqam bo'lishi kerak (m-n WebDAV serverining URL'ini kiritingIltimos Internetga ulangan interfeysni ko'rsating. Masalan: ppp+ modem yoki DSL orqali ulanish uchun, eth0 yoki eth1 kabel orqali ulanish uchun, ippp+ ISDN orqali ulanish uchun. Iltimos elektron pochtangizni kiritingIltimos foydalanuvchining ismini kiritingIltimos auto_install.cfg fayli joylashgan joyni ko'rsating. Agar avtomatik ravishda o'rnatish usulini moslashni istamasangiz, buni bo'sh qoldiring. Iltimos drayverlar uchun boshqa disketni qo'yingIltimos disketni qo'ying:Iltimos ishlatilgan yuklash disketini %s uskunasiga qo'yingIltimos bu erdan chiqing va Ctrl-Alt-BackSpace tugmalarni bosingIltimos avvalo ma'lumotlaringizdan zaxira nusxa olingIltimos tiklash uchun ma'lumotni tanlang...Iltimos to'g'ri portni tanlang. Masalan, Windows'dagi "COM1" portining nomi GNU/Linux'da "ttyS0".Iltimos %s ulangan uskunani tanlangIltimos siz bosib chiqarmoqchi bo'lgan sinov betini tanlang. Izoh: surat sinov betini bosib chiqarish ancha uzoq vaqt davom etishi mumkin va juda kichik hotirali lazer printerlarda umuman chiqmashi mumkin. Ko'p hollarda, andoza sinov betini bosib chiqarish kifoya.Iltimos sichqonchani sinab ko'ringIltimos sichqonchani sinab ko'ring:Iltimos yana urinib ko'ringIltimos kutib turingIltimos kutib turing, asbob-uskunalar aniqlanmoqda va moslanmoqda...Iltimos kutib turing, o'rnatishga tayorlanmoqda...Iltimos kutib turing, xavfsizlik darajasi o'rnatilmoqdaIltimos kutib turing, xavfsizlik darajasi o'rnatilmoqda...Iltimos davlatingizni va TV formatingizni kiritingIltimos tugmalar tartibini tanlang.Plug'n PlayPlug'n Play aniqlash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi. Iltimos to'g'ri keladigan monitorni tanlangPolshaPolyakchaPolyakcha (qwerty)Polyakcha (qwertz)PastPortPort: %sPortugaliyaPortugalchaO'rnatishdan keyin amallarO'rnatishdan keyin moslashPostfix xat-xabar serveriPostfix xat-xabar serveriPostgreSQL yoki MySQL ma'lumot bazasiKerak bo'lsa, RAM'ning aniq hajmi (%d Mb topildi)Afzal ko'rish: MoslashOS yuklagichi tayorlanmoqda...O'rnatishga tayorlanmoqdaPrinter ma'lumot bazasi tayyorlanmoqda...Ko'rib chiqishOldingisiBosib chiqarishBosib chiqarish navbatining nomiParametrlar ro'yxatini ko'rsatishSinov betini bosib chiqarishPrinter"%s" printer "%s" SMB/Windows serverida"%s" printer "%s" serverdaPrinter %s Bu printerning nimasini o'zgartirishni istaysiz?Printer uskunasining URI'iPrinter boshqaruvi Printerning nomiBosib chiqarish serveriPrinterni avto-aniqlashPrinterga ulanishning turiPrinterning andoza moslamalariKompyuterning nomi yoki IP raqamiKompyuterning nomi yoki IP raqami aniqlanmagan!Printerning ishlab chiqaruvchisi, modeliPrinterning ishlab chiqaruvchisi, modeli, drayveriPrinterning modelini tanlashPrinterning nomi, ta'rifi, manziliNetWare serveridagi printerSMB/Windows 95/98/NT serveridagi printer\#%s parallel portidagi printerMasofadagi CUPS serveridagi printerMasofadagi LPD serveridagi printerPrinterning parametrlariPrinterdrakeBosib chiqarishPrinter (%s) yordamida bosib chiqarilmoqda...Sinov bet(lar) bosib chiqarilmoqda..."%s" yordamida bosib chiqarilmoqda/skan qilinmoqda%s yordamida bosib chiqarilmoqdaPaketni (%s) o'rnatishda muammolar paydo bo'ldiProtsessorning ID-siProtsessorlarBajarish ko'rsatgichining rangini tanlashEgalikProtokolProvayderning DNS 1 (tanlasa bo'ladi)Provayderning DNS 2 (tanlasa bo'ladi)Provayderning nomi (m-n provider.net)Provayderning telefon raqamiProvayder:ProksilarProksilarni moslashProksi "http://..." bo'lishi kerakPuerto-RikoQatarChiqishSaqlamasdan chiqishDiskning qismlar jadvalini saqlamasdan chiqaymi?RAID md%s RAID disklar %s RTS/CTSInterfeysni va DHCP serverini boshqadan moslashMoslangan skannerlarning ro'yxati boshqadan yaratilmoqda...OS yuklagichini qaytadan o'rnatishBoshqadan jo'natishO'qishDiqqat bilan o'qing!Faqat o'qishgaO'rnatilgan printerlar haqida ma'lumot o'qilmoqda...Printer haqida ma'lumot o'qilmoqda...Printer ma'lumot bazasi o'qilmoqda...Foydalanuvchining haqiqiy