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Use the MaxX and MaxY options. %d,%d%s Wacom %s tablet maximum X=%d maximum Y=%d X resolution=%d Y resolution=%d suppress=%d%s IVVBA19 Switching serial link to %d BA38 ST wacom flags=%d ROM version=%f buffer=%s %s setup is max X=%d max Y=%d resol X=%d resol Y=%d reading config ~R %[^,],%d,%d,%d,%dWACOM: unable to parse resolution. Using default. WC_CONFIG Header = %s detected an Intuos model %s Wacom using pressure threshold of %d for button 1 detected a PenPartner model FM1 Changing the speed of a wacom IV device is not yet implemented %s%d SUWACOM: unable to parse max coordinates. Use the MaxX and MaxY options. NRrereading config WACOM: unable to reparse resolution. Using previous values. reading max coordinates WACOM: unable to reread resolution. Using previous values. Wacom: 38400 speed not supported with this Intuos firmware (%f) Switching to 19200 WACOM: unable to read resolution. Using default. detected a Graphire model Wacom invalid BottomX (%d) reseting to %d Wacom invalid BottomY (%d) reseting to %d %s Wacom tablet top X=%d top Y=%d bottom X=%d bottom Y=%d Threshold=%d %s Wacom invalid threshold %d. Reset to %d New threshold=%d Wacom invalid TopY (%d) reseting to 0 Wacom invalid TopX (%d) reseting to 0 %s: invalid screen number %d, resetting to 0 X factor = %.3g, Y factor = %.3g screenRatio = %.3g, tabletRatio = %.3g Wacom number of open devices = %d BEGIN xf86WcmProc dev=0x%x priv=0x%x type=%s flags=%d what=%d xf86WcmProc pWcm=0x%x what=%s CLOSEOFFxf86WcmProc pWcm=0x%x what=ON END xf86WcmProc Success what=%d dev=0x%x priv=0x%x wacom unsupported mode=%d xf86WcmProc pWcm=0x%x what=INIT unable to allocate Button class device unable to init Focus class device unable to init ptr feedback unable to init proximity class device unable to init key class device unable to allocate Valuator class device SU%d xf86WcmChangeControl changing to %d (suppressing under) xf86WcmSwitchMode dev=0x%x mode=%d xf86WcmSwitchMode dev=0x%x invalid mode=%d STYLUSWacom StylusCURSORWacom CursorERASERWacom Eraserwacomstyluswacomcursorwacomeraserxf86WcmUninit Type%s: No type or invalid type specified. Must be one of stylus, cursor or eraser Devicexf86WcmConfig wacom port share between %s and %s %s serial device is %s DebugLevelWACOM: debug level set to %d Modeabsoluterelative%s is in %s mode SuppressWACOM: suppress value is %d (**)TiltUSBScreenNo%s: attached screen number %d KeepShapeTopXTopYBottomXBottomYSerialThreshold%s: threshold = %d MaxXMaxYMaxZ%s: max x = %d ResolutionXResolutionYResolutionZ%s: Illegal speed value (must be 9600 or 19200 or 38400).