JINTHOM0101PENELOPE Engine Version 1.2MQ07sp Update Service March 1996 Update Service  /Passing File Format Barriers with PDF and Adobe +Prepare for the Approaching Allergy Season   Tax Time!  $End of the Update Service Topic List/J CUserObject q CPresObject$qf= 19 March 1996: What's NewU CShapeList CDIBShape!`jOƭTqjOCDibBA%BM%6(jOT!  dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c\ʪKPPPiprrurrf`PZPKLͫGLOSSARYf&Click to search the reference glossary`KC+?-n{v89JZyeVwKJ55 !v:`:Glossary!uͫSEARCH_LIST ToursClick to select a tour.`!_ q[ J MD) 6Mfx ~9~FHbrigSzZbHm@m7r_ Q L M 5!{ͫk Click to connect to the Internet`{7 0 cq+)4Fb`{Wy\NO8x = 438x = 438 !ͫSEARCH_LIST Sites|#Click for a list of Internet sites.`-PgZR'Q,N0[;]@a9j6j1m-r&u 3~;wBvGWzc~hl^IyTrCa=b;e6l,^2]3Y*PHO= 4-) >EDK Qf= 5 x = !ZpyzͫSEARCH_LIST FAQx.Click for a list of frequently asked questions`yzC$COak,l5s=zKyUlrLyAv/q%dUF6+ ',C 5 !Hͫmp,Click to see the organization of this CD-ROM`"qxKRX]bgmrwxiR<+!  }xp ic \G)D$r 5!gxͫoh2Click to configure or launch external applications`x@fkb,a3xLc3p"h*h*Q#F@A= 8 x = 49 !f`fSites of Interest"ArialNew Romanof !V `V #Connect to the Internet "ArialNew RomanoV !'`'ڀTours"ArialNew Romano' !#=`=Software"ArialNew Romano= !V0`V0&Frequently Asked Questions0"ArialNew RomanoV !<Y0`Y0)Browse the Table of Contents0"ArialNew RomanoYCEllipse!e**ͫSEARCH_LIST FAQu.Click for a list of frequently asked questions`** !3V`V BAnuBMnu6(V  dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c.mm^3 3 33^^<^3.333^v33<^vm rA/Dsmmū^mmc^^! 3^^mm^^3 ^m3^^ 3^^m^m^m^ <^ v^m^m̫k7/[ mm^^^mm3^^! ^ .ȁ^3 3^<.^.mmm^<33^^mmv^^ <^^m^^vv^3 m 3<<<^c^mmrD8Zfmmmm^m.^^m3 ..^mmm^!3m3m <33m^3^^mm^̫rK8fmm^^^^<<^^<!!3c  .cm^^^^^mm̫ū ̫ſ́m̫̫^^^m^mmȿ%Ȗ[/Drmmv<< ^m^^3^3v^mm 5.3 m|mmm^ m%m3 ^^^3mȋm̫^c^<<.<<^^^ 灄<<^^ <^^^^^%дr8Usmc^^<f<^^%mc^<^m!3&^^^mmcȄm ! ^<^mm^<^m^c%ȌP8f mm5 vmm 3ms3 3^m m 3^mmm3c !. <^ < c^m%%̴Ъk8K|^mm<3ξmm s<竡^̪ mm  mmc3^mm<3.^^ !!.m^ ^^. 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To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J k$k+= 41b y 'Subscribing to the Allergy Mailing ListA !@@k@]To +subscribe, to Allergy, +email, the following message to LISTSERV@tamu.edu In the BODY of your +email, write: +Subscribe, Allergy Yourfirstname Lastname Additional information about this +mailing list,, including recent messages from the list, can be found at: #lhttp://www.io.com/~kinnaman/allergy.html$lJ j$j$oSY*.1news:misc.kidsl !<xhjx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J i$i%oSY*.1news:alt.med.allergyl !<xhix=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J h$h&oSY*.1news:alt.support.asthmah !<xchx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J g$g'oSY*.1http://www.allergy-cold.com/g !<xcgx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J f$f$oSY*.1http://allergy-relief.com/g !<xcfx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J e$e'oSY*.-1http://allergy-relief.com/sneeze/sneeze.htmlg !<xcex=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J d$d$oSY*.$1http://execpc.com/~edi/nab/nab.htmlg !<xcdx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J c$c#oSY*."1http://execpc.com/~edi/aaaai.htmlg !<xccx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J b$b$oSY*.(1http://www.cs.unc.edu/~kupstas/FAQ.htmlg !<xcbx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J a$aTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsV !aPSaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭTam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9co mmmmm- mmm Zmmmmmmlm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpmmƢբâmɢmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm߆mmmmmmmmmmmmm՚Om mmmmmmm m  mmmmme mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm߻mmmڢmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmߢmmmmmmmmmmmmmptpmmm׫mmmmmmm  mmmm׫ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm @mmߢ mmmmmmmmm mmmm ޢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpߢm }mmmmګ Zl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme mmmmmmmmmmmmm e;mmmm ՛mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmբߢm pt ZWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmâmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmՋ mmmm՛mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmߢߢmttptpՆtt  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WmmmޢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWl@ mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmڢm mmmmچtttޢeW lZ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm תmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm @ mmmm m m mmm mmmmmmmmmmmm @ mߢՆOնޢm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm m mmmmmmm mmmmm @՚mߢޢmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm pp@@¢âmբߢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm O_m mmmhՌ mmmmme mmm ttt߶¢ߢmmmm @mmmmmmmmmmmmme-բޢmmmmmmmm euߖmmm՛mmmmmmmmm mmFFOpmmm Op Wtmڻ޶mmm mmmmm mmâߢmmmmmmڻ¢me׋Wwm mmmmmmmm --mm Optttppmmmmmmߢmmmm Zmmmm m }ââɢmmmբu p~mmmmmmmmmmmmmmml׋m  puttptmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm   ޢޢmޢޢâׄ}m mmmmm mmmmmmmm w׋m ׆pttmmmmmmmmâ mmm @mm-׋ââmmmmmeߢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :W׋ImmmmmmmmmmmmmelZ- ޢmmmmڻ OpO?ߢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuOl-Մ pmmmmmmmmmբޢm Ommmmmߢmm mmmmmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmmmmmu)mm }mmmmmmmmmmmmڢߢm }¢ɢâmmmmmm}ɢm}ɢ¢mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm mm pmmmmmmmmmmmOumm߆ޢmmmmm- mmmmmmߋe}mmmmmmmmmW mmmmmmmmmmmmmmptmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0Ommmeߢmmmmm pmmmmmWOOm ZmmmmmmZ m mmmmmmmmm ڴttmmmmmmmmmmmm FOpmmmm  lmɢmmmmmmmm  mmmYOmmmmmml׫m mmmmmm mmmmmtpߢ߫mmmmmmmm՚m p mmmmmբm l l׿mmmmmmm- mmmOmmmmZ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmt} mmmmmmm @"mmmmmmmm e׋mբmmmm - O m¢mm׋mmmm mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm pߢmm mm ךâmߢmmmmmm  mm -Oâ Z׫mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmڶ-mm e׋բޢmmm mmmm mmml_ Zmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm޶mmߢ( mOm -ɢ¢mmmmmmmm@ m mm¢}Jmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm âmmߢ mm-\ömmm }ߚ"_mmmmmmmm p}_ڢmmmmmmmmm ׫mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp ښmɢ¢ZmmmSmmmm Fm mmmmmm O}âOmmmmmmmmmmmmmme׫mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmeOߢmmeբ¢mm  mmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW@ttmmmmmmmmmmW 0mmmmh_׋m ׋m mmmmmm  ɢâmmp mmmmmmmmmmmmmmpIttmmmmmmmmmeYmmmmmڻpm  e mmmmmmm תOߢޢmmmm"ޢmmmmmmmmmm mmբ}ptttptmmmmmmmm OmmmmmmJmlOu mmmmm âբߢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtlߢptttm סmmmmmmmmګ-זuemmmm }_ޢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpWՆtpmmmmm-׫m mmmmmm -pe mmmmm }_ߦߢmmmm @Ջ mmmmmmߢptpߢm- mmmmmmmm  ׋mmmm  mբɻmՋe ׫mmmmmmmmڢߢ߆@Z׋ mmmm m@mmmբmmm ummmmڻڻߢ}¢mmmmmm@-mm׻m*¢mml狫Oߢmmmբ_@ mm ߢmmmmmmmmâmmm @ mmm uߢmmޢߢ}mm@}mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm׋ mmmmmmmp ââmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm }¢âmmmmmmmmmmmߢ¢mmmmO ޢmmmmmmmmmmmâޢmmmmmmmmmՆ߻mmmmmmmmޚp- mmmmmmmmmƢâmmmmmmmmmm mեmmmmmmmmmmmYߢm Ouâpum¢mmmmm¢ޢmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmښum OOOO}mɢ_ޢƢmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm/Op;-բޢ@mբâޢummmmmmmmmmmmmmm @mmmFmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  բmmmmmmmmm mmmm狫  mmp߆mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm m eWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme m0_ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm Oâmmmm@mmmmmmmmmmmmmm WemmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm׋m  mmmmmmmm mmm emm m- e Zmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm memmmmmmm mmmmmm @- ڋ@憢mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm âmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmջmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ommmmmmm }mmmmm  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmߢmmZ;mm âmmmmmmemmmmmmmޢmmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmךâmmm Z Ommmmm ׫mmmmmߢmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ummmmmբmmmmmmmm Z@mmmmmmڢmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm }âmmmmmâmmmmmmmmm lmmmmmmmmmm@- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ׋mmmmmm m׫ mmmmm  mmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmm mmm mmm  m mmm } mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmem mmmmmm emm @mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m m mmm@ mmmm Omm  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm mm  Zmmm- emm -׫ mmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm- m mm em׋Ջ lZmmmmmmmmm mmmm emmmmmm Zmmmmmm mmmmmm՚׋ lmmmmmmmm mmmmmmpme mm  mmm mmmm -mmmmWemmmm  m me mmm m ׋ ) !Z;),W Z;),Z;),d`), BAcBMc6(),_#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J l$lOoSY*.1http://www.amazon.comg !