ismi-sharifiO'chirib-yoqishKonsoldan kompyuterni o'chirib-yoqishQabul qilish tezligi:YangilashPrinterlar ro'yxatini yangilash (masofadagi hamma CUPS printerlarni ko'rsatish uchun)Ro'yxatni yangilashPrinter ma'lumoti yangilanmoqda...Rad etishDiskning qismlar jadvalini qaytadan yuklashBu maxfiy so'zni eslab qolishMasofadagiMasofadan turib boshqarishMasofadagi CUPS serveriMasofadan boshqarishMasofadagi xostning nomiMasofadagi xostning nomi aniqlanmagan!Masofadagi LPD printerning parametrlariMasofadagi printerMasofadagi printerning nomiMasofadagi printerning nomi aniqlanmagan!Olib tashlashRo'yxatni olib tashlashTanlanganni olib tashlashWindows'ni o'chirishWindows(TM)'ni o'chirishModulni olib tashlashTarmoq interfeysini olib tashlashSistemangizdan shriftlarni olib tashlashLVM'dan olib tashlashRAID'dan olib tashlashPrinterni olib tashlashTanlangan kompyuterni olib tashlashTanlangan xostni/tarmoqni olib tashlashTanlangan serverni olib tashlashSistemaning moslama fayllarini o'chirishOxirgi bandni olib tashlashLoopback faylini olib tashlaymi?Bu printerni Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlaridan olib tashlashTiklashdan oldin foydalanuvchilarning direktoriyalarini o'chirish.%s olib tashlanmoqda"%s" olib tashlanmoqda...Eski printer ("%s") olib tashlanmoqdaPaketlar o'chirilmoqda...Printer ("%s") olib tashlanmoqdaStar Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlaridan printer olib tashlanmoqdaRepiterQaytarishXabar berishTekshiruv natijasini elektron xat orqali jo'natishTo'g'ri shriftlarni boshqadan tanlashTiklashHajmini o'zgartirishHajm o'zgartirilmoqdaDiskning Windows qismining hajmini o'zgartirishO'lchamO'lchamlar: %s O'lchamlarXFS-ni boshqadan ishga tushirishCUPS boshqadan ishga tushirilmoqda...Bosib chiqarish sitemasi boshqadan ishga tushirilmoqda...TiklashTiklash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadiKompakt-diskdan tiklashKatalogdan tiklashMagnit tasmasidan tiklashBoshqani tiklashTanlanganni tiklashTanlangan fayllarni tiklashFoydalanuvchilarni tiklashTarmoq orqali tiklashQuyidagi tarmoq protokoli orqali tiklash: %sQattiq diskdan tiklash.Diskning qismlar jadvalini qaytadan tiklashSistemani tiklashFayldan (%s) qayta tiklash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi: %sBoshqadan urinishReyunionO'ng "Windows" tugmasiO'ng Alt tugmasiO'ng Ctrl tugmasiO'ng Shift tugmasiRuminiyaRumincha (qwerty)Rumincha (qwertz)Diskning tub qismiDiskning tub qismi Mb'da: Root maxfiy so'ziRuterlar:O'rnatishdan keyin, tovush kartangizni moslash uchun, "sndconfig" dasturini ishga tushiring.chkrootkit tekshiruvlarini bajarishMoslash vositasini ishga tushirishKundalik xavfsizlik tekshirishlarini bajarishRossiyaRuschaRuscha (fonetik)RvandaSkannerdan foydalanish uchun SANE paketlari o'rnatilishi kerak. Ularni o'rnatishni istaysizmi?SCSI kontrollerlarXAVFSIZLIK OGOHNOMASI!SILOSILO dasturini o'rnatishSMB (Windows 9x/NT) printerning paramertrlariSMB serverning IP raqamiSMB serverning xostiSMB/Windows serveri "%s", printer "%s"SMBus kontrollerlarXat-xabar uchun SMTP serveri:SSH serveriSSH serveriSaami (Norvegcha)Saami (Shvedcha/Fincha)Sagem (dhcp'ni ishlatib) usbSagem (pppoa'ni ishlatib) usbSagem USB modemiAvliyo Elena OroliSent-Kristofer va NevisSent-LyusiyaSent-Per va MikelonSent-Vinsent va GrenadinaSamba serveriSamba serveriSamoaSan-MarinoSan-Tome va PrinsipiShanbaSaudiya ArabistoniSaqlash...sifatida saqlashDisketga saqlashPaketlar tanlovini saqlashDiskning qismlar jadvalini saqlashMavzuni saqlashSkannerScannerdrakeTarmoq qidirilmoqda...Ulash nuqtalarini topish uchun diskning qismlari tekshirilmoqdaSkriptda asoslanganTiklash uchun fayllarni qidirishO'rnatilgan ro'yxatda shriftlarni qidirishYangi skannerlarni qidirishO'rnatilgan shriftlarni qidirishYangi serverlarni qidirishServerlarni qidirishQidirish:Moslangan skannerlar qidirilmoqda...Yangi printerlar qidirilmoqda...Yangi skannerlar qidirilmoqda...Skannerlar qidirilmoqda...Ikkinchi DNS serveri (tanlab bo'ladi)IkkilamchiSektorXavfsizlikXavfsizlik