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BOOK MOVED: mh-e - Forwarding

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Forwarding Mail

To forward a message, use the f (mh-forward) command. You are given a draft to edit that looks like it would if you had run the MH command forw. You are given a chance to add some text (see section Editing a Draft).

You can forward several messages by using a prefix argument; in this case, you are prompted for the name of a sequence, a symbolic name that represents a list or range of message numbers (for example, C-u f forbob RET). All of the messages in the sequence are inserted into your draft. By the way, although sequences are often mentioned in this chapter, you don't have to worry about them for now; the full description of sequences in mh-e is at the end in section Using Sequences. To learn more about sequences in general, please see mh-sequence(5).

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