<xclx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J k$kqoSY*.1http://www.fbi.gov/toplist.htmg !<xckx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J j$jKoSY*.$1http://www.nol.net/~barber/origami/i !<xcjx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J i$igoSY*.1http://www.weddingweb.com/g !<xcix=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J h$htoSY*.'1http://www.he.net/~archaeol/index.htmlf !<xchx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J e$eV/Zsult Aut ! e17!noe !eSt. Patrick's Day  Commemorating Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, this national holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland is also celebrated in several other countries. In 432 AD, Saint Patrick left his home in England to spread Christianity throughout Ireland.J d$dV.Zsult Aut !d13! nod ! dGood Samaritan Involvement Day  In remembrance of Catherine (Kitty) Genovese's death in 1964, this day encourages unselfish aid to those who need it. Kitty was pursued and murdered while 38 of her neighbors watched; not wanting to "get involved."J a$aTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsS !aPPaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭQam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J `$`B5 /.c !(>KƭT`>K BABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide Web browser: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide Web Browser from the list.J c$coSY*.31http://w1000.mv.us.adobe.com/Acrobat/readstep.htmlt !<xmcx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J a$aTO'| "Submitting Update Service Comments\ !aPYaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭZam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J `$`B5 /.P(         `9 !nW%'nnnޜPDF file` BABM6(".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cKƭW##>KԜ`>K BABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J d$d%oSY*.21http://www2.best.com/~ftmexpat/html/taxsites.htmlm !<xidx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J c$c%oSY*.+1http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/cover.htmlm !<xicx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J b$b$oSY*.61http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/forms_pubs/index.htmlm !<xibx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J a$aTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsY !aPVaPjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭWam BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J h$h*oSY*.1news:misc.taxes.moderatedr !<xnhx=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J i$i%oSY*.L1http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/taxes-faq/part1/faq.htmlr !<xnix=-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.J `$`B5 /.wP        `"!-#޽ͫf ! PLoq`L FAQ Excerpt"Arials?JLJJ`9/ oLW-#r`# !0W00p`0kArchived +FAQs, #ihttp://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/ faq/usenet/taxes-faq/part1/faq.html$i0 !D0WD0D0D0o`04#gmisc.taxes $g #hmisc.taxes.moderated$h0 !=`W=`=`=`=`n``Besides Internet sites, there are two +newsgroups, where you can trade information with tax professionals and fellow taxpayers. Check out the archived +FAQs, associated with these +newsgroups, for additional information.`!4r޽W4r4r4r4rm`r !^x,ƭW ^x,^x,^x,^x,l`, BAVBMV6(, #.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c,/VG)), 9:,@Gf`5, )?b)) ,d:,:,@Gf!% ))yzS) ,ij`00:0:Z*^ #/ Wzzoe)) 8i j,00@0iU^ )9iwieeennzzzzzzzzzoeeiwe99) K u:00,:09u*+U^o)00000000000#) [ u90,,09,OAw}{^U) , fu999,90,0V7>^)) ,/!ړ:99090,09F^,)8O90,00,,00`A8f)) /*/ڧV000:00099:Sjv) S:0@00,0,90:G?FԻ) Zfi,@0:0,000:9:4֍ `+ifj)ׯ u[O,0,@9,0,:,:jv!١fj,ڷ׺`@,:,99,,0:,@*vv ٶ !ׯfF,:,:000000@,`v!ZڋDZ fK׼F0:,9,999,0:99Sv!ȖD<rrn00,0,90:000909i+f[/v6Df7? 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Don't let the stress of the deadline get to you. Get some help through the Internet. As with most topics, the Internet contains a wealth of information about taxes. Some of this information comes from official government resources, while other information comes from your fellow Internet users.!4mƭͫaG1Click for instructions on Update Service comments`mupdtsrvUupdtsrvDupdtsrv BAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c