boshqaruvchisiXavfsizlik boshqaruvchi (foydalanuvchi yoki elektron pochtasi)Xavfsizlik boshqaruvchisi:Xavfsizlik xabarnomasi:Xavfsizlik darajasiXavfsizlik darajasi:Xavfsizlik qoidalariXavfsizlik darajasiAsbob-uskuna haqida ma'lumotga qarangPPD-faylini tanlashPrinterga ulanishni tanlangPrinter spulerini tanlashUskunani tanlang!Skannerning modelini tanlangTiklash uchun boshqa ma'lumot tashuvchini tanlangFaylni tanlashO'rnatish sinfini tanlangModelni o'zingiz tanlangTiklash uchun yo'lni tanlang (/ o'rniga)Fayllarni yoki direktoriyalarni tanlang va "Ok" tugmasini bosingShrift faylini yoki direktoriyani tanlang va "Qo'shish" tugmasini bosingGrafik kartangizni xotirasining hajmini tanlangMoslash uchun modemni tanlang:Moslash uchun tarmoq interfeysini tanlang:Olib tashlash uchun tarmoq interfeysini tanlang:Provayderingizni tanlang. Agar ro'yxatda yo'q bo'lsa, "Ro'yxatda yo'q"ni tanlang.Provayderingizni tanlang:Hammasini tanlashTanlangan hajm mavjud bo'lgan bo'sh joydan kattaJo'natish tezligi:Fayllar FTP orqali jo'natilmoqdaFayllar jo'natilmoqda...SenegalSentyabrSerbiya va MontenegroSerbcha (kirilcha)ServerServerning IP raqami aniqlanmagan!Serverning nomiServer:Server: XizmatlarXizmatlar va demonlarXizmatlarning moslamasiXizmatlar: %d ishlamoqda %d qayd qilinganAndoza deb belgilashXat-xabar, yangiliklarni o'qish va jo'natish (mutt, tin..) va Internetda sayr qilish uchun vositalar to'plamiXat-xabar, yangiliklarni o'qish va jo'natish va Internetda sayr qilish uchun vositalar to'plamiRoot uchun maxfiy so'zBelgilangan printerni andoza deb belgilashKonsoldan kiritilgan buyruqlar tarixining hajmini aniqlash. -1 cheksizga teng.Maxfiy so'zning eng qisqa uzunligini, undagi sonlarning va bosh harflarning eng kichik sonini aniqlash.Bu printerni andoza deb belgilashGID'ni o'rnatishUID'ni o'rnatishAndoza printer o'rnatilmoqda...MoslamalarSeyshel OrollariKonsolKonsolda bajarilgan buyruqlar tarixining hajmiKonsol uchun taymautAvtomatik ravishda tanlangan paketlarni ko'rsatishJoriy interfeysning moslamasini ko'rsatishFaqat tanlangan kun uchun ko'rsatishSerra-LeoneSingapurHajmiHajmi (Mb): Hajmi: Hajmi: %sHajmi: %s O'tkazib yuborishSlovakiyaSlovakcha (qwerty)Slovakcha (qwertz)SloveniyaSlovenchaDasturlar boshqaruvchisiSolomon OrollariSomali"%s" asbob-uskuna sinfidagi ba'zi bir uskunalar olib tashlandi: Ba'zi bir uskunalar qo'shildi: %s Ba'zi bir muhim paketlar to'g'ri o'rnatilmadi. Sizning kompakt-disk uskunangizda yoki kompakt-diskingizda xato bor. Kompakt-diskni o'rnatilgan kompyuterda "rpm -qpl Mandrake/RPMS/*.rpm" buyrug'i bilan tekshirib ko'ring. Ba'zi o'rnatish bosqichlari bajarilmadi. Rostdan chiqishni istaysizmi?Audio va videoni o'ynash/tahrirlash uchun dasturlarTovush kartaTovushni moslashTovush nosozliklarini topish va bartaraf qilishTovush kartasiManba/ManzilJanubiy AfrikaJanubiy Jorjiya va Janubiy Sendvich OrollariIspaniyaIspanchaParametrlarni aniqlashShri LankaAndozaAndoza sinov betiStarOfficeIshga tushirishServerni ishga tushirishSistema yuklanayotganda ishga tushirishBoshlang'ich sektor: Talab qilinganda ishga tushirishBoshi: sektor %s Sistema yuklanganda ishga tushirilganTarmoq ishga tushirilmoqda...X shrift serverini (XFree'ni ishga tushirish uchun kerak) ishga tushiradi.HolatiHolati:Yopishqoq bitTo'xtatishServerni to'xtatishBu sistema uchun maxfiy so'zni DrakBackup moslamasida saqlash.SudanHisobotHisobot: Sun - sichqonchaSunOSYakshanbaVaqtinchalik fayllarni o'chirishSurinamSvalbard va Yan Mayen OrollariSvopDiskning swap qismi Mb'da: SvazilendShvetsiyaShvedchaShvetsariya (Frantsuzcha)Shvetsariya (Olmoncha)Ext2 fayl sistemasidan ext3 fayl sistemasiga o'tilmoqdaShveytsariyaTenglashtirish asbobiSuriyaSuriyachaEski Suriyacha (fonetik)SistemaSistemaning parametrlariSistemani moslashSistemani o'rnatishSistemaning usuliSistema moslamalariTbTCP/IPTCP/IP xost "%s", port %sTCP/Socket printerning parametrlariTV kartaTV formati:TayvanTojikchaTojikistonTamilcha (ISCII)Tamilcha (yozish moshinasi)TanzaniyaMagnit tasmaTelnet serveriTeleguTerminal serverini moslashTerminalda asoslanganSinashMoslamalarni sinab ko'rishSinov bet(lar) printerga jo'natildi. Printer ishini boshlaguncha biroz vaqt o'tishi mumkin. Sinov bet(lar) printerga jo'natildi. Printer ishini boshlaguncha biroz vaqt o'tishi mumkin. Bosib chiqarishning holati: %s Sinov betlariAloqa sinab ko'rilmoqda...TaychaTailand%s Scannerdrake dasturining bu versiyasiga ma'lum emas.