%s: serial speed %u %s: No Device specified. %s: resol x = %d %s: keeps shape %s: reading USB link %s: serial number = %u %s: bottom y = %d %s: bottom x = %d %s: top y = %d %s: top x = %d %s: invalid Mode (should be absolute or relative). Using default. wacomxf86WcmUnplug The XFree86 ProjectXFree86 XInput driverXFree86 XInput DriverF1 aF+ aa$F(a,F.aZF?a:aFU  aaF#  a%8FA PaaF/ aaF 0F- aa F3 øDaaF"a`F%!a]aF#0aEF%a7F5aF /F /F /F#a$F,aF 3F!)[hP 4@h 4@[hP 3@P `A*p !fK Ч `P `A+p !fK @ `P'#:f??33?333333?ؓ@@RQ@GCC: (GNU) 3.3.2 (Mandrakelinux 10.0 3.3.2-9mdk).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rela.text.rela.rodata.IA_64.unwind_info.rela.IA_64.unwind.rela.data.rela.sdata.sbss.bss.comment @X_+ n&O8 3@Kp@FZ^Y`iPdcH pPvP{P2d 8 n5o0o2IARInIAInBIIR`rIZo* oI;0o2I9I9A`rIZIZPPIZo* BI;rI9I9`or* oI;I9BI9PbIZIIIZ  IZA ` p 8 8 IZ * Q bp bR IX IX1 * 2 IJ   IZ  IZ"IDrIDIX"IDIXIX!* IX* "IZ* rIL RIZP* PPIZ * 1AP`qrIZIi@BPQ`a0b8q08IZ@@IZILILIjBIj2IlPx`xrIZ IK!IK###IZ###IZ##$IZ@$xA$Q$x`$r$IZ,* p,o,o,I9,I9/I?b2I?2( 3(4(R4IZp4P4P4IZP5x`5x5IZ7777888IZP8* Q8(q8r888`:::IZ:(;IZp;8;8;IZQ<`<b<IZ=x=x=IZ`>b>IZ>X>X>IZ0?A?R?IZp?oq?o?II???IZ???IZ@@IZ0@(@@(B@IZ0B@1B@BBIZPC`QC`bCIZ2FI@!H@HAHPHaHbHpHqHHIZHoIoIITRIITIIIIJIZbJoJo"KI9rKI9K* NpQQQIZQQIZQ(R(RIZARhQRhRSrSIZUU"VIZQVh pVh VP VP W W WIZ@W@ PW@ WIZWoWoWIIWWWIZ[ 0[ b[I[r[I`[IT[[ [[ [IZ\I@B\ITr]IT^ITP_oQ_ob_II_ _ _IZ`* @` p` `IZa aapaxapaxaIZb b"bIZPbb`bbbI\bI\c* c!cBcIZc* cccIZdI`@dPdbdIZdododIYdIYAeR$eR%ff"fIZRfImpfqfoffofIAfInfIAgIn@goAgoRgIIbgpggIZgI;ggoggogIAhIn2hIARhInhohohIIh h hIZ2iI;biImiioiioiIAiIniIAjIn`joajorjIIjjjI;jjojjojIAkIn2kIARkInkI;kImkkollolIA2lInblIAlInlI;l8lom8momIA2mInbmIAmInmI;mI: n@0n@pnqnHnnHnIZnIApohqohoIZoIA2pIAppxpxpIgPr`rrrrrrrIgps* sIAsInsIAtIn0to1totu u8!u@0u81u@PupQux`upauxuIZuHuPvHvP"vIZpvHvHvpvpvovovIAvIn"wIABwInbwI;wImwxwowxwowIAwIn"xIABxInxox* xoxIAxIn`y* (yyyIZzz|||IZ|}"}IZ}}}IZ}}0~@~B~IZ`~~~Ig~ ~ ~X~X~IZ0RIZppIZIZIZpqooIAInIAIn2I;QoR* `obIAIn҂IAInpqooIAInbbRI\I\҄IZooIYBIYp0q808IQoo…IAIn@@A@RIZq* 0r00†IQ҆ooIAInBIAbInIZЇ PRIgbp* 8IX‰IXPQbIZIZҊIZ* @PH`HbIZqIZ !2IZ`prIZXXIZҌIZIZ88"IZhhIZbbbbp* IXIX* BIX2IXғIXIZ”* H2IXrIcIX2IcIXIcIcBIcrIc* IZIZIZ* H"IXbIcIX"IcIXқIcIc2IcbIc00œIZXXIZ "IZ@QbIZIX "IZooIY2IY* `prIZIY¡oСoIYoob* ((ТIZqhhIZI]pIZҤIH!2IZP`bIZҥIZrIp88IE`R&Ц`IP"I>@APQbIUR8§IWIZBIN* (0(2IQBoPoRIArInIA©In 0002IZQ* ppIZ0PbIZIeIe* 2IG`xaR"bR+pR)qR,rRRxR*IeR'IBIB`pа@Pp* @б@IZ2IBRIS* IVIOPP"IMPQbI^I^³I^XXIRIBдѴIMI=@R*A* Bе* IFIR0@BI_pIR00IMҶ88I^HH"I^aXX8H8HIRpp·I_IR!