.\" auto-generated by docbook2man-spec from docbook-utils package .TH "FcConfigGetFonts" "3" "22 12月 2023" "Fontconfig 2.15.0" "" .SH NAME FcConfigGetFonts \- Get config font set .SH SYNOPSIS .nf \fB#include .sp FcFontSet * FcConfigGetFonts (FcConfig *\fIconfig\fB, FcSetName \fIset\fB); .fi\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP Returns one of the two sets of fonts from the configuration as specified by \fIset\fR\&. This font set is owned by the library and must not be modified or freed. If \fIconfig\fR is NULL, the current configuration is used. .PP This function isn't MT-safe. \fBFcConfigReference\fR must be called before using this and then \fBFcConfigDestroy\fR when the return value is no longer referenced.