%s qo'llanmagan%s Printerdrake yordamida moslanishi kerak. Printerdrake dasturini Mandrake boshqaruv markazining "Asbob-uskunalar" bo'limidagi "%s" bandidan ishga tushirishingiz mumkin.DHCP'ning oxirgi IP'siDHCP'ning yuqori chegarasiDHCP'ning boshlang'ich IP'siDHCP'ning pastgi chegarasiDNS serverining IP raqamiDrakX diskni bo'lish yordamchisi quyidagi echimlarni topdi:KDE - vositalar to'plami bilan birga asosiy grafik muhitMandrakelinux bir nechta kompakt-disklarda tarqatiladi. Agar tanlangan paket boshqa kompakt-diskda joylashgan bo'lsa, DrakX joriy kompakt-diskni chiqaradi va tegishlisini qo'yishni so'raydi.URL http:// yoki https:// bilan boshlanishi shartVPN aloqasi yoqilgan.O'zgarishlar bajarildi, ammo amalda to'liq qo'llanilishi uchun siz chiqishingiz kerak.O'zgarishlar qo'llandi, dm xizmatini boshqadan ishga tushirishni istaysizmi?Sistemani yukash disketi muvaffaqiyatli bajarildi. Amaldagi havfsizlik darajasi - %s. Ko'rish/tahrirlash uchun ruxsatlarni tanlangKodlash kalitlari mos kelmaydiKiritilgan IP noto'g'ri. Ko'rsatilgan xost/tarmoq no'to'g'ri. Disket muvaffaqiyatli yaratildi. Endi, o'rnatishni qaytarishingiz mumkin.Quyidagi paketlar o'rnatiladiQuyidagi paketlar olib tashlaniladi.Quyidagi paketlarni o'rnatish kerak: Sistemangizni yangilash uchun quyidagi paketlar o'chiriladi: %s Davom etishni istaysizmi? Quyidagi printerlar %s%s sistemangizga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulangan.Quyidagi printer %s%s sistemangizga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulangan.Quyidagi printer avtomatik ravishda aniqlandi. Quyidagi printerlar %s%s sistemangizga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulangan.Quyidagi printerlar moslangan. Printerning moslamalarini o'zgartirish, uni andoza deb belgilash, yoki u haqida ma'lumotni ko'rish uchun uni ikki marta bosing.Quyidagi skanner %s sistemangizda mavjud. Quyidagi skannerlar %s sistemangizda mavjud. To'g'ri modelTarmoqni boshqadan ishga tushirish kerak. Uni boshqadan ishga tushirishni istaysizmi?%s paketi olib tashlaniladi.%s paketi kerak. Uni o'rnataymi?Paket (%s) o'rnatilishi kerak. Uni o'rnatishni istaysizmi?Maxfiy so'zlar mos kelmaydiPortning raqami butun son bo'lishi shart!Printer "%s" allaqachon mavjud. Uning moslamalarini almashtirishni rostdan istaysizmi?Printer ("%s") andoza deb belgilandi.Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlariga "%s" printerni qo'shish muvaffaqiyatli tugadi.Star Office/OpenOffice.org/GIMP dasturlaridan "%s" printerni olib tashlash muvaffaqiyatli tugadi.Boshqa kompyuterlar shu kompyuterdagi printerlardan foydalanishi mumkinBu kompyuterdagi skannerlarni boshqa kompyuterlardan ham ishlatsa bo'ladiSistema Internetga ulanmaganga o'xshaydi. Aloqani boshqadan moslashga urinib ko'ring.Sistema Internetga ulangan.Foydalanuvchining ismi juda uzunFoydalanuvchining ismi faqat kichkina harf, son, "-" va "_" belgilaridan iborat bo'lishi shartMavzuMavzuning nomiSistemada allaqachon ba'zi cheklashlar mavjud va har kuni avtomatik tekshiruvlar bajariladi.Sizning kompyuteringizga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri ulangan printer topilmadiSistemangizda mavjud bo'lgan skanner topilmadi. %s ulash nuqtali diskning qismi allaqachon mavjud Hajmini o'zgartirish uchu diskda FAT qism mavjud emas (yoki etarli joy mavjud emas)Loopback sifatida ishlatish uchun diskda FAT qism yo'q (yoki etarli joy yo'q)Foydalanish uchun diskning qismi mavjud emasSistemangizda faqat bitta moslangan tarmoq adapteri bor: %s Men shu adapter bilan lokal tarmog'ingizni o'rnataman.Quyidagi paketlarni o'rnatishda xato ro'y