head 1.4; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @# @; 1.4 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next 1.3; 1.3 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next 1.2; 1.2 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next 1.1; 1.1 date 2006.; author jpeek; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @mh-e_36.html page from mh-e section of "MH & nmh: Email for Users & Programmers" @ 1.4 log @Removed 'html/' from end of http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/ URLs @ text @ BOOK MOVED: mh-e - Moving Mail

BOOK MOVED: mh-e - Moving Mail

This section of MH & nmh: Email for Users & Programmers is now the MH-E Manual. It's moved to http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/.

If you aren't taken to the new site in 15 seconds, please click on the link above.

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Last change $Date: 2006/05/28 04:27:15 $
Suggestions are welcome: Bill Wohler <wohler@@newt.com>
@ 1.3 log @removed 'Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html' from end of http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/ @ text @d4 1 a4 1 content="15;URL=http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/"> d15 2 a16 2 href="http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/"> http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/. d39 1 a39 1 Last change $Date: 2006/05/26 23:59:01 $ @ 1.2 log @Replaced with page pointing people to new MH-E Manual @ text @d4 1 a4 1 content="15;URL=http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html"> d15 2 a16 2 href="http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html"> http://mh-e.sourceforge.net/manual/html/Tour-Through-MH_002dE.html. d39 1 a39 1 Last change $Date: 2006/05/26 22:12:05 $ @ 1.1 log @Original version from Feb 19 2001 @ text @d3 2 d7 39 a45 124 mh-e - Moving Mail Go to the first, previous, next, last section, table of contents.

Moving Your Mail Around

This section covers how messages and folders can be moved about or manipulated. Messages may be incorporated into your `+inbox', deleted, and refiled. Messages containing shar or uuencode output can be stored. Folders can be visited, sorted, packed, or deleted. Here's a list of the available commands to do these things:

Incorporate new mail into folder (mh-inc-folder).
Delete message (mh-delete-msg).
Delete message, don't move to next message (mh-delete-msg-no-motion).
Find messages that meet search criteria (mh-search-folder).
Output (refile) message to folder (mh-refile-msg).
Copy message to folder (mh-copy-msg).
Output (write) message to file (mh-write-msg-to-file).
Repeat last output command (mh-refile-or-write-again).
Print message with lpr (mh-print-msg).
Pipe message through shell command (mh-pipe-msg).
Unpack message created with uudecode or shar (mh-store-msg).
List all folders (mh-list-folders).
Visit folder (mh-visit-folder).
Regenerate scan lines (mh-rescan-folder).
M-x mh-sort-folder
Sort folder.
Pack folder (mh-pack-folder).
Remove folder (mh-kill-folder).
Execute pending refiles and deletes (mh-execute-commands).
Undo pending refile or delete (mh-undo).
Undo all pending refiles and deletes (mh-undo-folder).
Quit (mh-quit).

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