@RIhbR%¸IhI_0ARIRpIh¹I_I_@QbI_I_I_@ Q bI_00IRлHHI_ P1PBI_pXXI_`Ѽ`IRpp"I_ParI_½I_I_1PrIRIRIR2IBbIBIBIkIBIBICIR``IR00"IR@R$AH`HrIR``IR``IR!2IRParIRxxIRIR!2IRParIRIRIZ* 1RIZXXI<h O0Zp OXx O Y OZ OY ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON( ON0 ON8 ON@ ONH ONP ONX ON` ONh ONp ONx ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OY OY OY OY OY ON OPY OPY( ON0 ON8 ON@ O YH OXP OXX OX` ONh ONp ONx O0X OX ON OX ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OPX ON O0X( OX0 ON8 ON@ ONH ONP ONX ON` ONh ONp ONx ON ON ON OXO0|O|O|O{ O{(O q0Oz__ __ _@(_ 0_@8_`@_HH_`P_X_p`_h_%p_x_+_H__H_PJ__PJ_Z__Z_c_8_c_pc_h_pc_ __ _@_ _@(_`0_8_`@_pH_P_pX_P`_ h_Pp_x_H__P_h_P____0__0__________ _(_0_8_(''('0'@ 'H('X0'`8'h@'pH'@P'xX'`'h''x('0G/8' @G0H'0PG1`'pG3xG2''('@'X'G6G5'''      x, 8 E ] qx{  P@ `@ %)`+H&PJ:ZIcp\pc)h z@ `pP@ Ppp0p!-X83APMH_s ,G`r:FN^h (.9PHcjz"8xf86Wacom.cidentificationdefault_optionsdebug_levelsetup_stringpenpartner_setup_stringintuos_setup_stringwacom_mapwacom_keysymssend_requestxf86WcmConvertxf86WcmReverseConvertxf86WcmSendButtonsxf86WcmSendEventsxf86WcmSuppressxf86WcmIntuosFilterxf86WcmReadInputxf86WcmIsUSBLinexf86WcmReadUSBInputxf86WcmUSBOpenxf86WcmControlProcxf86WcmOpenxf86WcmOpenDevicexf86WcmClosexf86WcmProcxf86WcmChangeControlxf86WcmSwitchModexf86WcmAllocatewcmDrvxf86WcmAllocateStylusxf86WcmAllocateCursorxf86WcmAllocateEraserxf86WcmUninitxf86WcmInitWACOMxf86WcmUnplugxf86WcmPlugxf86WcmVersionRecxf86GetMotionEventsxf86ReadSerialxf86FlushInputxf86WaitForInputxf86AddInputDriverxf86FirstLocalDeviceInitProximityClassDeviceStructmemcpyxf86memsetxf86strlenXfreeXreallocmiPointerCurrentScreenInitFocusClassDeviceStructxf86ProcessCommonOptionsxf86AllocateInputxf86AddEnabledDevicexf86strerrorxf86XInputSetScreenxf86PostProximityEventxf86PostButtonEventxf86FindOptionValuexf86MotionHistoryAllocatexf86CollectInputOptionsInitPtrFeedbackClassDeviceStructxf86sprintfxf86Msgxf86DeleteInputxf86ioctlInitKeyClassDeviceStructXcallocInitValuatorClassDeviceStruct__divdf3xf86CloseSerialErrorFmemset__divsi3xf86RemoveEnabledDevicexf86NameCmpxf86SetIntOptionxf86OpenSerialwacom_stylus_assocscreenInfoInitValuatorAxisStructwacom_eraser_assocXallocwacomModuleDataxf86sscanfxf86SetBoolOptionxf86IsCorePointerxf86PostKeyEventxf86strcmpxf86PostMotionEventxf86SetSerialSpeedxf86WriteSerialxf86errnoInitButtonClassDeviceStructwacom_cursor_assoc