berdi:Quyidagi paketlarni saralashda xato ro'y berdi:Sizning %s tovush kartangizga, joriy holda %s drayveri ishlatilmoqda, ma'lum bo'lgan boshqa OSS/ALSA drayveri mavjud emas.Sizning "%s" tovush kartangiz uchun ma'lum bo'lgan drayver mavjud emas.Quyidagi kompyuterlar va tarmoqlar shu kompyuterga ulangan printer(lar)dan foydalanishi mumkin:Skannerlardan foydalanib bo'ladigan kompyuterlar:Bu direktoriya tub fayl sistemasida bo'lishi kerakKodlash kaliti judda sodda (u eng kami %d belgidan iborat bo'lishi shart)Bu disketning formati FAT emasBu kompyuterning nomi ro'yxatda allaqachon bor, uni yana qo'shib bo'lmaydi. Bu xost/tarmoq allaqachon ro'yxatda, uni yana qo'shib bo'lmaydi. Bu interfeys hali moslangani yo'q. Mandrake boshqaruv markazidan "Interfeysni qo'shish" yordamchini ishga tushiring.HardDrake - Mandrake uchun asbob-uskunalarni moslovchi vosita. Versiya: %s Muallif: Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud@mandrakesoft.com> Bu o'rnatilishi shart bo'lgan paket, uni tanlashni bekor qilib bo'lmaydi.Bu daraja oldingi darajaga o'xshaydi, ammo sistema umuman yopiq va xavfsizlik parametrlari eng yuqori qiymatlarga ega.Bu Mandrakelinux Download versiyasi.Bu Internet tarmog'ida klient sifatida ishlatiladigan kompyuter uchun tavsiya etilgan xavfsizlikning andoza darajasi.Belgi allaqachon ishlatilganShu kompyuterKalitlarni yaratish bir oz vaqtni olishi mumkin.Bu paket yangilanishi shart. Uni tanlashni bekor qilishga ishonchingiz komilmi?Diskning bu qismini loopback uchun ishlatib bo'lmaydiDiskning bu qismining hajmini o'zgartirib bo'lmaydiBu maxfiy so'z juda qisqa (u eng kami %d belgidan iborat bo'lishi shart)Bu maxfiy so'z juda oddiyServer allaqachon ro'yxatda, uni yana qo'shib bo'lmaydi. Bu moslama o'rnatishdan keyin ishga tushadi. O'rnatish vaqtida turli tugmalar tartibini tanlash uchun o'ng "Ctrl" turmasini ishlating.Bu mavzu uchun %s'da hali bootsplash yo'q!Foydalanuvchining ismi allaqachon qo'shilganBu bir necha minut davom etadi.PayshanbaQolgan vaqt Vaqt zonasiVaqt zonasi - DrakClockSichqonchani ishga tushirish uchun,Joriy printer uchun mavjud bo'lgan parametrlarni bilish uchun "Parametrlar ro'yxatini ko'rsatish" tugmasini bosing.Diskda kengaytirilgan qism yaratish uchun iltimos bitta qismni o'chiringJoriy printer uchun mavjud bo'lgan parametrlarni bilish uchun quyidagi ro'yxatni o'qing yoki "Parametrlar ro'yxatini ko'rsatish" tugmasini bosing. %s%s%s Bizning birlashma haqida ko'proq ma'lumot uchun www.mandrake-linux.com saytiga qarang!TCP yoki socket printerlari yordamida bosib chiqarish uchun printerning xost nomini yoki IP raqamini va istasangiz portning raqamini (andoza - 9100) kiritishingiz kerak. HP JetDirect serverlarda odatda portning raqami 9100, boshqa serverlarda boshqacha bo'lishi mumkin. Asbobingizning qo'llanmasiga qarang.Masofadagi LPD printeridan foydalanish uchun printer o'rnatilgan kompyuterning nomini va printerning nomini ko'rsatishingiz kerak.Odiy/ekspert usuliga o'tishEkspert usuliga o'tishOdiy usuliga o'tishTogoTokelauTongaKompyuterni moslashni engilashtirish uchun vositalarJami: %d / %d MbUzatishUzatishPrinterning moslamalarini uzatish%s uzatilmoqda...Trinidad va TobagoNosozliklarni topish va bartaraf qilishTrue Type shriftlarini o'rnatishTrue Type shriftlar o'rnatildiHaqiqiy minimal o'rnatishHaqiqiy minimal o'rnatish (xususan urpmi'siz)SeshanbaTunisTurkiyaTurkcha (zamonaviy "Q" modeli)Turkcha (an'anaviy "F" modeli)TurkmanistonTurks va Kaikos OrollariTuvaluTV kartaTuriO'rnatishning turiTuri: Buyuk BritaniyaURI: %sURL "'ftp:" yoki "http:" bilan boshlanishi shartAQShAQSh (halqaro)AQSH (kabel)USBUSB kontrollerlarUSB printerUSB printer \#%sUgandaUkrainaUkrainchaOyna (%s)bilan aloqa o'rnatib bo'lmadi.Amalni bekor qilishO'chirishBirlashgan Arab AmirliklariBuyuk BritaniyaQo'shma ShtatlarKichik Uzoqlashgan Orollar Qo'shma ShtatlariUniversalNoma'lumNoma'lum modelNoma'lum drayverNoma'lum modelNoma'lum/BoshqalarNoma'lum|CPH05X (bt878) [ko'p ishlab chiqaruvchilar]Noma'lum|CPH06X (bt878) [aksariyat ishlab chiqaruvchilar]Noma'lum|AndozaUzishO'rnatilgan shriftlarni belgilashni bekor qilishHech qaysini tanlamashYuqorigaPaketlar tanlovi yangilanmoqdaYangilash%s'ni yangilashUrpmiUrugvayMasofadagi skannerlardan foydalanishAndoza sifatida Yunikoddan foydalanishXinerama kengaytmasidan foydalanishBuning o'rniga "%s"ni ishlatingAvvalo "Unmount"ni ishlatingDisketdan foydalanishAvto-aniqlashdan foydalanishDemondan foydalanishDiskda bor qismlardan foydalanishDiskda bor qismlardan foydalanishFdisk dasturidan foydalanishLoopback uchun ishlatishBo'sh joydan foydalanishServerlar uchun libsafe'dan foydalanishDiskning Windows qismini ishlatishFoydalanuvchilarni tasdiqlash uchun maxfiy so'zdan foydalanishFoydalanuvchilarni tasdiqlash uchun maxfiy so'zdan foydalanish.Masofadagi kompyuterlardagi skannerlardan foydalanishLoopback uchun diskning Windows qismini ishlatishDiskning Windows qismidagi bo'sh joydan foydalanishQuyidagi kompyuterlardagi skannerlardan foydalanish:Direktoriyalar uchun ishlatiladi: uni faqat direktoriyaning egasi yoki shu direktoriyadagi fayl o'chirishi mumkinTerminal serverisiz foydasizFoydalanuvchiFoydalanuvchi :FoydalanuvchiUserdrakeFoydalanuvchiFoydalanuvchining nomi kerakFoydalanuvchilar%s buyrug'i yordamidaO'zbekcha (kiril)O'zbekistonVanuatuHar xilVatikanIshlab chiqaruvchiVenesuelaSertifikatni tekshirishsuid/sgid fayllarning checksum'ini tekshirish%s to'g'ri yo'lligini tekshiringVersiyasi: Video usuliVideo kartaVetnamVetnamcha "raqamli qator" (qwerty)Moslamani ko'rishRasm va suratlarni GIMP va GQview bilan tomosha qiling va tahrirlang!Virginiya Orollari (Angliya)Virginiya Orollari (AQSh)Iltimos kutib turingIltimos kutib turing, aloqa sinab ko'rilmoqda...Uollis va Futuna OrollariDiqqatDiqqat: bu grafik kartani sinab ko'rish kompyuterni qotib qolishiga olib kelishi mumkinEndi biz %s ulanishni moslash arafasidamiz. Davom etish uchun "%s" tugmasini bosing.Oxirgi versiyani ishlab chiqishda qatnashgan barchaga o'z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramizUshbu mahsulotni ishlab chiqarishda o'z hissasini qo'shgan barchaga biz o'z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz.Veb serveriWeb/FTPVeb-kameraVebmin xizmatiChorshanbaHavta kuniKrakerlarga marhamat%s'ga marhamatOpen Source olamiga marhamat!Operasion sistemani tanlash dasturiga marhamat! Yuqoridagi ro'yxatdan operasion sistemani tanlang yoki andoza uchun kutib turing. G'arbiy OyropaG'arbiy SaxaraNimaSiz nima qilmoqchisiz?Sizda qanday karta bor?Diskni qismlarga bo'lishning qaysi turi?G'ildirakliQachonBelgilansa, egasi va gurh o'zgartirilmaydiQaerdaOperatsion sistema yuklagichini qaerga o'natmoqchisiz?Diskning %s qismini qaerga ulamoqchisiz?%s uskunani qaerga ulamoqchisiz?%s loopback faylini qaerga ulamoqchisiz?Qaysi %s drayverni sinab ko'ray?XFree'ning qanday moslamasini istaysiz?Buni qaysi diskga ko'chirmoqchisiz?Sizga qanaqa fayl sistemasi kerak?Vaqt zonangizni tanlang?Quyidagilarning qayi biri sizning ISDN kartangiz?Diskning qaysi qismining hajmini o'zgartirmoqchisiz?Linux4Win uchun diskning qaysi qismini ishlatmoqchisiz?Sizning printeringizning modeli?Qaysi bosib chiqarish sistemasini (spuler) ishlatmoqchisiz?Qaysi protokoldan foydalanmoqchisiz?Buni qaysi sektorga ko'chirmoqchisiz?Internetdan qaysi xizmatlarga ulanishga ruxsat berasiz?Bandning qaysi turini qo'shmoqchisiz?Qaysi foydalanuvchiWindowsSimsizSimsiz ulanishX bilanAsosiy qo'llanmalar bilanAsosiy qo'llanmalar bilan (tavsiya qilinadi!)Bu parametr orqali /etc direktoriyangizning istagan versiyasini tiklashingiz mumkin.Xavfsizlikning bu darajasida sistemani server sifatida ishlatish mumkin. Sistemani bir qancha klientlar bilan aloqa o'rnata oladigan server sifatida ishlatish uchun xavfsizlik darajasi etarlicha yoqori. Izoh: agar kompyuteringizni Internet tarmog'ida klient sifatida ishlatsangiz, pastrog' darajani tanlang.YordamchiMoslash yordamchisiIshchi guruhIsh stantsiyasiBoshqadan urinib ko'rishni istaysizmi?YozishMoslamani yozishYozishdan himoyalashX