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Because the header is part of the message, you can edit the header
fields as you wish. However, several convenience functions exist to
help you create and edit them. For example, the command C-c C-f
C-t (mh-to-field
; alternatively, C-c C-f t) moves the
cursor to the `To:' header field, creating it if necessary. The
functions to move to the `cc:', `Subject:', `From:',
`Bcc:', and `Dcc:' header fields are similar.
One function behaves differently from the others, namely, C-c C-f
C-f (mh-to-fcc
; alternatively, C-c C-f f). This function
will prompt you for the folder name in which to file a copy of the draft.
Be sure to leave a row of dashes or a blank line between the header and the body of the message.
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