2001-04-15 -+- Vinn -+- -+-
Several years ago I had to configure a Linux fax server. It sucked.
I've used several commercial products for other Unix OS's and had
great results (notably VSI-FAX). These were just appearing for Linux
as I was setting this up and I was leary of using beta commercial products
in a production environment. So I turned to the open source programs.
Every single one was a pain in the ass to configure. Hylafax probably
worked the best when configured, efax was the easiest to set up. It
really hurt my head working on that project, and I consider myself
pretty good sys admin. Very rarely will I recommend commercial server
software, but in the fax arena I would. 2001-04-16 -+- Christoph -+- mine@iname.com -+- Why go through all of this???

Use Debian and do

apt-get install hylafax
2001-04-16 -+- Dennis de Weerd -+- linux@169.nu -+- Very interesting article. A while ago i considered setting up a fax-server for home use, and this article is exactly what i need to set it up quickly.
Thank you. 2002-01-07 -+- Milen -+- milend@ansco.com -+- Hello!

I found the article "The Easy Fax Server"
I installed HylaFAX 4.1 server on RedHat 7.2 .
I followed all steps in the article and I created on my WinNT server
new HP 4 PS printer, I started also Respond but
when i tryed to send a fax from Wordpad i did not get
any "Respond" .(I expected to be asked at least for the
phone number).

I was able to send faxes from the linux machine where the HylaFAX fax server is
installed but I could not send from my Windows NT box.

So what I can do if "Respond" does not seem to work?

Can anyone help me?

Best Regards:
2002-06-04 -+- ida -+- ieda800130@yahoo.com -+- how to install HylaFAX program in linux??????
can u tell me the all information right now......
please...... -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt) 2003-01-23 -+- Arie Kraai -+- info@persijn.net -+- Very good and short article!

However, I found 1 error: if the -D flag on faxgetty is supplied, 10 faxgetty processes were spawned on my Debian box....
Omitting the -D flag is the solution. Be sure to check your processes!

Mzzlz, Arie -+- = Mozilla/5.0 Galeon/1.2.7 (X11; Linux i686; U;) Gecko/20021208 Debian/1.2.7-5 2003-02-26 -+- Dietmar Zoller -+- -+- Wenn man schon stunden sucht, freut man sich über deutsche Seiten
Geholfen hat mir:
-passende Datei aus .../config rüberkopieren
UND der String RingsBeforeAnswer!
Danke -+- = Opera/6.01 (Windows 98; U) [de] 2003-03-04 -+- thehummingfish@comcast.net -+- -+- if this is suppose to be easy, I'll look for a hard > one!!!!!!!!!!!thanks anyway.................. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 2003-04-28 -+- galettazarai -+- galettazarai2001@yahoo.fr -+- oh my gooooood!!
3 week fighting against the hylafax's clients.
hylafax works perfectly, but respond don't send me box dialog to enter th number for the fax destination.
i configure the printfax-1.5.0.pl for hylafax..reconfigure my smb.conf..reconfigure my printfax...rrrrreeconfigure the winxp of the office and nothing....
my configuration fax is hylafax.4.15 debian woody 2.4.6 respond 1.5...
i try w2hfax is the same problem no dialog box...
cypheus works but not his clearfax..
and whfc work but my boss don't want this client....
...we are live in a yellow submarine...:) -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 2004-06-11 -+- galettazarai -+- galettazarai2001@yahoo.fr -+- the time is a good friend like google.....

-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040506 Firefox/0.8 2004-11-22 -+- hubert -+- info@martinpecheur.com -+- Dear Sir

this is what you write on your website regarding mass mailing (large number of faxes to be sent)
pls let me know if you found a solution for that (can we rely hylafax to outlook or to lotus?)

hubert chenede

the former article is this
The drawback of this method is that you have to install StarOffice on the fax server :-( Fax Mailing through the network using respond is not straightforward with StarOffice because a fax number must be entered manually for every recipient!
I am investigating at the moment an alternative solution -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Crazy Browser 1.0.5)