serveriXFree %sXFree'ni moslashXFree86 drayveri: %s XFree86 serveri: %s Xinetd xizmatiXpmac (displey drayverini o'rnatish)HAYabootYamanHaHa, avtomatik ravishda sistemaga kirishni istaymanHamda:Modulning hamma parametrlarini shu erda moslashingiz mumkin.Har xil portlarni kiritishingiz mumkin. Masalan: 139/tcp 139/udp 600:610/tcp 600:610/udp. Ma'lumot uchun /etc/services fayliga qarang.Siz NFS yoki Samba yordamida eksport qilishingiz mumkin. Siz qaysidan foydalanishni istaysiz?Endi siz %s diskni bo'lishingiz mumkin. Tugatgach "w" bilan saqlash esingizdan chiqmasin.Yangi qismni yaratib bo'lmaydi. Chunki siz diskning asosiy qismlarining maksimal soniga etingiz. Avvalo diskning asosiy qismini olib tanshlang keyin diskning kengaytirilgan qismini yarating.Operatsion sistema yuklagichini diskning %s qismiga o'rnatolmaysiz Bu paketni tanlolmaysiz, chunki uni o'rnatish uchun etarli joy mavjud emas.Bu paketni tanlolmaysiz/tanlashni bekor qilolmaysizBu paketni tanlashni bekor qilolmaysiz. U allaqachon o'rnatilgan.Bu paketni tanlashni bekor qilolmaysiz. U yangilanishi shart.Hajmi 16 Mb'dan kichik bo'lgan qismlar uchun JFS fayl sistemasini ishlatib bo'lmaydiHajmi 32 Mb'dan kichik bo'lgan qismlar uchun ReiserFS fayl sistemasini ishlatib bo'lmaydi%s ulash nuqtasi uchun kodlangan fayl sistemasini ishlatib bo'lmaydiSizda diskning svop qismi yo'q. Bunga qaramasdan davom etishni istaysizmi?Sizda moslangan interfeys yo'q. Avvalo, ularni "Moslash"ni bosib moslang.Internetga ulanish uchun siz bir necha usullarni mosladingiz. Foydanish uchun bittasini tanlang. Sizda bittadan ko'p qattiq disk mavjud. Ularni qaysiga Linux'ni o'rnatasiz?Siz X'ni moslamadingiz. Rostdan buni istaysizmi?Diskingiz bitta katta Microsoft Windows qismidan iborat. Avvalo, uning hajmini o'zgartirishni taklif qilaman (uni bosing keyin "Hajmini o'gartirish" tugmasini bosing).Siz oldingi andoza printerni ("%s") uzatdingiz. U yangi bosib chiqarish sistemasi ("%s") uchun ham andoza printer bo'lsinmi?Siz hech qanday paketlar guruhini tanlamadingiz. Iltimos siz istagan minimal o'rnatishni tanlang:Endi %s moduliga parametrlarni kiritishingiz mumkin. Parametrlar "nomi=qiymati nomi2=qiymati2" ko'rinishda. Masalan, "io=0x300 irq=7"Siz %s'ni ham format qilishingiz kerakMoslama faylini o'qish uchun siz root bo'lishingiz kerak. Avvalo tasvir faylini tanlashingiz shart!Printer yoki uskunani tanlashingiz yoki kiritishingiz shart!Uskunaning yoki faylning nomini kiritishingiz shart!Kompyuterning nomini yoki IP raqamini kiritishingiz kerak. Sizda /boot/efi nuqtasiga ulangan diskning FAT qismi bo'lishi shartSizda diskning tub qismi bo'lishi shart. Buning uchun, diskda yangi qism yarating (yoki borini tanlang). Keyin, "Ulash niqtasi" amalini tanlang va uni "/"ga o'rnatingKernelning tasvirini ko'rsatishingiz kerak.Diskning tub qismini kiritishingiz shartBu ulash nuqtasi uchun haqiqiy fayl sistemasi (ext2/ext3, reiserfs, xfs, yoki jfs) kerak Sizga Alcatel mikro-kodi kerkak. Uni %s dan yozib oling va mgmt.o faylini /usr/share/speedtouch direktoriyasiga ko'chiring.O'zgarishlar to'liq qo'llanilishi uchun sistemaga boshqadan kirishingiz kerakDiskning qisimlar jadvaliga kiritilgan o'zgarishlar kuchga kirishi uchun kompyuterni o'chirib-yoqishingiz kerak.Agar tanlangan xizmatlarning ishi to'xtasa sizga xabar jo'natiladiO'zgarishlar amalda qo'llanilishi uchun kompyuterni o'chirib-yoqish kerakSiz hech qanday shriftni tanlamadingizSiz nimani tanlaysiz? (0/1, andoza: "%s")Siz nimani tanlaysiz? (andoza: %s) Siz nimani tanlaysiz? (andoza: "%s"%s) Modemingizni bu sistemada ishlatib bo'lmaydi. http://www.linmodem.org veb-saytiga qarang.Mandrakelinux operatsion sistemasi va uning ko'plab dasturlari MandrakeSoft tuzuvchilari va butun olam bo'ylab hissa qo'shuvchilar hamkorlikda bajargan ish natijasidir.Mandrakelinux operatsion sistemasi va uning ko'plab dasturlari MandrakeSoft tuzuvchilari va butun olam bo'ylab hissa qo'shuvchilar hamkorlikda bajargan ish natijasidir.Mandrakelinux operatsion sistemasi va uning ko'plab dasturlari MandrakeSoft tuzuvchilari va butun olam bo'ylab hissa qo'shuvchilar hamkorlikda bajargan ish natijasidir.Shaxsiy telefon raqamingizSizning printeringizning modeliSkanner(lar)ni tarmoq orqali ishlatib bo'lmaydi.Sistemangizda o'rnatish yoki yangilash uchun etarli joy qolmadi (%d > %d)Yugoslavcha (lotin)ZambiyaZeroconf kompyuterning nomiZeroconf kompyuterning nomida "." belgisi bo'lmashi kerkakZimbabveZip[tugmatag]Ko'rsatishMoslamani ko'rsatishXabarlarTasdiqlashFoydalanuvchisonX dasturlaridan foydalanishga ruxsat etishboshqaruv fayllariga ruxsattarmoq vositalardan foydalanishni ruxsat etishRPM vositalaridan foydalanishga ruxsat etishishlayapti"su" buyrug'idan foydalanishga ruxsat etishva %d noma'lum printerva bitta noma'lum printertasdiqlashAvtoo'rtachasio'tishmos kelmaydiganuskunani tanlangTasvirni tanlashtasvir faylini tanlashasbob-uskunanig sinfiagar ishonchingiz komil bo'lsa, bu erni bosing.vergul bilan ajratilgan sonlarvergul bilan ajratilgan qatorlarmoslangan%s bilan aloqa o'rnatilmoqda...consolehelper dasturi etishmayaptiprotsessor # boshqahar kunandozadefault:LTRuskunadhcpd'ni moslashdhcpd serverini moslasho'chirisho'chirilganvoz kechishTayyorishlamayaptidrakfirewall moslagich Davom etishdan oldin tarmoqni/Internetni drakconnect bilan moslaganingizga ishonch hosil qiling.DrakFloppy%s etishmagani uchunyoqish%s'ni ajratishda xato: %sprotsessorning oilasi (m-n: i686 sinfi uchun 6)FTP orqali jo'natilgan fayllarning ro'yxati: %s yaratishning birinchi bosqichimajburiyprotsessorning avlodi (m-n: PentiumIII uchun 8,...)qattiq diskning modeliqattiq diskbu erga, agar "yo'q" bo'lsa.yuqorihar soathttp://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/100errata.php3agar kerak bo'lsaagar "ha" bo'lsa, /etc/shadow faylidagi bo'sh maxfiy so'zlarni tekshirishagar "ha" bo'lsa, ochiq portlarni tekshirishagar "ha" bo'lsa, tekshiruv natijasini xat orqali jo'natishagar "ha" bo'lsa, chkrootkit tekshiruvini bajarishagar "ha" bo'lsa, kundalik xavfsizlik tekshirishlarini bajarishe'tibor bermashmuhim%s'ni qoldirish uchunInterfeyslaripseckdesu dasturi etishmayaptiChapdarajabalkimkraid buyrug'i muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi.mkraid buyrug'i muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi (balki raidtools dasturi etishmayapti?).har oyulash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi: Disk qismini (%s) direktoriyaga (%s) ulash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadibo'lishi sharttarmoqdagi printerning portiyangiyaxshiyo'qyo'qmoslanmagan/boot direktoriyasida etarli joy yo'qprotsessor ishlab chiqaruvchining rasmiy nomiRAID modullarsizSCSI modullarsizo'rnatishni tugatish uchun "ImageMagick" paketi kerak. "ImageMagick" paketini o'rnatish uchun "Ok"ni yoki chiqish uchun "Bekor qilish"ni bosing.paranoiddiskning %s qismidiskning %s qismi endi %s sifatida ma'lumYo'liltimos ttmkfdir tugaguncha kutib turing...Asosiyqabul qilinganqabul qilingan: Boshqadan moslashMasofadagiqaytarishchegaralashO'ngishlayaptiLokal skanner(lar) bilan bo'lishish uchun saned paketi o'rnatilishi kerak. Uni o'rnatishni istaysizmi?Bootsplash mavzusi saqlanmoqda...QidirishIkkilamchijo'natilgan: Ketma-ketserverosonprotsessor keshining (ikkinchi daraja) hajmistatikto'xtatilganmagnit tasmaMatnning enibajarish ko'rsatgichining rangibajarish ko'rsatgichining balandligiTovush kartasi uchun boshqa drayverlarning ro'yxatiprotsessorning nomisichqonchadagi tugmalar soniprotsessorlar sonibajarish ko'rsatgichining yuqori chap burchagining koordinatasiBajarish ko'rsatgichining y koordinatasi uning yuuqori-chap burchagiUskunani ishlab chiqargan firmaning nomiProtsessorni ishlab chiqargan firmaning nomibajarish ko'rsatgichining enibu maydon uskunani ta'riflaydijo'natilgantype1inst'ni yaratishturi: %sturi: fatnoma'lumishlayaptidhcp'dan foydalanishpppoe'dan foydalanishpptp'dan foydalanishjuda yaxshihar hafta/usr bilanmatn oynasining x koordinatasi belgilar sonidaXFS-ni boshqadan ishga tushirishha